How to Track Array Positions of Words in a C++ Sentence?

In summary: First letter array position: " << first << endl ; cout << "Last letter array position: " << last << endl ; first = -1 ; } } if (first != -1) { last = i -
  • #1
Math Is Hard
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I believe I am stuck. :frown: I need to traverse an array which will contain a sentence the user enters and identify the array positions of the first and last letters of each word in the sentence. I can do the first word, but I am not sure how to move it along after that. I am thinking I need to always store my last position of a previous word and use that when finding the first position of a new word but not sure how to do this. And I'm not sure how to move past the white spaces, but also stop at the end of the array. Thanks for any help.
For an example - Desired output for sentence "my dog barks." would be:
first letter array position: 0
last letter array position: 1
first letter array position: 3
last letter array position: 5
first letter array position: 7
last letter array position: 11

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	char sentence[80];

	cout <<"Enter a sentence (no caps): \n";

	int i = 0;
	while (sentence[i] != '\0')
		if (sentence[i] <'a' || sentence[i] >'z')
			int last = i-1;
			int first = 0;
			cout << "first letter array position: " <<first <<endl;
			cout << "last letter array position: " <<last <<endl;			
 	return 0;	
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  • #2
At any given time, the program needs to know whether or not it is currently processing a word. It also needs to know what to do when that state changes.

How should the program tell that the state has changed? Well, if the current character is a letter, the state has changed if the previous character was not, and vice versa.

So, each time through the loop there are basically two questions:
  1. Is the current character a letter, a non-letter, or null?
  2. Was the previous character a letter?
So there are six possible cases to take care of.

As an example, suppose the current character is a letter, and the previous one was not. That means we're at the beginning of a word. Thus (depending on how you want the program to work), you should either print the "first letter" message or store the position for future reference.

Note that the different phrasing of the two questions is significant, and is a hint for dealing with the loop bounds (i.e. think about how the processing needs to deal with the first character of the array – which itself could be a letter or not).

Also, note that when processing the end of the string it makes a difference whether the character prior to the null was a letter or not. Given the suggested input "my dog barks", the included code will only indicate two words.

Minor quibble: for the included code as it stands, it would be more idiomatic to use a for-loop:
for(int i=0; sentence != '\0'; ++i) { ...
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  • #3
hi plover, I made some progress since my last post. I still have to work out dealing with that null character at the end. Do you think this approach is any better?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

	char sentence[80];

	cout <<"Enter a sentence (no caps): \n";

	int first, last;
	int i = 0;
	bool flag = 0;
	while (sentence[i] != '\0')

	if ((sentence[i] >='a' && sentence[i] <='z') && (flag == 0))//is letter and we're looking for a letter
		first = i;
		flag = 1;

	else if ((sentence[i] >='a' && sentence[i] <='z') && (flag == 1))//is letter but we're looking for 'non-letter'

	else if ((sentence[i] <'a' || sentence[i] >'z') && (flag == 1)) //is non-letter and we're looking for non-letter
		last = i-1;
		cout << "first letter array position: " <<first <<endl;
		cout << "last letter array position: " <<last <<endl;	
		flag = 0;
	else //it's non-letter but we're looking for letter

 	return 0;
  • #4
plover said:
Minor quibble: for the included code as it stands, it would be more idiomatic to use a for-loop:
for(int i=0; sentence != '\0'; ++i) { ...

I'm just trying to follow my teacher's examples here. He actually had some reason for not using a for loop in some of the related examples - I remember because somebody asked him about it - it was something about the "complexity of the conditional" I think he said. I can't remember exactly. I think he just didn't want to confuse us since we're beginners.
  • #5
Why don't you try this:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {

	char sentence[80] ;
	bool first = true ;

	cout << "Enter a sentence (no caps):" << endl;
	cin.getline( sentence,80 ) ;
	for( int i=0; sentence[i] != '\0'; i++ ){
		if( first && sentence[i] >= 'a' && sentence[i] <= 'z' ) {
			cout << "First letter array position: " << i << endl ;
			first = false ;
		} else if ( !first && (sentence[i] < 'a' || sentence[i] > 'z') ){
			cout << "Last letter array position: " << i-1 << endl ;
			first = true ;
	return 0 ;
  • #6
hey dd - thanks! but what are those arguments in main()?
  • #7
Those are for the command line. You don't have to have them if you don't want. It will be assumed void if you don't put any main arguments.
  • #8
ah, ok. Thanks. I have this vague memory of them from a C class I took now.
  • #9
I just thought of a question I've been wondering about. Can you pass an array into a function, do stuff to it, and pass it back out again? thx.
  • #10
Arrays, by default, are passed by reference to functions. Therefore, if you have a function with parameters like this

int myfunction( int *array ) { /*code*/ }

Then you can do something like this:

int array[3] ;

myfunction(array) ;

The base address is passed onto myfunction and you can manipulate the array to your hearts content. There is no need to return the array back because your addressing the memory directly.
  • #11
thanks. I wasn't sure what I could do. Our TA mentioned manipulating the array inside a function, but the teacher hasn't lectured on this yet, so I wasn't sure if it was the same method as in C programming or something different.
  • #12
The problem is that the null character can't be treated specially until after it's been processed. This can be done with a do-while-loop or by using a break statement.

This was my version:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;

int main() {

    char sentence[80] ;

    cout << "Enter a sentence (no caps):" << endl;
    cin.getline( sentence,80 ) ;

    for(int first=-1, pos=0; ; ++pos) {
        bool letter = (sentence[pos] >= 'a' && sentence[pos] <= 'z');
        if(first < 0) {
            if(letter) first = pos;
        } else {
            if(!letter) {
                cout << "first letter array position: " << first << endl;
                cout << "last letter array position: " << (pos-1) << endl;
                first = -1;
        if(sentence[pos] == '\0') break;
    return 0 ;
Math Is Hard said:
I just thought of a question I've been wondering about. Can you pass an array into a function, do stuff to it, and pass it back out again? thx.
Yes, passing an array to a function works by passing the address of the first array element. Thus, operations on the elements of the array will be persistent when the function returns (no need to return the pointer). Also, remember from C that the contents of the address referred to by a pointer can be accessed like an array.

So if a function is declared like this:
void messWithString(char* aString);
It can be used like this:
char someText[] = "yadda yadda yadda";

  • #13
thanks, plover. I always get really confused on anything that is pass-by-reference or anything involving pointers. I don't think I ever learned it very well. I better go make some simple examples of "messwithstring" functions and see what I can do.
Your program is really great - it catches all the first and last letters! - but it will take me a while to understand how it works.
A question I have about:
for(int first=-1, pos=0; ; ++pos)
why is there an empty space between the ; ; where you would normally put a condition?
  • #14
Math Is Hard said:
Your program is really great - it catches all the first and last letters! - but it will take me a while to understand how it works.
A question I have about:
for(int first=-1, pos=0; ; ++pos)
why is there an empty space between the ; ; where you would normally put a condition?
All three clauses of the for-loop mechanism are optional, but the two semi-colons are required. There's no good way to put the condition at the top of the for loop that will allow the loop to be executed for the case of the current character being the terminal null, so I just left it out. The loop could also be:
int first=-1, pos=0;
do { ... } while(sentence[pos++] == '\0');
but this does not restrict the scope of first and pos to the loop.

Also, while it's arranged a little differently, the logic of the if-statements inside the loop in my version is actually nearly identical to that of dduardo's version.
  • #15
I knew that in this case that the string would be limited to 80 chars, so I ended up just doing this:
for( int i=0; i<80; i++ )

and then breaking if '\0' is encountered.
I guess that's OK..?? I had tried a do while loop first but didn't have much luck.

Oh, and I worked out some functions that manipulate the string - worked great!

tahkns for yuor hlep :smile:

FAQ: How to Track Array Positions of Words in a C++ Sentence?

1. What is C++ and how is it used for tracking array positions?

C++ is a high-level programming language that is commonly used for developing complex software applications. It is popular for its efficiency and flexibility. In terms of tracking array positions, C++ allows for the creation and manipulation of arrays, which are data structures that store a collection of elements in a specific order. This allows for easy tracking and access of specific elements within the array.

2. How do you declare and initialize an array in C++?

To declare and initialize an array in C++, you first need to specify the data type of the elements in the array, followed by the name of the array and the number of elements it will hold in square brackets. For example: int myArray[5]; This creates an integer array with 5 elements. You can then use a for loop to assign values to each element in the array.

3. How can you track the position of a specific element in an array in C++?

In C++, arrays are indexed starting from 0. This means that the first element in the array has an index of 0, the second element has an index of 1, and so on. To track the position of a specific element in an array, you can use its index. For example, if you want to track the position of the third element in an array, you can use the index 2 (since it is the third element).

4. Can you change the position of an element in an array in C++?

Yes, you can change the position of an element in an array in C++ by reassigning its value or swapping it with another element. The position of an element in an array can also be changed by using various array manipulation techniques, such as sorting algorithms.

5. How does C++ handle out-of-bounds array positions?

C++ does not have built-in checks for out-of-bounds array positions. This means that if you try to access an element in an array that is outside of its declared size, the program will not throw an error. Instead, it will access the memory location of the out-of-bounds element, which can lead to unexpected behavior or a program crash. It is important to properly track and handle array positions in C++ to avoid these issues.

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