Creating electricity through pressure difference

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using heat and pressure changes in a gas to generate electricity. The individual asking the questions suggests using a turbine at the top of a tower to cool the gas and a turbine at the bottom to heat it, creating a pressure difference that could generate electricity. However, the expert responds by explaining that this idea goes against the laws of thermodynamics and would not be feasible. The expert also clarifies that while pressure changes can be converted into electricity, the efficiency is typically low. Additionally, the expert points out that gravity would not significantly impact the movement of the gas and that the heat energy would likely dissipate before it could be harnessed.
  • #1
Now i am a refregration apprentice so by know means am i qualified or mabe have no idea what i am talking.

now i belief that by heating a gas you increase the pressure it is putting on the object contianing it and by cooling it you reduce that pressure. So is it possible to cool the gas at the top of a tower and heat it at the bottom with a turbine being turned by the rise in pressure.

also if you where to then put another turbine on the other side where the liquid falls (a one way valve would need to be fitter) would you then concivable generate more electricity then that required to operate a secoundary refrigerant being powered by a compressor??
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  • #2
rasco400 said:
Now i am a refregration apprentice so by know means am i qualified or mabe have no idea what i am talking.

now i belief that by heating a gas you increase the pressure it is putting on the object contianing it and by cooling it you reduce that pressure. So is it possible to cool the gas at the top of a tower and heat it at the bottom with a turbine being turned by the rise in pressure.

also if you where to then put another turbine on the other side where the liquid falls (a one way valve would need to be fitter) would you then concivable generate more electricity then that required to operate a secoundary refrigerant being powered by a compressor??

Ok, generally speaking as temperature increases things expand (become less dense) and hence in the case of air will rise above colder, denser air. So that's good. I'm not too sure what you mean when you say "the side where the liquid falls" but I can tell you that any physics/engineering problem in which you basically say 'can I add x energy to a system and get x+y energy back' the answer is no.

From what I gather you want to apply heat to a fluid, it will expand, rise, turn a turbine?
Not a dissimilar idea to a nuclear power station. Converting a small amount of mass into thermal energy, this heats water, water expands, evaporates, turns a turbine. However the energy you get from he system (assuming no losses in the system) will only ever be equivalent to the mass (energy) put into the system. Its the same here if you skip the nuclear bit and just apply heat to a fluid that fluid will not have any more energy to give than the energy you gave it.

Firstly you have to heat the fluid = energy, it then requires energy to move the turbine and the amount the turbine moves will be proportional to the fluid flow which will depend on the amount of heat applied (energy input) and our good old friend the 2nd law of thermodynamics tells us that if you apply a certain amount of energy to a system this is the total energy available, there is no free buy one get one free energy deal.

Let me know if I've missed your point but remember that the 2nd law will say NO to any 'free energy' ideas you might have.
  • #3
Just to add to that - We do convert pressure changes into electricity all the time. Sound is just a pressure fluctuation and we covert that into electricity with an electro-mechanical transducer, called a microphone. However conversion efficiency is typically about 1%, hence the need for an amplifier that you generally plug into the mains.
  • #4
ok thanks for clearing that up

so when you turn the turbine it takes what type of energy from the heated vapour?

also when a liquid falls is gravity not effecting it incressing the energy it has (kinetic)??

the idea i had was not buy one get one free so to speak i know that is impossible. It was about building a device that transported mass higher though heat application and then reharvesting the heat at the top to reheat the liquid at the bottom. Gravity then adds energy that can be harvested as the mass falls.
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  • #5
rasco400 said:
ok thanks for clearing that up

so when you turn the turbine it takes what type of energy from the heated vapour?

also when a liquid falls is gravity not effecting it incressing the energy it has (kinetic)??

the idea i had was not buy one get one free so to speak i know that is impossible. It was about building a device that transported mass higher though heat application and then reharvesting the heat at the top to reheat the liquid at the bottom. Gravity then adds energy that can be harvested as the mass falls.

Yeah you are right in the fact that as an object is lifted it's gravitational potential energy is increased, when released this potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy as it falls. However in the case of air in a pipe the gas is not falling because of gravity (air molecules fly around all over the place - have a look at Brownian motion) they fall because the less dense air effectively pushes it down so you have air moving up and air moving down (See convection) hence if you have some kind of turbine in the middle, it will be useless as flow will be equal in both directions.

Also hot molecules will not retain their heat, they will equilibrate. If you applied heat the the base of a pan of water, the hot water would rise but you would not expect after a few minutes/seconds, for the top water to be substantially hotter than the water at the bottom (unless the pan is so large that light cannot sufficiently reach the base of the pan). Plus by virtue of being hot and having more energy gas molecules will vibrate more, i.e. some of the heat energy will be dissipated by the motion of the molecule.

Plus I am not sure how you would harness the heat energy from a top layer of fluid, its a constant process, by the time the 'hot' fluid has reached the top of the tube its on its way back down again because its not hot any more (relatively speaking).
  • #6
BenG549 said:
Yeah you are right in the fact that as an object is lifted it's gravitational potential energy is increased, when released this potential energy will be converted into kinetic energy as it falls. However in the case of air in a pipe the gas is not falling because of gravity (air molecules fly around all over the place - have a look at Brownian motion) they fall because the less dense air effectively pushes it down so you have air moving up and air moving down (See convection) hence if you have some kind of turbine in the middle, it will be useless as flow will be equal in both directions.

Also hot molecules will not retain their heat, they will equilibrate. If you applied heat the the base of a pan of water, the hot water would rise but you would not expect after a few minutes/seconds, for the top water to be substantially hotter than the water at the bottom (unless the pan is so large that light cannot sufficiently reach the base of the pan). Plus by virtue of being hot and having more energy gas molecules will vibrate more, i.e. some of the heat energy will be dissipated by the motion of the molecule.

Plus I am not sure how you would harness the heat energy from a top layer of fluid, its a constant process, by the time the 'hot' fluid has reached the top of the tube its on its way back down again because its not hot any more (relatively speaking).


how i would harness the heat from the top would be to put a refregeration cycle in it with the evaporation coil at the top and a condensing coil at the bottom. this would then move the heat to the bottom while allowing the heated vapour to travel upwards. The greatest problem with this idea would be as you said preventing the heat from balancing out.

your example of the pan is not bang on the idea i have its more i heat the water into steam then letting that steam travel upwards (turing a turbine, denser vapour forceing it upwards?) then once it reaches the top of a insulated tower turning that steam back into water and letting it fall (turing another turbine, less dense vapur forcing it down??)

now by cooling the water you would be creating a low pressure zone inside the tower/pipe as well as a high pressure zone. if we could keep a low pressure zone on the side that the water falls would it be effected by gravity then or would it still be forced down but the less dense particlees of air.

if this upload works you will see the idea I am talking about


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FAQ: Creating electricity through pressure difference

1. How does creating electricity through pressure difference work?

Creating electricity through pressure difference involves using a device called a pressure generator, which converts mechanical energy from a pressurized fluid into electrical energy. This is achieved through the use of piezoelectric materials or electromagnetic induction.

2. What are some examples of pressure difference being used to create electricity?

One example is a hydroelectric dam, where the kinetic energy of flowing water is converted into electricity through the use of turbines. Another example is piezoelectric sensors, which use pressure differences to generate small amounts of electricity for various applications such as touch screens and biomedical devices.

3. Is creating electricity through pressure difference a sustainable source of energy?

Yes, creating electricity through pressure difference is considered a sustainable source of energy because it does not deplete natural resources and does not produce harmful emissions. However, the efficiency and availability of this method may vary depending on the specific application and location.

4. What are some advantages of using pressure difference to create electricity?

Using pressure difference to create electricity has several advantages, such as its potential for renewable energy production, its ability to be integrated into existing infrastructure, and its low maintenance and operational costs. Additionally, it does not rely on weather conditions like solar or wind power.

5. Are there any limitations to creating electricity through pressure difference?

One limitation is that pressure difference may not always be readily available in every location, making it less feasible for widespread use. Additionally, the efficiency of this method may be affected by factors such as temperature and fluid characteristics. It also requires specialized equipment and expertise for implementation.

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