Join Forum: Find Inspiration From Others

  • Thread starter Zygotic Embryo
  • Start date
In summary: Yes, it is!The feeling of being the only one who likes something.The feeling of being the only one who likes something.
  • #1
Zygotic Embryo
To Join this Forum?
Physics news on
  • #2
too much time...
  • #3
A blue beam of light.
  • #4
Okay, really it was the quality of the members and the level of discussion found here. I looked at a lot of sites before landing at PF.
  • #5
The intelligence, humor, and friendliness of the members.

And the free fish. :-p
  • #6
Evo said:
And the free fish. :-p

...and the fish.
  • #7
Divine inspiration...wait, no, I was following this trail of breadcrumbs...nope, not it either...oh, right, there was a link somewhere to a post here...well, not exactly here, but over there, in one of the other forums...the rest, as they say, is history. :biggrin:
  • #8
Some crazy Brit found me wandering around in PF following a Google and aimed me down here. Once I met Evo and Moonbear and SOS and MIH and Hypatia, I couldn't leave. (Oh, there are a couple of guys around here that I get along with pretty well too.) :biggrin:
  • #9
What can I say?

I'm a nerd.
  • #10
Ha, ^ Franz.

I've been a guest for a while, and decided to join because it's the only forum with humor and intelligence :0.

and MoonBear, what an Orignal name, Nice.
  • #11
General intelligence level of the discussion, the fact that the discussions are lively and the forums are always populated, the ability to learn new things and more perspectives on old objects and, of course, boredom. :smile:
  • #12
hypermorphism said:
General intelligence level of the discussion, the fact that the discussions are lively and the forums are always populated, the ability to learn new things and more perspectives on old objects and, of course, boredom. :smile:

Always populated my arse. Any idea how often I'm in here at 4 in the morning, talking to myself?
  • #13
An especially difficult physics homework paper. What can I say? I got addicted.
  • #14
It was 3 years ago, there was some odd conjunction of planets. I did a search for information and it led me here..or should I say there{it was the first forum}.
In my life my friends are of all ages, much like here. It keeps things interesting.
  • #15
I was originally majoring in physics 1-2 years ago, so I joined. I have no clue how I found the forums: I probably just searched physics forums and came up with it.
  • #16
Welcome to PF Zygotic Embryo!

Sorry, I'm slow. :redface:
  • #17
I can't remember now... Nah, it hasn't been so many posts ago - Why I remember it just like it was yesterday.

I was frolicking on the Internet and saw an interesting topic, and clicked on it, and lo and behold, I went through a tunnel toward this bright light--intelligent posts from all the world, funny posts from the most demented, and...of! Fish!?

Yes, welcome to PF Zygotic Embryo!
  • #18
89% of new members polled said they joined for the fish.

That was the brain child of The Bob. :approve:
  • #19
Evo said:
89% of new members polled said they joined for the fish.

That was the brain child of The Bob. :approve:

You've been smoking the fish again haven't you. Well that explains the smell
  • #20
franznietzsche said:
You've been smoking the fish again haven't you. Well that explains the smell

That's because she's been waiting for Danger with baited breath. Now if I could just remember where she said that so I could link to it...:rolleyes:
  • #21
Moonbear said:
That's because she's been waiting for Danger with baited breath. Now if I could just remember where she said that so I could link to it...:rolleyes:

That thread, over there...
  • #22
franznietzsche said:
You've been smoking the fish again haven't you.
:redface: ...
  • #23
Thanks for the welcome.

*throws rock at franz*
  • #24
Zygotic Embryo said:
Thanks for the welcome.

*throws rock at franz*

WTF mate?

What was that for?

What is it with neophytes being arseholes.

Am tellink you, mine family, we get no respect. Nyet, none. Leettle zlotniks think they are so clever throwing rockski. No respect. Am thinkink we are needink to be throwink some neophyteski down some elevator shafts, that they might be landink on some bullets.

MIH, go to workski!
  • #25
Zygotic Embryo said:
Thanks for the welcome.

*throws rock at franz*

Oh, you'll fit right in! :smile:
  • #26
Moonbear said:
Oh, you'll fit right in! :smile:


One not so leettle zlotnik not showink the proper respect. Oh rodina, what are we goink to do with them?
  • #27
Moonbear said:
That's because she's been waiting for Danger with baited breath. Now if I could just remember where she said that so I could link to it...:rolleyes:
CP Question #5–it's engraved on my heart forever. :!)
  • #28
Danger said:
CP Question #5–it's engraved on my heart forever. :!)

Kinda creepy you are.
  • #29
I felt like the only one who likes Science and Math, so I had to find out if this was true.

I was wrong. :D
  • #30
JasonRox said:
I felt like the only one who likes Science and Math, so I had to find out if this was true.

I was wrong. :D

That is a nice feeling, isn't it?
  • #31
That is a nice feeling, isn't it?
Oh yes. That's why I'm here mainly, in all honesty! :smile:
  • #32
Andromeda321 said:
Oh yes. That's why I'm here mainly, in all honesty! :smile:
Not the fish...? :confused:
  • #33
franznietzsche said:
MIH, go to workski!
*whips off derby and flings it Odd-Job style at Zygotic*

*miscalculates trajectory, accidentally hits franz*

Sorry, boss. :redface:
  • #34
I searched for a math/physics community to inspire me in my newly found engineering path. All the hippies and socialists, errr... I mean social scientists, in my other uni didn't exactly help.
  • #35
i t was the first site in the list when i googled for physics forums.

and also othert forums were full of crap.

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