Taylor Series Expansion for z^i at z=1+i: First Three Terms

In summary, the Taylor series for z^i about z = 1+i is: e^{i Log(i+1)} + i (1+i)^{-1} e^{i Log(i+1)} (z-1-i) + i (i-1) (1+i)^{-2} e^{i Log(i+1)} (z-1-i)^2.
  • #1
I need to find the first three terms of this series.

Am I correct in saying z^i = exp(i*Log(z)), then using the taylor series for e^z, giving me:

(i*Log(z)) - 1/2*(Log(z))^2 - i/6*(Log(z))^3 + 1/24*(Log(z))^4 + ...

I haven't worked it out, but this seems to mean that the coefficients for every term in the Taylor series for z^i is actually an infinite series, found by combining terms in the Log(z) Taylor series.

This seems like I could be way off though, so I don't want to do the calculations if I don't have to.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
I do not understand this at all! A "Taylor's series" of a function f(z) is, by definition,
a power series in z. You said in your title that this was to be "at z= i" so your series should have (z- i), (z- i)2, etc. The coefficients would be, of course,
f(i), f '(i)/2, etc. which are f(i)= ii, f '(i)= i(ii-1)= ii,
f"(i)= i(i-1)ii-2= ii-2ii-1 etc so that the Taylor's series is ii+ ii(z-i)+ ((ii- 2ii-1)/2)(z-i)2+ . . .
  • #3
zi=(i+w)i, where w=z-i
Use the binomial expansion to get
  • #4
Why not just apply the definition of Taylor series?

[tex]f(z) = z^i[/tex]
[tex]f'(z) = i z^{-1} z^i[/tex]
[tex]f''(z) = i (i-1) z^{-2} z^i[/tex]

f(z) = f(i) + f'(i) (z-i) + f''(i) (z-i)^2 + \cdots
f(z) = i^i + i i^{-1} i^i (z-i) + i (i-1) i^{-2} i^i (z - i)^2 + \cdots

  • #5
Hurkyl said:
Why not just apply the definition of Taylor series?

[tex]f(z) = z^i[/tex]
[tex]f'(z) = i z^{-1} z^i[/tex]
[tex]f''(z) = i (i-1) z^{-2} z^i[/tex]

f(z) = f(i) + f'(i) (z-i) + f''(i) (z-i)^2 + \cdots
f(z) = i^i + i i^{-1} i^i (z-i) + i (i-1) i^{-2} i^i (z - i)^2 + \cdots


Firstly, I made a mistake in my OP. It should be at [tex]z = 1 + i[/tex], but that shouldn't make a huge difference. The problem is that terms such as [tex](z)^i[/tex] aren't allowed. We need to restate them as [tex]e^i Log(z)[/tex]. So in your last line, it would have to be:

[tex]f(z) = e^{i Log(i))} + i e^{i Log(i)} (z- i- 1) +\cdots[/tex]

Does that sound right? When my professor asks for the "first three terms" is it just the first three of these?
  • #6
[itex]i^i[/itex] isn't a term of the form [itex]z^i[/itex]. :biggrin: And, as you point out, one usually defines [itex]i^i = \exp(i \mathop{Log} i)[/itex], so one doesn't really need to convert. By the way, you can simplify that expression quite a bit!

Anyways, you can't replace (z-i) with (z-i-1) in this Taylor series any more than you can replace z with (z-1) to get the (wrong) Taylor series: [itex]e^z = 1 + (z-1) + (z-1)^2/2! + (z-1)^3/3! + \cdots[/itex].
  • #7
Ok, basically I'm clearly being an idiot today. I've just not been thinking this through. The first three terms of the correct Tayler series expansion for [tex]z^i[/tex] about [tex]z = 1+i[/tex] should be (I hope) something along the lines of:

[tex]f(z) = e^{i Log(i+1)} + i (1+i)^{-1} e^{i Log(i+1)} (z-1-i) + i (i-1) (1+i)^{-2} e^{i Log(i+1)} (z-1-i)^2[/tex]

That look ok? I realize it can be simplified, I can do that on my own (hopefully).

FAQ: Taylor Series Expansion for z^i at z=1+i: First Three Terms

1. What is the Taylor series of z^i at z=i?

The Taylor series of z^i at z=i is an infinite series representation of the complex function z^i centered at the point z=i. It is used to approximate the function near the point z=i by using a sum of terms with increasing powers of the difference between the input and the center point.

2. How is the Taylor series of z^i at z=i calculated?

The Taylor series of z^i at z=i is calculated using the formula: f(z) = f(z0) + f'(z0)(z-z0)^1/1! + f''(z0)(z-z0)^2/2! + f'''(z0)(z-z0)^3/3! + ... where f(z) is the function to be approximated, z0 is the center point (in this case, z=i), and the derivatives of f(z) are evaluated at z0.

3. What is the significance of the Taylor series of z^i at z=i?

The Taylor series of z^i at z=i is significant because it allows for the approximation of complex functions using simpler polynomial functions. This can be useful in various mathematical and scientific applications, such as in calculating limits, derivatives, and integrals of complex functions.

4. Can the Taylor series of z^i at z=i be used for all complex numbers?

No, the Taylor series of z^i at z=i is only valid for complex numbers that are within the radius of convergence of the series. This radius of convergence depends on the function being approximated and the center point chosen.

5. Are there any limitations to using the Taylor series of z^i at z=i?

Yes, one limitation is that the Taylor series only provides an approximation of the function near the center point, so it may not accurately represent the behavior of the function far from the center point. Additionally, as mentioned before, the series is only valid within a certain radius of convergence, so it may not be applicable for all complex numbers.

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