Is the Pre-Image Always Open in Topological Spaces?

  • Thread starter Jooolz
  • Start date
In summary: Now projectdown to X, to get an open set in X. The reverse is easy. Just make upa simple counterexample.So, the answer is, in general g-1(a,b) is not open, but it is open iff(XxY) is a compact space.
  • #1
Hi all,

I am struggling with the following:

If X and Y are topological spaces. and f: X x Y → ℝ is a continuous function (product topology on X x Y, Euclidean topology on ℝ)

Let g: X → ℝ defined by g(x) = sup { f(x,y) | y in Y }

Then: If A=(r, ∞) for r in ℝ, g-1(A) is open. And If A=(-∞, t) for t in ℝ, g-1(A) is not always open.

Why is that? How can I know if g-1(A) is open or not if I don't know anything about X??

Does anyone have an idea?

kind regards,
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  • #2
This is one of those "apply the definitions" problems. Let [tex]x \in g^{-1}(t,\infty) [/tex]. By definition, there exists [tex]\epsilon >0[/tex] such that [tex]g(x)>t+2\epsilon[/tex]. By definition of supremum, there exists [tex]y \in Y [/tex] such that [tex]f(x,y)>t+\epsilon[/tex]. By definition of continuity, there exists an open set A containing (x,y) such that [tex]f(x,y)>t+\epsilon/2[/tex] for all [tex](x,y) \in A[/tex]. By definition of the product topology, there exists an open set B in X containing x such that [tex]\forall z \in B, \exists y_z \in Y, (z,y_z) \in A [/tex]. Hence [tex]g(z) > t [/tex] for all z in B.

For the reverse, just construct a counterexample. Take the plane and consider the function [tex]f(x,y)=arctan(x^2 y^2)[/tex]
  • #3
Hi zhentil,

Thank you very much for helping!

Sorry, I don't see immediately why this holds:

"By definition of continuity, there exists an open set A containing (x,y) such that
f(x,y)>t+ϵ/2 for all (x,y)∈A"

For this we need that some subset of { f(x,y) } is open?
  • #4
or is it the set were t + ε/2 < f(x,y) < t + ε ?
  • #5
[tex](t+\epsilon/2,\infty)[/tex] is an open set in R. Hence its pre-image is open by definition of continuity. (x,y) lies in that set.
  • #6
thank you.

"For the reverse, just construct a counterexample. Take the plane and consider the function

Would g-1((-∞, b)) be open if Y is a compact space?
  • #7
Jooolz said:
Hi all,

I am struggling with the following:

If X and Y are topological spaces. and f: X x Y → ℝ is a continuous function (product topology on X x Y, Euclidean topology on ℝ)

Let g: X → ℝ defined by g(x) = sup { f(x,y) | y in Y }

Then: If A=(r, ∞) for r in ℝ, g-1(A) is open. And If A=(-∞, t) for t in ℝ, g-1(A) is not always open.

Why is that? How can I know if g-1(A) is open or not if I don't know anything about X??

Does anyone have an idea?

kind regards,

Well, let's see. Let me review for next time I teach point set topology, so you can
combine it with Zhentil's answer:

What is g-1(a,b)? it is the collection of all x such that there is a y in Y
with a<f(x,y)<b.

We have g=Sof(x,y) , where f:XxY→f(XxY), and S:f(XxY)→ℝ , and g-1:=


Like Zhentil said, if there is y0 with f(x,y0)>a , then , by

(assumed) continuity of f, there is a ball B(x,y0) where f(x,y)>a . This

gives you openness in the subspace f(XxY). Now, compose with f-1, to

get an open set in XxY, by assumed continuity of f(x,y).

FAQ: Is the Pre-Image Always Open in Topological Spaces?

1. What is a pre-image in mathematics?

A pre-image in mathematics refers to the original shape or figure before any transformations have been applied to it. It is usually represented by the letter "X" and is used to describe the relationship between the original figure and its transformed version.

2. What does it mean for a pre-image to be open?

In mathematics, a pre-image is considered open if all points in the original figure are mapped to interior points in the transformed figure. This means that there are no points on the boundary of the original figure that map to points on the boundary of the transformed figure.

3. How do you determine if a pre-image is open or not?

To determine if a pre-image is open, you can use the definition of openness which states that if every point in the pre-image has a neighborhood that is completely contained within the transformed figure, then the pre-image is considered open. You can also use visualizations or specific mathematical transformations to determine if the pre-image is open or not.

4. What is the importance of pre-image openness in mathematics?

Pre-image openness is important in mathematics because it allows for the classification and understanding of different types of transformations. It also helps to determine the continuity of a function and can be used to prove theorems and solve problems in various branches of mathematics such as geometry, topology, and analysis.

5. Can a pre-image be both open and closed?

No, a pre-image cannot be both open and closed. This is because a pre-image is considered open if all points are mapped to interior points in the transformed figure, while it is considered closed if all points are mapped to boundary points in the transformed figure. These two conditions are mutually exclusive, so a pre-image cannot satisfy both at the same time.

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