Small-Scale Glider Flight: Physics and Aerodynamics Explained

In summary, when comparing an exact model of a glider to a full-size one, the model will not fly as well due to several factors. One factor is the smaller size of the model, which reduces the number of air molecules and makes the air flow more turbulent, affecting aerodynamic properties. This is due to the concept of Reynold's number, which states that the same flow can be achieved with different speeds and body sizes, but when scaled down, the energy of the airflow is reduced. The reduced size and velocity also cause the boundary layer to detach from the surface of the model more easily, leading to separation bubbles and reduced lift. Additionally, the mass of the model is not scaled proportionally to its size, further affecting its
  • #1

the question is: if i have an exact model (and i mean EXACT) of, say, a glider (you know, those whaddamacallits, white things, long, thin wings, those ones), if i have one of those, why will it not fly as well as a proper one?
(the model is a lot smaller than the real thing)

i was told that the air does not flow around a small wing as well as it does around a large one.
is that true?
if so, why so?

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  • #2
I would imagine it has something to do with there being less actual air molecules in a given scaled volume for the model, so the continuum approximation doesn't work as well. Total conjecture, though.

To elaborate on my lines of thinking with an example: Random collisions with individual air molecules will not be as evened out, because there will actually be less (statistically) in any given time. This may amplify random effects.
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  • #3
Individual molecules are not the problem. The issue has to do with viscosity. The smaller the model, the more the air appears viscous. As a result, the flow is relatively more turbulent, which affects the aerodynamic properties.
  • #4
Look up something called the Reynold's number. Its gives a good rule of thumb for determining when fluid flows are similar.
  • #5
With a smaller model you also get reduced lift. Along the tips of the wings, the higher pressure on the bottom of the wing 'bleeds' over to the top of the wing. With a smaller model, there is less surface area to tip area, so the wingtip vorteces have a greater effect.
  • #6
Originally posted by mathman
The smaller the model, the more the air appears viscous.
Why is that?
  • #7
Enigma and I are very insulted that you posted this in the General Physics forum instead of the Aerospace Engineering forum.
  • #8
Originally posted by russ_watters
Enigma and I are very insulted that you posted this in the General Physics forum instead of the Aerospace Engineering forum.

Wha? Er. Oh yeah! VERY insulted...
  • #9
Originally posted by russ_watters
Enigma and I are very insulted that you posted this in the General Physics forum instead of the Aerospace Engineering forum.

You know... You'r right, this is an engineering discussion!

  • #10
Look up "Scaling Theory" for more info. It's been many years since I studied aero-d, so I forget the details at the moment. [b(] I would need to dust off my old college textbooks. But it sounds like mathman, stingray, and enigma are on the right track. Smaller-scale models are frequently used (wind tunnels, etc.) and there is always some loss of accuracy compared to a full-scale application.
  • #11
The answer to this lies with the concept of Reynolds number.

Basically due to density and viscosity airflow forms different flows at different speeds and body sizes. Assuming that the density and viscosity are the same, you get the same flow if you double the speed and halve the body size etc. When you scale down a model, you are generally scaling down both the velocity and the size of the body
vastly reducing the reynolds number. The aristream has far less energy to keep laminar flow going long. The curvature of the body is smaller and is much more difficult for the boundary layer to stay attached to the surface. The boundary layer turbulates earlier and is of an much more significant proportion of the body. Any resulting separation bubbles that would be insignificant on a full size aircraft can extent over a major proportion of the model wing and may in fact not reattach at all.

Reynolds number theory does not hold as good at the vaules related to models because of these scale effects.
  • #12
is the scaled model with mass that scaled in the same propotion as the size??
  • #13
Originally posted by skyap
is the scaled model with mass that scaled in the same propotion as the size??
One thing to remember here is that mass is proportional to the cube of any dimension (and area is the square of any dimension). So if you say a plane with half the wingspan of another is half the size - its actually going to have a quarter the wing area and an eighth the volume. Even still, an rc plane is significantly lighter: I googled for a has a wing loading of about 1.5 lb/sq ft.

One thing to remember is that besides being smaller, the model also flies much slower, generating much less lift per unit area of wing than the real thing. Slower + smaller = that Reynold's number thing discussed above.
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FAQ: Small-Scale Glider Flight: Physics and Aerodynamics Explained

1. What is a small-scale glider?

A small-scale glider is a type of aircraft that is designed to fly without an engine by using the forces of lift and drag to stay in the air. It is typically made of lightweight materials such as foam or balsa wood and is launched by hand.

2. How does a small-scale glider stay in the air?

A small-scale glider stays in the air by utilizing the principles of lift and drag. As the glider moves forward, its curved wings create an area of low pressure above the wing and an area of high pressure below the wing. This difference in pressure creates an upward force, known as lift, which keeps the glider in the air.

3. What are the main factors that affect the flight of a small-scale glider?

The main factors that affect the flight of a small-scale glider include the weight of the glider, the shape and size of its wings, and the angle at which it is launched. These factors all impact the amount of lift and drag that the glider experiences and therefore affect its flight path and duration.

4. How do aerodynamics play a role in small-scale glider flight?

Aerodynamics is the study of how objects move through air. In the case of small-scale glider flight, the principles of aerodynamics are essential to understanding how the glider stays in the air. By manipulating the shape and size of the glider's wings, it is possible to optimize its aerodynamics and improve its flight performance.

5. What are some practical applications of small-scale glider flight?

Small-scale gliders have a variety of practical applications, such as in recreational activities, scientific research, and military operations. They can be used to study aerodynamics, test new aircraft designs, and even gather data on weather patterns. Additionally, small-scale gliders are often used in educational settings to teach students about physics and aerodynamics in a hands-on and engaging way.

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