Can a Positive Charge be in Stable Equilibrium in the Center of a Square According to Earnshaw's Theorem?

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In summary, Earnshaw's theorem states that although a charge placed in the center of a square may appear to be in equilibrium, it is not in stable equilibrium due to the principles of electrostatic forces. This means that if the charge is moved slightly, it will not return to its original position.
  • #1
lamp post
we have got four charges placed at the ends of a square. if we palce a positive charge in the center, it appeares to be in stable equillibrium; yet earnshaw's theorem(that no particle can be in stable equillibrium if it is under the action of electrostatic forces only) holds. Why is that?
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  • #2
Earnshaw's theorem

The charge at the center of the square is in equilibrium, yes. But it is not in stable equilibrium. Stable equilibrium means that if you move the charge slightly in any direction, then it should return to the center. In this case, as in every other case involving electrostatic forces only, if you move the charge, from the center, it will not return. Check that out.
  • #3

Earnshaw's theorem states that no particle can be in stable equilibrium solely under the influence of electrostatic forces. This means that in the scenario described, the positive charge in the center of the square may appear to be in stable equilibrium, but it is actually not. This is because the electrostatic forces acting on the positive charge from the four charges at the ends of the square are not balanced and will eventually cause the charge to move.

This can be explained by considering the forces acting on the positive charge. Since the four charges at the ends of the square are all positive, they will repel the positive charge in the center. However, the forces acting from the corners of the square are not equal in magnitude or direction. This means that the electrostatic forces are unbalanced and will result in the positive charge moving away from the center.

Earnshaw's theorem is a fundamental principle in electrostatics and it applies to all systems of charged particles. It is a consequence of the inverse square law, which states that the force between two charged particles is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that the force decreases rapidly as the distance between the particles increases, making it impossible for particles to be in stable equilibrium solely under the influence of electrostatic forces.

In summary, the apparent stable equilibrium of the positive charge in the center of the square is an illusion caused by the unbalanced electrostatic forces acting on it. Earnshaw's theorem holds true in this scenario because the electrostatic forces are not balanced and will eventually cause the positive charge to move.

FAQ: Can a Positive Charge be in Stable Equilibrium in the Center of a Square According to Earnshaw's Theorem?

What is Earnshaw's theorem?

Earnshaw's theorem is a principle in classical electromagnetism that states that it is impossible for a collection of point charges to be held in stable, stationary equilibrium solely by the electrostatic interaction of the charges.

Who discovered Earnshaw's theorem?

The theorem is named after the English mathematician and physicist, Samuel Earnshaw, who first published it in 1842.

Why is Earnshaw's theorem important?

Earnshaw's theorem is important because it provides a fundamental limitation on the design and stability of electrostatic systems. It helps us understand the behavior of charged particles and the conditions necessary for stable equilibrium in such systems.

Is Earnshaw's theorem applicable to all types of forces?

No, Earnshaw's theorem only applies to electrostatic forces between stationary point charges. It does not apply to other types of forces, such as magnetic or gravitational forces.

Can Earnshaw's theorem be violated?

Yes, Earnshaw's theorem can be violated in certain cases. This can occur when other forces, such as external fields or quantum effects, are present in the system. However, these violations are limited and do not change the overall validity and importance of the theorem.

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