Can a Single Chip Handle High Voltage DC Bias for Experimental Use?

In summary, Jason is looking for a programmable power supply that can output up to 1 kV. He has come across a nice chip made from UltraVolt, but he is worried that it may be too expensive. He has also e-mailed the company for a quote, but he is doubtful that he will receive a response.
  • #1
Hello All,

I'm now looking for yet another component for my experiments. I was doing some research into DC boost converters to figure out how to build my own (they seem pretty simple to make). I want to make one that can be programmed from a microcontroller to put out variable voltages from roughly 0 to 1000VDC. The good news is it doesn't have to have any real power output since I am simply charging plates up for some experiments.

I am trying to see if I can find some kind of chip that already fits the bill so that I won't have to build one out of discrete components . And I want it to be as small as possible so I can squish it onto a PCB along with the other circuitry that I have.

So far, the best thing I have come across is this nice programmable power supply chip made from UltraVolt:

It is small just like I want but I'm worried that it might cost a bundle. I've e-mailed the company to get a quote for one of these but I have a feeling that I'll be looking elsewhere once they respond :frown:.

Have any of you ever come across anything like this? It seems too simple not to be prepackaged in some kind of way. I'm wondering if there are any HV inverter chips for LCD monitors that may work. I've come across a few setups but they all require external components. If anyone knows of a one-chip solution that may fit the bill, that would be great.

Jason O

P.S. The programmable input does not need to be digital, I can also use a D/A converter to throttle the output voltage.
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  • #2
~sigh~ Yep... I was right... They want $224 a piece for those things! Back to the drawing board... Does anyone out there know of any simple ways to make a variable HV power supply? I'm thinking something like a very small pulse transformer pulsed with a FET at some variable frequency. What do you all think? Or is there a better solution somewhere out there?

Jason O
  • #3
There is no way to make an integrated circuit that can handle 1 kV. Such voltages will break down nearly anything.

- Warren
  • #4
Hmmm... that stinks... Well, would anyone happen to know what kind of transformers they use for those small PCB LCD inverters? I know those output high voltage in a small package.
  • #5
Hey Guys! I think I found EXACTLY what I need here:

Now I'm just trying to find out how much one costs...

- Jason O
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FAQ: Can a Single Chip Handle High Voltage DC Bias for Experimental Use?

1. What is a High Voltage DC Bias IC?

A High Voltage DC Bias IC, also known as a High Voltage DC Bias Integrated Circuit, is a type of electronic component that is designed to provide a high voltage direct current (DC) bias to a circuit. It is typically used in applications such as amplifiers, filters, and sensors.

2. How does a High Voltage DC Bias IC work?

A High Voltage DC Bias IC works by taking in a low voltage DC input and amplifying it to a higher voltage level. This amplified voltage is then used to provide a steady DC bias to the circuit it is connected to. The IC may also include other components such as resistors and capacitors to help regulate the output voltage.

3. What are the advantages of using a High Voltage DC Bias IC?

One of the main advantages of using a High Voltage DC Bias IC is its ability to provide a stable and accurate DC bias to a circuit. This can help improve the overall performance and reliability of the circuit. Additionally, these ICs are compact in size and can be integrated into various electronic systems, making them a convenient choice for many applications.

4. What are some common applications of High Voltage DC Bias ICs?

High Voltage DC Bias ICs are commonly used in high precision and high voltage applications such as medical equipment, industrial sensors, and scientific instruments. They are also used in audio amplifiers, power supplies, and other electronic devices that require a stable DC bias.

5. How do I choose the right High Voltage DC Bias IC for my project?

When choosing a High Voltage DC Bias IC, some important factors to consider include the required output voltage and current, input voltage range, and operating temperature range. It is also important to ensure that the IC is compatible with the other components in your circuit. Consulting with a knowledgeable electronics engineer or researching the specifications of different ICs can help you make the best choice for your project.

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