How to release energy in E=mc2?

In summary, stars are better at creating elements and releasing energy than we are. We can't produce most of what stars can, and even in nuclear reactions only a small fraction of the mass is converted to energy.
  • #1
I know that anything with mass has a conserved energy within it. In that sense, wouldn't it be logical to say that even a paperclip could destroy a city in America (since c is such a huge number.) So in that case, how do you release the energy?

*note: I'm not trying to destroy the world, I just want to know.
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  • #2
There is no practical way...currently. But likely the energy equivalent in paper clip if released in a short time, could destroy it..or perhaps power it for an extended period.

If you read about nuclear fission and fusion you'll note there are currently only a very small group of materials/elements that are self sustaining, good for the production of power in specific environments...related to binding energy and atomic number (nuclear forces). For example, self sustaining nuclear fission requires moderators to slow neutrons down to stimulate further neutron emissions. And U238 doesn't work,,,"enriched" uranium with extra U235 is required...and even so only a tiny amount of the uranium is transformed to it maybe 1% or 2%??...I've forgotten but it's small.

Stars are better at creating elemtns and releasing energy than we. Stars convert matter to energy and the other heavier elements but it too is limited...once iron is reached after the creation of a succession of heavier elements via fusion a star can go no collapses under gravitational forces. If big enough, when it collapses, a supernova is born and most of the heavier elements can be synthesized...before it explodes and spreads heavy elements through the universe...which is then incorporated in the next generation of stars and plants...hence you are made of star/supernova remnants!

We can't produce most of what I've described. Stars are "smarter" than we.

If this answer doesn't do it for you, try posting in Nuclear Engineering...Or High Eenergy, Nuclear, other FORUMS...
  • #3
Even in nuclear reactions only a small fraction of the mass is converted to energy. If you want complete conversion you need to annhilate it with anti-matter.
  • #4
DaleSpam said:
Even in nuclear reactions only a small fraction of the mass is converted to energy. If you want complete conversion you need to annhilate it with anti-matter.

...but you need at least the same amount of energy to create it, so it's useless.
  • #5
Well, there are several different naturally occurring isotopes which undergo positron emission (positive beta decay) where a proton turns into a positron (an anti-electron), a neutron, and a neutrino. Potassium 40 is one such isotope which is very common in the human body, and is one typical source of background radiation seen in PET imaging.

It doesn't really take energy to make anti-matter that way, although it certainly wouldn't be a very practical energy source if that is your goal.

FAQ: How to release energy in E=mc2?

1. How can energy be released from matter according to E=mc2?

The equation E=mc2, also known as the mass-energy equivalence equation, states that energy can be released from matter by converting a small amount of mass into a large amount of energy. This is known as nuclear fusion or fission, which involves either combining or splitting atoms to release energy.

2. Can E=mc2 be applied in everyday life?

While E=mc2 is commonly associated with nuclear reactions, it can also be applied in everyday life. For example, the energy released by the sun is a result of the fusion of hydrogen atoms, and many nuclear power plants use fission reactions to generate electricity.

3. What is the significance of the speed of light in E=mc2?

The speed of light, represented by "c" in the equation, is a constant that relates the amount of energy (E) to the mass (m) of an object. It shows that even a small amount of mass can produce a large amount of energy, as long as it is multiplied by the speed of light squared.

4. How does E=mc2 relate to Albert Einstein's theory of relativity?

E=mc2 is a part of Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, which explains the relationship between energy, mass, and the speed of light. This theory states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion.

5. Is E=mc2 the complete equation for energy and mass?

No, E=mc2 is just one part of the more comprehensive theory of special relativity. It only applies to objects that are at rest or moving at a constant velocity. For objects in motion, the full equation is E2 = (mc2)2 + (pc)2, where p represents momentum.
