How can we reorder the integral?

  • Thread starter clairez93
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In summary: You want to solve for x instead of z, but I think you know that.For the y limits, you now consider x and z fixed and find what range y covers. It starts at the xz plane, where y=0, and goes up to the plane.Once I have solved for x, would I plug this back into the original z bound? That's the only way I get the book answer. Why does that work?Also, I'm not quite sure I can "see" that the y goes up to the plane... is that what you're getting at?In summary, the student is trying to reorder the dimensions of an
  • #1

Homework Statement


Rewrite using the order dy dx dz.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I have it graphed, but from here, I am having a hard time visualizing the bounds of all these dimensions to reorder the integral. My graph is attached.

The only thing I can determine for sure is that the bounds in the z direction will be 0 to 3. The book's answer is this:


I can somewhat make sense of the dy bound; they solved the z equation in terms of y, although I can't really see/visualize the reason for this.

I don't understand the x bound at all, why does the y part disappear? It seems they solved the z equation to get it in terms of only z but I don't see why the y component disappears, or why they would even do that in the first place.


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  • #2
x: [0, 4]
y: [0, (12-3x-4z)/6]
z: [0, (12-4z)/3]


Solve for y. (This step is for the y the bounds)

Then make y=0 and solve for x (This is independent from above so you start with 12=3x+6y+4z when you do this step.)
  • #3
clairez93 said:

Homework Statement


Rewrite using the order dy dx dz.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have it graphed, but from here, I am having a hard time visualizing the bounds of all these dimensions to reorder the integral. My graph is attached.

The only thing I can determine for sure is that the bounds in the z direction will be 0 to 3. The book's answer is this:


I can somewhat make sense of the dy bound; they solved the z equation in terms of y, although I can't really see/visualize the reason for this.

I don't understand the x bound at all, why does the y part disappear? It seems they solved the z equation to get it in terms of only z but I don't see why the y component disappears, or why they would even do that in the first place.
Ignore the inside integral for the moment. You can think of the problem as an integral of a function over the xz plane.

[tex]\int\int f(x,z) dx dz[/tex]

where f(x,z) is your integral over y. If you look at your plot, you see the region on the xz plane is a triangle, so how would you write the limits for the region if your inside integral is wrt x and the outside integral is wrt z?
  • #4
Well for x, I think it would go from 0 to something like z = -3/4x+3? And wrt z, 0 to 3?

But it still doesn't quite explain the dy?
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  • #5
clairez93 said:
Well for x, I think it would go from 0 to something like z = -3/4x+3? And wrt z, 0 to 3?

But it still doesn't quite explain the dy?

when the integration is dydzdx

dx can't have any variables because if there was a y or z present, how could we solve for it since we already integrated dz?

From your first integral, you told us (12-3x-6y)/4 as the upper bounds.

That means z=(12-3x-6y)/4. By putting it in standard form, we obtain 12=4z+3x+6y.

If you notice in order to obtain the z bounds, we had to solve for z. Now, since we need the first bounds of integration to be in terms of y, we should take the plane and solve for y.
  • #6
Back to the x bounds.

Since we all ready integrated dydz, we need to look at the x axis. What is happening on the x axis? Well x starts at 0 and goes to 4. I know that from the plane. If we set y and z to zero, we get 12=4*0+3*x+6*0 => 12=3x => x=4. The problem giving previously bounded the object in the first octant so we know x=0 is the other point.
  • #7
clairez93 said:
Well for x, I think it would go from 0 to something like z = -3/4x+3? And wrt z, 0 to 3?

But it still doesn't quite explain the dy?
You want to solve for x instead of z, but I think you know that.

For the y limits, you now consider x and z fixed and find what range y covers. It starts at the xz plane, where y=0, and goes up to the plane.
  • #8
Once I have solved for x, would I plug this back into the original z bound? That's the only way I get the book answer. Why does that work?

Also, I'm not quite sure I can "see" that the y goes up to the plane exactly?
  • #9
clairez93 said:
Once I have solved for x, would I plug this back into the original z bound? That's the only way I get the book answer. Why does that work?

Also, I'm not quite sure I can "see" that the y goes up to the plane exactly?

Since the bounds are dy dx dz, once you have solved for x, you would plug the bounds into the corresponding integral. And the integral that is associated with x is the 2nd integral, so I am not 100% I understand what you mean by the original z bounds because the origin z bounds were the first integral which is now the 3rd integral.

I assuming I know Vela was saying but I am pretty sure Vela doesn't mean going up in the sense of rising. He is saying y goes from the origin and travels down the y-axis until it meets the plane 12=3x+6y+4z.

FAQ: How can we reorder the integral?

1. How do I change the order of integration in a double integral?

To change the order of integration in a double integral, you need to switch the order of the variables and the limits of integration. This means that the inner integral becomes the outer integral and vice versa. The new limits of integration should correspond to the new order of variables.

2. Why would I need to change the order of integration?

Changing the order of integration can make evaluating a double integral easier and more efficient. It can also help in cases where one order of integration leads to a more complicated integrand or when the original order of integration is not possible due to the shape of the region of integration.

3. Can I always change the order of integration?

No, not all double integrals can have their order of integration changed. The order of integration can only be changed for integrals with finite limits of integration and where the region of integration is well-defined and does not depend on the order of integration.

4. How do I know which order of integration is best?

The best order of integration depends on the specific problem and the region of integration. Sometimes, one order of integration may be more straightforward or lead to a simpler integrand. In other cases, a different order of integration may be necessary to evaluate the integral.

5. Can I apply the same method to change the order of integration in triple integrals?

Yes, the same principles apply to triple integrals. You can switch the order of integration by changing the order of variables and limits of integration in the same way as in double integrals. However, it may be more challenging to visualize and determine the appropriate order of integration in triple integrals compared to double integrals.
