Explaining Relativity: Motion in a Gravity Field

In summary: However, the Earth is accelerating towards the sun due to gravity, and this acceleration is not considered an inertial frame. So in this case, the principle of relativity still applies and all frames of reference are equally valid. In summary, the principle of relativity states that all frames of reference are equally valid and that measurements, including velocity and time, depend on the frame of reference. This applies even in non-inertial frames, such as a planet in acceleration due to gravity.
  • #1
Suppose we have two objects A and B in uniform motion according to each other with velocity v (A claims B to in motion with velocity v and B claims A to be in motion with velocity v).
After a while a big gravity field G appears on the site, and the escape velocity of objects in the field of G is u, where u < v.
As such the object at rest would naturally fall into the gravity field while the object in motion would escape since v > u.
But relativity says that each one of A and B can claim itself to be at rest while claiming the other in motion, which means that both of them claim that they will fall into the gravity field while the other one is to escape.
Clearly only one of them can be right, so how is this being explained with relativity?
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  • #2
Escape velocities are always measured relative to the planet.
  • #3
DaleSpam said:
Escape velocities are always measured relative to the planet.
Thanks for your answer.
Is this also true for a planet in acceleration? probably yes (although an object in acceleration cannot claim itself to be at rest as it is evident by the twin paradox, still here it makes sense that the point is not rest or motion but rather the planet's view).
  • #4

In RELATIVITY, most things (observations) depend on your frame of reference...all frames are equally valid, none reigns supreme...they are all 'relative', meaning the frame you choose largely determines the obervations you make...even time and space are not fixed and immutable...only the speed of light is fixed for all (inertial) observers. One frame measurement doesn't usually agree with another...but each is equally valid.

So when A and B claim the other guy is moving at velocity v, that's ONLY true for those two frames...From the earth, for example, one observes different velocities for A and B, and from the moon, yet another set.

And the above comments apply also to time, for example, not just velocity: Time passes differently for each of the A and B objects, on the earth, and on the moon. The passage of time depends on velocity AND gravity (potential)...
  • #5
hprog said:
Is this also true for a planet in acceleration? probably yes (although an object in acceleration cannot claim itself to be at rest as it is evident by the twin paradox, still here it makes sense that the point is not rest or motion but rather the planet's view).
Naty1 said:

In RELATIVITY, most things (observations) depend on your frame of reference...all frames are equally valid, none reigns supreme...they are all 'relative', meaning the frame you choose largely determines the obervations you make...even time and space are not fixed and immutable...only the speed of light is fixed for all (inertial) observers. One frame measurement doesn't usually agree with another...but each is equally valid.

So when A and B claim the other guy is moving at velocity v, that's ONLY true for those two frames...From the earth, for example, one observes different velocities for A and B, and from the moon, yet another set.

And the above comments apply also to time, for example, not just velocity: Time passes differently for each of the A and B objects, on the earth, and on the moon. The passage of time depends on velocity AND gravity (potential)...

My question is that since the principle of relativity is said for inertial frames only is it is evident by the twin paradox, as such what would be if the planet is in acceleration? (actually a gravitational field is anyway considered non-inertial even when not in acceleration).
  • #6
hprog said:
Is this also true for a planet in acceleration?
Yes. For example, the Earth's velocity relative to the sun is less than the solar escape velocity, therefore the Earth orbits the sun rather than escaping.

FAQ: Explaining Relativity: Motion in a Gravity Field

1. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century, is a theory that explains the relationship between space and time. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion.

2. What is "motion in a gravity field"?

Motion in a gravity field refers to the movement of an object under the influence of gravity. In this context, gravity is seen as a force that causes objects to accelerate towards each other.

3. How does relativity explain motion in a gravity field?

According to the theory of relativity, gravity is not a force but rather a curvature in the fabric of space-time. This curvature is caused by the presence of massive objects, such as planets or stars. The movement of objects in this curved space-time is what we perceive as motion in a gravity field.

4. What is the difference between general relativity and special relativity?

Special relativity deals with the relationship between space and time in the absence of gravity, while general relativity includes the effects of gravity on space and time. Special relativity is based on the principle of the constancy of the speed of light, while general relativity includes the curvature of space-time due to the presence of massive objects.

5. Can the theory of relativity be proven?

The theory of relativity has been extensively tested and its predictions have been confirmed by numerous experiments. However, like all scientific theories, it is always open to further testing and refinement as our understanding of the universe evolves.
