Understanding Group Size Change: G/N in Abstract Algebra

In summary, Fraleigh's "Intro to abstract algebra" states that for a group G and normal non-trivial subgroup N of G, the factor group G/N will be smaller than G. This is because the elements of G/N are subsets of G that partition G and every coset in G/N contains the same number of elements. If |N| = 1, then G/N = G, otherwise G/N < G.
  • #1
This is not really a homework questions, rather a concept based one. I am studying from Fraleigh's ''Intro to abstract algebra'' and in chapter 15 it states, that for a group G and normal non-trivial subgroup of N of G, the factor group G/N will be smaller than G. I am not sure how he counts the change in size of the group.

For instance(ex from wiki), if we take G=Z6 and it's normal subgroup N={0,3} we get G/N to be { {0, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 5} } (i.e. all the cosets, which partition the whole of G). Or do we take each coset as a different element in G/N ?
That is a={0,3}, b= {1,4}, c={2,5} so that |G/N| = 3 ?
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  • #2

Yes, what you say is true. The elements of a factor group of group G are subsets of G. Further, they "partition" G- each element of G is in one and only one of these subsets. Finally, every coset contains the same number of elements. That is, if |G|= n and |N|= m then |G/N|= n/m.

If m= 1, then N is just the identity and G/N= G. In all other cases, m> 1 so n/m< n.

FAQ: Understanding Group Size Change: G/N in Abstract Algebra

1. What is G/N in Abstract Algebra?

G/N, also known as the quotient group, is a mathematical concept in Abstract Algebra that refers to the group formed by the cosets of a subgroup N in a group G. It is denoted as G/N and represents the set of left cosets of N in G, where the group operation is defined by multiplying the cosets.

2. How is group size change represented in Abstract Algebra?

In Abstract Algebra, group size change is represented by the quotient group G/N, where G is the original group and N is the subgroup. The quotient group represents the change in group size after dividing the original group into cosets.

3. What is the significance of understanding group size change in Abstract Algebra?

Understanding group size change in Abstract Algebra is important because it allows us to study the structure of groups and their subgroups. It also helps in solving problems related to symmetry, number theory, and other areas of mathematics.

4. How is G/N related to the concept of normal subgroups?

The subgroup N is a normal subgroup of G if and only if G/N is a valid quotient group. This means that the cosets of N in G are closed under the group operation, and the quotient group G/N is well-defined. Therefore, understanding G/N is crucial in determining the normality of a subgroup in a group.

5. Can G/N be isomorphic to G or N?

No, G/N cannot be isomorphic to G or N. This is because G/N is a quotient group, which is a different mathematical structure from the original group G or the subgroup N. However, there may be cases where G/N is isomorphic to other groups, depending on the specific group G and subgroup N.

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