Calculate Net Work on 391kg Piano Sliding 3.7m Down 27° Incline

  • Thread starter Fanman22
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    Net Work
In summary: You could use the potential energy method to find the work done by the man, but it's easier to calculate force times distance.In summary, a 391 kg piano slides 3.7 m down a 27° incline and is stopped from accelerating by a man pushing back on it parallel to the incline. The effective coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40. The force exerted by the man is 374N. The work done by the man is -1384J. The work done by friction is -5054J. The work done by gravity is 6438J. The net work done on the piano is -1384J.
  • #1
A 391 kg piano slides 3.7 m down a(n) 27° incline and is kept from accelerating by a man who is pushing back on it parallel to the incline (Fig. 7-23). The effective coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.40.

Figure 7-23

(a) Calculate the force exerted by the man.
(b) Calculate the work done by the man on the piano.
(c) Calculate the work done by the friction force.
(d) Calculate the work done by the force of gravity.
(e) Calculate the net work done on the piano.

I got the previous questions correct with the exception of letter "e".
This is what I did...

WORKnet = Wgravity-Wfriction+Wnormal force in x direction-Work man in x direction

My numbers were 6438-5054+6437-1384 = 6437J
The problem must be in the way I'm calculating the normal force in the x direction. I used Fn=Fg*sin27*3.7m=6437J

Thanks in advance for the help.
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  • #2
Fanman22 said:
I got the previous questions correct with the exception of letter "e".
This is what I did...

WORKnet = Wgravity-Wfriction+Wnormal force in x direction-Work man in x direction
The normal force has no component in the x-direction (parallel to the incline) and thus does no work.

The problem must be in the way I'm calculating the normal force in the x direction. I used Fn=Fg*sin27*3.7m=6437J
The normal force equals the component of the weight normal to the incline: [itex]F_n = mg cos(27)[/itex]. But, as previously mentioned, it acts perpendicular to the motion and thus does no work.

A shortcut way to get the net work on an object: The net work equals the change in KE.
  • #3
so I should simply be able to omit the WORKnormalforce component and get the answer...but its still wrong. Since there is no velocity given, and there is no accleration or time, then it has a KE of 0, right?

Maybe I can use the change in potential energy? I can find the length of all sides since the 27degree angle is given and the distance 3.7 is given. Find the mgh at the max height, then find the mgh at the min height. Will the difference be the -Work ?
  • #4
Fanman22 said:
so I should simply be able to omit the WORKnormalforce component and get the answer...but its still wrong.
What makes you say that? Just add the values you found for b, c, and d to find the total work.
Since there is no velocity given, and there is no accleration or time, then it has a KE of 0, right?
The KE depends on the speed, which you don't know. But all you care about is the change in KE, which is zero.

Maybe I can use the change in potential energy?
You've already incorporated gravitational potential energy by caculating the work done by gravity. Don't count it twice.

FAQ: Calculate Net Work on 391kg Piano Sliding 3.7m Down 27° Incline

What is net work?

Net work is the total amount of energy transferred to or from an object when a force is applied to it over a distance.

How do you calculate net work?

Net work can be calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance it moves in the direction of the force.

What units are used to measure net work?

The SI unit for net work is joules (J), but it can also be measured in other units such as foot-pounds (ft-lb) or newton-meters (N-m).

What information do you need to calculate net work on an object?

To calculate net work, you need to know the force applied to the object, the distance it moves in the direction of the force, and the angle at which the force is applied.

How do you calculate net work on a sliding object?

To calculate net work on a sliding object, you need to take into account the force of friction acting on the object. You can use the formula W = Fd cosθ, where W is the net work, F is the applied force, d is the distance, and θ is the angle of the incline.
