Exploring the Applications and Challenges of Terahertz Waves

In summary, an electromagnetic wave is a wave that is made up of electric and magnetic fields. The different types of waves are described in order from longest to shortest wavelength. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and x-rays are all types of electromagnetic waves. Terahertz waves are waves that have a frequency that is in the trillions of cycles per second range. They are between microwaves and infrared waves, and are very hard to detect.
  • #1
dear reader,

What are electrical waves? What are magnetic waves? What are electromagnetic waves?

what is the difference between them?

by studying again and again you perfect it.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
not quite sure about the first two but electromagnetic waves are waves that belong to the electromagnetic spectrum.

In no particular order:
Gamma Rays,

There might be more, I can't quite remember :P
  • #3
electromagnetic waves are the wave representation of photons. they are transverse waves and they propogate at the speed of light, c.

electromagnetic waves can be thought of as electric waves and magnetic waves moving together perpendicular to each other.
  • #4
There cannot be a lone electrical wave, nor a lone magnetic wave. Why not? Because a changing electric field creates a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field.

- Warren
  • #5
don't forget Ultraviolet waves

the spectrum goes in this order from longest to shortest
Radio Waves
Visible Light
Gamma Rays
  • #6
See this: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/introduction/emspectrum.html
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  • #7
Dont forget Terahertz waves now! i can't remember where they go cos I am useless lol but they are either before or after X-rays but are better and MUCH safer than X-rays! the joy of half-a$$ed knowledge!
  • #8
what a dumb fool i am

Ignore my above post about where terahertz waves lie. Apparently they lie between Microwaves and Infra Red waves so there u go, shows how much i know
  • #9
Speak more of this "Terahertz" wave. Of what frequency and velocity does it travel at? What its uses? I have never heard of such a wave.
  • #10
I should think the name "Terahertz" wave should give it away. They have a frequency that is in the trillions of cycles per second range...hence "Tera".
  • #11
Dont too much about terahertz waves but i know that the are very hard to detect because they are between Microwaves and Radiowaves, in that frequency range. They could be very useful in applications such as medicine because they are almost completely safe and can pass through objects such as flesh but not bone...(just like x-rays but safe) and some more things...

"There are also security applications. They can be used, at short ranges, to detect and even image metal items concealed under clothing.

Detection of terrahertz signals could be problematic. There are atmospheric absorption problems in that band. IR is usually detected with semiconductor bandgaps, microwaves are detected with antennae. For terrahertz, you could go either way, but it requires extaordinary measures. You could use lithographically deposited arrays of tiny metal antennae, or engineer a semiconductor material using superlattices or quantum dots to get the right band structure. You would probably need a quantum cascade effect to detect terrahertz in semiconductors."

this is what Njorl told me about them so i can't take credit for it

i suppose u could look on google like i have been told to hehe

FAQ: Exploring the Applications and Challenges of Terahertz Waves

1. What are electrical waves?

Electrical waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation that travels through space at the speed of light. They are created by the movement of electrically charged particles, such as electrons, and can be found in various forms, including radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays.

2. How are electrical waves generated?

Electrical waves are generated when electrically charged particles, such as electrons, are accelerated or oscillated. This can happen naturally, such as in lightning strikes, or artificially, through the use of electronic devices.

3. What is the difference between electrical waves and other types of waves?

Electrical waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation, which means they have both electric and magnetic components that are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave. This sets them apart from other types of waves, such as mechanical waves, which require a medium to travel through.

4. What are the properties of electrical waves?

Electrical waves have several properties, including wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. Wavelength refers to the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of the wave, while frequency is the number of complete wave cycles that pass through a point in one second. Amplitude is the maximum height of the wave and is related to the energy carried by the wave.

5. How are electrical waves used in everyday life?

Electrical waves are used in many ways in our everyday lives. Radio waves are used for communication, microwaves for cooking, infrared waves for remote controls, visible light for vision, ultraviolet rays for sterilization, X-rays for medical imaging, and gamma rays for cancer treatment. These are just a few examples of how electrical waves have become an integral part of our modern society.
