Can You Commute Matrix Elements in Quantum Operators?

In summary, A is an operator in the expression <m|A|n>|m><n|, and it is possible to insert the matrix element <m|A|n> between |m> and <n| without resulting in an illegal expression. However, this is a strange way of writing it, similar to writing "x2y" instead of "2xy" in algebra. Moving the complex number <m|A|n> around can be useful when manipulating operator expressions, and it has a straightforward interpretation as an operator that first projects onto the state |n>, transforms by A, and then projects onto the state |m>. <m|A|n> is just a complex number and commutes with operators
  • #1
A is an operator, in the expression <m|A|n>|m><n|, can I insert the matrix element <m|A|n> between the |m> and <n| like:
|m><m|A|n><n|? :confused:
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  • #2
Remember that <m|A|n> is just a complex number, so it commutes with everything you can imagine, including bras and kets. So placing it between |m> and <n| doesn't result in an illegal expression, but it is a strange way of writing it.

It's almost like writing the expression "x2y" instead of "2xy" in algebra. There's nothing wrong with either expression, but how often do you see coefficients sandwiched inbetween variables?
  • #3
I would like to disagree with the previous poster about the strangeness of expressing <m|A|n>|m><n| as |m><m|A|n><n|. It can in fact be quite a usefull way of re-writing. If we for example sum over n and m, we get:

  • #4
Ah, but he didn't have the summation signs in there. I agree that your steps show the flow of logic of introducing the completeness relation most clearly. But even you moved the coefficient to the left of the outer product at the end. :wink:
  • #5
Do be careful if you have that constant inside another inner product, because the definition of the inner product requires that to pull it out you might have to take a complex conjugate.
  • #6
My point, however, was only that the possibility of moving your complex number (<m|A|n>) wherever you please can be very useful when manipulating operator expressions. My example was maybe somewhat misleading :blushing:
  • #7
The expression [itex]|m><m|A|n><n|[/itex] does have a somewhat straightforward interpretation, assuming [itex]|m>[/itex] and [itex]|n>[/itex] are normalized.

The expression is an operator that is the product of the 3 operators [itex]|n><n|[/itex], [itex]A[/itex], and [itex]|m><m|[/itex] and means: first project onto the state [itex]|n>[/itex]; transform by A; project onto the state [itex]|m>[/itex].

  • #8
Tom Mattson said:
Remember that <m|A|n> is just a complex number, so it commutes with everything you can imagine, including bras and kets. So placing it between |m> and <n| doesn't result in an illegal expression, but it is a strange way of writing it.

It's almost like writing the expression "x2y" instead of "2xy" in algebra. There's nothing wrong with either expression, but how often do you see coefficients sandwiched inbetween variables?

I thought <m|A|n> could be written as [tex]A_{mn}[/tex] which constitutes a matrix and thus will not commute with everything.
  • #9
I thought <m|A|n> could be written as [itex] A_{mn} [/itex] which constitutes a matrix and thus will not commute with everything.

[itex] A_{mn} [/itex] do not constitute a matrix. It is just a complex number which is a component of a matrix, and as a complex number it commutes with operators and state vectors.

FAQ: Can You Commute Matrix Elements in Quantum Operators?

1. What is operator algebra?

Operator algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of operators, which are mathematical objects that transform one mathematical object into another. It is a powerful tool used in various fields of mathematics and physics, such as functional analysis, quantum mechanics, and differential equations.

2. What are the types of operators in operator algebra?

There are several types of operators in operator algebra, including linear operators, self-adjoint operators, unitary operators, and normal operators. Linear operators are those that preserve linearity, self-adjoint operators are those that are equal to their own adjoint, unitary operators are those that preserve the inner product of vectors, and normal operators are those that commute with their adjoint.

3. What is the importance of operator algebra in quantum mechanics?

Operator algebra is essential in quantum mechanics because it provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of quantum systems. Operators in quantum mechanics represent physical observables, and their algebraic properties play a crucial role in the predictions and interpretations of quantum phenomena.

4. How is operator algebra used in signal processing?

Operator algebra is used in signal processing to analyze signals and systems. It allows for the representation of signals and systems as operators, which can then be manipulated using algebraic techniques to perform operations such as filtering, modulation, and demodulation.

5. What are some applications of operator algebra?

Operator algebra has various applications in different fields of mathematics and science. Some examples include quantum mechanics, signal processing, control theory, differential equations, and functional analysis. It is also used in areas such as data analysis, machine learning, and image processing.

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