Spring Paradox (apparently). Energy problem with one vertical spring.

In summary, the spring paradox argument seems to be missing the consideration of forces acting on the balanced mass. While it is assumed that there are no non-conservative forces involved, in reality, the system would experience oscillations due to the elastic force of the spring and the gravitational force of the mass. The paradox occurs because the argument ignores the effect of damping forces, which would eventually bring the system to a state of equilibrium where the forces are balanced.
  • #1
Apologies if this is too basic, but I've been studying for a while and I'm stuck.

Homework Statement

Spring paradox. What is wrong with the following argument?
Consider a mass m held at rest at y = 0, the end of
an unstretched spring hanging vertically. The mass is now
attached to the spring, which will be stretched because of the
gravitational force mg on the mass. When the mass has lost
gravitational potential energy mgy and the spring has gained
the same amount of potential energy so that

mgy= 1/2 cy2

the mass will come to equilibrium. Therefore the position of
equilibrium is given by

y= (2mg)/C

Homework Equations

Conservation of total mechanical energy
[itex]K_1 + U_1 = K_2 + U_2[/itex]

Potential Energy (gravitational)

Potential Energy (elastic)
1/2 cy2

Kinetic Energy
1/2 mv2

The Attempt at a Solution

At first glance, I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with the argument. So I began recreating the whole thing.

I started drawing it this way:

A is the intial situation where the spring is at rest, not supporting the mass. It's just there.
B is the situation where the mass has been attached to the spring which supports the mass' weight. The blue line depicts y=0.

Since no non-conservative forces seem to be involved here, I applied the conservation of total mechanical energy, this makes:


Since the A situation is at the assigned zero, both elastic potential and gravitational potential will be 0. It's at rest so kinetic is also 0. In short, EA=0

0=1/2 cy2 - mgy + 1/2 mv2

The spring would go up and down and eventually reach equilibrium, where the kinetic energy is zero.

0=1/2 cy2 - mgy

So far nothing wrong has been found about the problem given. Because this leads to:

mgy=1/2 cy2

And then, solving for y, it becomes

y= (2mg)/C

Again, this matches the results given. So I can't find what's wrong. Is it a trick question and nothing is wrong? Am I missing something? Thanks!
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  • #2
Anavra said:
Apologies if this is too basic, but I've been studying for a while and I'm stuck.

Homework Statement

Spring paradox. What is wrong with the following argument?
Consider a mass m held at rest at y = 0, the end of
an unstretched spring hanging vertically. The mass is now
attached to the spring, which will be stretched because of the
gravitational force mg on the mass. When the mass has lost
gravitational potential energy mgy and the spring has gained
the same amount of potential energy so that

mgy= 1/2 cy2

the mass will come to equilibrium. Therefore the position of
equilibrium is given by

y= (2mg)/C

Homework Equations

Conservation of total mechanical energy
[itex]K_1 + U_1 = K_2 + U_2[/itex]

Potential Energy (gravitational)

Potential Energy (elastic)
1/2 cy2

Kinetic Energy
1/2 mv2

The Attempt at a Solution

At first glance, I can't seem to figure out what is wrong with the argument. So I began recreating the whole thing.

I started drawing it this way:

A is the intial situation where the spring is at rest, not supporting the mass. It's just there.
B is the situation where the mass has been attached to the spring which supports the mass' weight. The blue line depicts y=0.

Since no non-conservative forces seem to be involved here, I applied the conservation of total mechanical energy, this makes:EA=EB
Since the A situation is at the assigned zero, both elastic potential and gravitational potential will be 0. It's at rest so kinetic is also 0. In short, EA=0

0=1/2 cy2 - mgy + 1/2 mv2

The spring would go up and down and eventually reach equilibrium, where the kinetic energy is zero.

0=1/2 cy2 - mgy

So far nothing wrong has been found about the problem given. Because this leads to:

mgy=1/2 cy2

And then, solving for y, it becomes

y= (2mg)/C

Again, this matches the results given. So I can't find what's wrong. Is it a trick question and nothing is wrong? Am I missing something? Thanks!

The 'paradox' part is now to consider forces on the balanced mass. The spring exerts a force of cy upwards. Gravity exerts a force of mg downwards. If you put y=(2mg)/c then you conclude the spring exerts a force of 2mg upwards. The forces don't balance. Paradox!
  • #3
*slaps forehead* I should have seen that. O_O

The paradox is clear now. What's not clear is how did this happen. There are no other forces acting on it. That 2 shouldn't be there. I'm beyond exhausted, going to have to sleep on it. Thank you very much! (It seems weird to say 'thank you very much, Dick', but yeah. Thank you.)
  • #4
Anavra said:
*slaps forehead* I should have seen that. O_O

The paradox is clear now. What's not clear is how did this happen. There are no other forces acting on it. That 2 shouldn't be there. I'm beyond exhausted, going to have to sleep on it. Thank you very much! (It seems weird to say 'thank you very much, Dick', but yeah. Thank you.)

Good idea. Sleep on it. Dream about what would REALLY happen if there were no other forces acting on the system.
  • #5
Oh wait. If... there are no other forces, wouldn't it oscillate instead of just sitting there? When you release the mass, realistically it would go beyond the equilibrium point then back up, and keep oscillating. I assumed that 'eventually', it would stop moving. But that's only because in reality, oscillators are damped. By friction, usually. So the paradox happens because this system is not really free from non-conservative forces?
  • #6
Anavra said:
Oh wait. If... there are no other forces, wouldn't it oscillate instead of just sitting there? When you release the mass, realistically it would go beyond the equilibrium point then back up, and keep oscillating. I assumed that 'eventually', it would stop moving. But that's only because in reality, oscillators are damped. By friction, usually. So the paradox happens because this system is not really free from non-conservative forces?

You've got it. It will just oscillate if something is not damping it. If something is damping it, it will stop at the force equilibrium point. Now you can sleep without disturbing dreams.

FAQ: Spring Paradox (apparently). Energy problem with one vertical spring.

1) What is the "Spring Paradox" and why is it considered an energy problem?

The Spring Paradox, also known as the "Vertical Spring Paradox", is a thought experiment that challenges our understanding of energy conservation. It involves a spring that is attached to a vertical wall and has a mass hanging from it. When the mass is released, it stretches the spring and gains potential energy. However, as the mass continues to fall, the spring also stretches and gains more potential energy. This results in a paradox where the total energy of the system seems to be increasing, which goes against the principle of energy conservation.

2) How does this paradox challenge our understanding of energy conservation?

The Spring Paradox challenges our understanding of energy conservation because it seems to suggest that the total energy of a system can increase without any external energy input. This goes against the law of energy conservation, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. The paradox forces us to reexamine our understanding of energy and consider factors that may have been overlooked.

3) Is this paradox a real-world phenomenon or just a thought experiment?

The Spring Paradox is primarily a thought experiment and is not commonly observed in real-world situations. However, there are some real-world scenarios where similar paradoxes can occur, such as an object falling through a viscous fluid or a pendulum losing energy due to air resistance. These examples also challenge our understanding of energy conservation.

4) How can this paradox be resolved?

There is no one definitive answer to resolving the Spring Paradox, as it is still a topic of debate among scientists. Some suggest that the energy gained by the spring is actually coming from the kinetic energy of the falling mass, while others argue that the mass-spring system is not an isolated system and external factors such as air resistance need to be considered. Further research and experimentation are needed to fully understand and resolve this paradox.

5) What is the significance of the Spring Paradox in the field of science?

The Spring Paradox highlights the complexity of energy and its conservation, and forces scientists to think critically and creatively about fundamental principles. It also shows the importance of conducting thorough experiments and considering all factors in order to fully understand a phenomenon. The paradox has sparked further research and discussions, leading to new insights and advancements in the field of science.
