How Does Frictionless Surface Affect Gyroscope Precession?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the precession frequency and velocity of a toy gyroscope, and the conditions necessary for precession to occur. The speaker also mentions a hint about considering changes from a typical gyroscope problem and making approximations for calculations. They also bring up the concept of external torque and its role in changing the angular momentum vector.
  • #1
Gold Member
1)i have this problem, we have a toy gyroscope, which its pricnipal moments of inertia are known, spins around its axis of symmetry with angular velocity w, and it's tilt with angle a from the vertical on a smooth table (i.e frictionless table). i need to find the precession frequency?
im given a hint that i need to think about what has changed from the typical gyroscope problem.

i don't see what has changed here.

2) i have another question, i need to find the velocity of precession without any appriximation of the gyroscope, i need to find what is the condition for the precession.
in class we made the approximation theat the angular velocity around the body axis is much more bigger than the velocity of precession, and we have neglected the angluar momentum that is gained by the precession.
so how would i calculate it, obviously the gain by the precession i should divide it to tangential and parallel components, but I am not sure what is L_p the angular momentum of the precession.

your help is appreciated.
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  • #2
What's the typical gyro problem in your book?

To find the precession rate, divide the torque applied to the system due to gravity by angular momentum of the gyro. For torque, if the gyro's at an angle, remember you need the horizontal distance that the top of the gyro is displaced instead of the length of the gyro (i.e. - you need the lever arm).

Technically, this gives you the tangent of the angular velocity of precession, but you usually have such a small angle that the tangent is equal to the angle.
  • #3
yes, i think i solved question two, but about question two, what is the condition that needs to be met in order that precession will occur?
  • #4
An external torque. The only way to change your angular momentum vector is with an external force. The precession stops as soon as the torque is removed. (Of course, it's kind of hard to stop applying gravitational torque. The conditions are more relevant for things like spacecraft stabilization where you have to deal with torques from thruster firings and so on.)

As opposed to nutation, which can occur because heat dissipation, etc, and changes the rotational kinetic energy without changing the angular momentum.
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FAQ: How Does Frictionless Surface Affect Gyroscope Precession?

1. What is precession of a gyroscope?

The precession of a gyroscope is the phenomenon in which the axis of rotation of a spinning gyroscope gradually changes direction when a torque is applied.

2. How does precession of a gyroscope occur?

Precession of a gyroscope occurs due to the conservation of angular momentum. When a torque is applied to a spinning gyroscope, the axis of rotation will change in order to maintain the total angular momentum of the system.

3. What is the significance of precession of a gyroscope?

The precession of a gyroscope has many practical applications, such as navigation and stabilization systems in aircrafts and ships. It is also used in gyroscopic compasses and gyroscopic sensors.

4. What factors affect the rate of precession of a gyroscope?

The rate of precession of a gyroscope is affected by the angular momentum of the spinning wheel, the applied torque, and the moment of inertia of the gyroscope. It is also influenced by external factors such as friction and air resistance.

5. Can precession of a gyroscope be demonstrated?

Yes, precession of a gyroscope can be demonstrated through various experiments and demonstrations. For example, spinning a bike wheel while holding it at one end and trying to change the direction of the axis of rotation, or balancing a spinning top on a string and observing its precession when a force is applied.
