Physics Major - Teaching Outlook?

In summary, the local university's integrated science program with a concentration in physics is a good option for students who want to teach high school, as it fulfills the california single subject teaching credential with a concentration in physics and a supplementary science. However, you should still know more than your students and take post-graduate physics courses to be certain you are qualified to teach.
  • #1
Hello PF!

I just finished my freshman year at my local CC majoring in physics. I did not chose to major in physics to become a theoretical physicist, esteemed professor, or the next Einstein. I chose to major in physics because I want to teach kids about science and the universe around us.

I'm on track to pursue a degree for my local university (where I will be transferring - most likely) in physics with additional breadth in chemistry, geology, and biology. This option that my local Uni. has set up for physics majors is solely intended for students who intend to teach high school as it fulfills the california single subject teaching credential with a concentration in physics and a supplementary science.

This option is also for students looking to pursue graduate degrees in physics-interdisciplinary branches which I'm also stoked about because I was hoping to obtain a graduate degree in geology/geophysics. Just a little aside.

However, I still have questions for the science teaching community here on PF. Would this integrated science program with a concentration in physics be better than a degree in pure physics to teach the sciences at the high school level?

Also, to any physics/science teachers teaching high school, does anyone have any advice on pursuing a career in teaching and the outlook for science/physics teachers?
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  • #2
Things vary according to location. In my rural upstate New York area, the easiest way to get a job teaching high school physics is to be legally certified in both physics and chemistry. In N.Y. that means that you took a minimum of 18 college credits in each science, in addition to 30 credits in secondary education, which includes 16 weeks of student teaching. Colleges that have teacher training programs know the local rules.
  • #3
I went through a BS in Physics and then got my masters on the way toward a PhD. Decided that I did not want to be a research Physicist, nor teach at a non-research University. So High School looked like the right road for me.

I dropped from the PhD program and swapped over to education. I only encountered one person there who was working on a Physics Education program. I can tell you that what he understood about physics was absolutely laughable to me. Basically he knew everything I intended to ensure graduating seniors knew, and all he had left were courses on how to be a teacher. He was done with everything he needed about science.

You absolutely MUST know more than your students, and you will have some exceptionally bright students if you teach long enough. So getting some post-graduate physics courses under your belt is highly advised. At the VERY least, be certain you take calculus based physics courses and labs though.

In this area (US Northwest) there is a considerable lack of physics/science teachers. But most places seem interested in general science teachers, instead of specific subjects, due to being understaffed.

So you have a choice to make: get certified for Physics specifically and nothing else (this means a possibly harder time finding a job), or certify for general science, or multiple scientific fields (this means easier time finding a job, but a possibility that you wind up NOT teaching physics).

My own choice had been to certify for Physics and Math specifically, and also to pick up a general science certification that I wouldn't put on my resume until I started to become desperate. In the end however, a job opened up at the university before I finished my certification which fit me even better than teaching high school.

FAQ: Physics Major - Teaching Outlook?

1. What career opportunities are available for physics majors interested in teaching?

Physics majors who are interested in teaching have a variety of career opportunities available to them. They can become high school physics teachers, college professors, or even work in informal education settings such as museums or science centers.

2. Is there a demand for physics teachers?

Yes, there is a high demand for physics teachers in both high schools and colleges. With the growing emphasis on STEM education, there is a need for qualified physics teachers who can inspire and educate the next generation of scientists.

3. How can a physics major prepare for a career in teaching?

To prepare for a career in teaching, a physics major should take education courses or participate in teaching internships. They should also gain experience by tutoring or volunteering in science education programs. Additionally, they should stay updated on current educational practices and technologies.

4. What skills are important for a physics major interested in teaching?

In addition to a strong understanding of physics concepts, a physics major interested in teaching should have good communication and presentation skills. They should also be patient, organized, and have the ability to explain complex ideas in a simple and understandable manner.

5. Are there opportunities for advancement in teaching as a physics major?

Yes, there are opportunities for advancement in teaching as a physics major. With experience and additional education, physics teachers can advance to become department chairs, curriculum specialists, or even school administrators. They can also pursue graduate degrees to specialize in a particular area of physics or education.

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