Looking for a method to calculate what number are used to make a number

  • Thread starter ramscards05
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In summary, the conversation discusses a method for determining the predetermined numbers used to create a given number in a system. The key point is to use the formula sum(k = 0 to n) of 2^k = 2^(n+1) - 1, and then convert the number to a bit string to determine the positions of the 1s. This can also be done using programming language operators such as the AND operator and instructions like BSF and BSR.
  • #1
I am getting a file from a system and in one column there is a number. This number is a sum of predetermined 15 numbers.
The 15 predetermined numbers (bits) are 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 ...,
Each predetermined number can only be used once in the total number.

So if the number is given is 530, I know 512, 16, 2 were used.

Is there a formula to calculate the values used to make the number?

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  • #2
There is a key point here...

sum(k = 0 to n) of 2^k = 2^(n+1) - 1; [for example, 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 = 7 = 2^3 - 1]

To see how this helps, try making a number without including the greatest bit that is less than the number, eg. try making the sum reach 17 without using 16 in the sum.

This should demonstrate there is a good algorithm which will always give you the answer. (neat problem)
  • #3
Well I am assuming you are a computer scientist. You should know how to convert a number from decimal to binary right?

530 / 2 = 265 R 0
265 / 2 = 132 R 1
132 / 2 = 66 R 0
66 / 2 = 33 R 0
33 / 2 = 16 R 1
16 / 2 = 8 R 0
8 / 2 = 4 R 0
4 / 2 = 2 R 0
2 / 2 = 1 R 0
1 / 2 = 0 R 1

So this is the bit string

And each position in the bit string matches up to a certain power of 2.

So just reduce the number to a bit string and then get the positions of the 1s in the bit string and you will know which powers of 2 make up your number.
  • #4
Thanks guys,
No, I am a network admin jumping out of my pool a bit :-)
  • #5
ramscards05 said:
No, I am a network admin jumping out of my pool a bit :-)

You are network admin and you don't see binary number when you are shown one?


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  • #6
When you have a number in an integer variable, it is already in binary and there is no need to convert it further.

Most programming languages have an AND operator which performs an AND operation between the bits of two operands. In the C programming language, the operator is called &. For example, to determine if bit 8 is set, you would use the expression something&256. Some microprocessors also have instructions that count the number of most significant or least significant zero bits. On an Intel processor, these instructions are named BSF and BSR. The BSF instruction determines the bit position of the lowest set bit in a register, while the BSR instruction determines the bit position of the highest set bit. If you are programming in assembly language on an Intel processor, you can enumerate all the bits by using the BSF instruction to find the first set bit, clear it using the BTR instruction and repeat until no more bits are found. To determine if a specific bit is set using the bit position, use the BT instruction. In the C programming lanaguage, the expression something&(1<<position) accomplishes the same function.

FAQ: Looking for a method to calculate what number are used to make a number

What is the purpose of finding a method to calculate the numbers used to make a number?

Finding a method to calculate the numbers used to make a number can help us understand the patterns and relationships between numbers. This can be useful in various fields such as mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Is there a specific formula or algorithm to calculate the numbers used to make a number?

There is no one specific formula or algorithm to calculate the numbers used to make a number. However, there are various mathematical concepts and techniques that can be used to approach this problem.

Can we use this method to calculate any type of number?

The method to calculate the numbers used to make a number can be applied to any type of number, whether it is a whole number, decimal, or fraction. The approach may vary depending on the type of number, but the principles remain the same.

Are there any real-world applications for this method?

Yes, there are many real-world applications for calculating the numbers used to make a number. For example, in cryptography, this method is used to generate and decipher codes. It is also used in data compression, signal processing, and image reconstruction.

How can I improve my understanding of this method?

To improve your understanding of this method, you can practice solving various number problems and explore different mathematical concepts and techniques. You can also seek guidance from experienced mathematicians or take courses in mathematics or computer science.

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