Why Is the Divergence of a Diagram ln(lambda) When D=0?

In summary, the naively divergence of a diagram with a superficial degree of divergence of D=0 (when the divergence of lambda^D is 0) is ln(lambda), where lambda is the ultraviolet cutoff. This may seem confusing, but it is a consequence of regulating Feynman integrals. This can be seen in diagrams with all subdivergences removed, where the remaining divergent integral goes like ln(l) when the external momenta are fixed at a finite value. This integral is renormalized by subtracting the integral for external momenta fixed at the renormalization scale. For more information on this topic, you may find the manuscript on QFT by Kleinert and Schroeder helpful.
  • #1
Please teach me this:
Why the naively divergence of a diagram is ln(lambda) (where lambda is ultraviolet cutoff) when the superficial degree of divergence D=0(the divergence of lambda^D when D=0)).I am reading the renormalization theory in Schroeder&Peskin and I do not understand this.I do know that sometimes this naive divergence is failed because some reasons.But I really do not understand this''naive'' divergence.
Thank you very much in advanced.
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  • #2

It seem to me that it is consequence of the regulation of Feymann integrals(I have just read in
Critical Properties of Phi4 Theory by Kleinert.H).
  • #3

Take a diagram of superficial degree of divergence of D=0 with all subdivergences removed. The remaining divergent integral goes like (with the external momenta fixed at a finite value):

[tex]\int \mathrm{d}^4 l/l^4 \sim \int \mathrm{d} |l|/|l| \sim \ln (l)[/tex]

and is renormalized by subtracting the integral for external momenta fixed at the renormalization scale.

Perhaps, my manuscript on QFT, which has a lot about renormalization, can help you:

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FAQ: Why Is the Divergence of a Diagram ln(lambda) When D=0?

1. Why does the divergence of a diagram occur when the superficial degree of divergence is zero?

The divergence of a diagram occurs when there is a difference between the number of incoming and outgoing lines in a Feynman diagram. This typically happens when there is an interaction between particles. When the superficial degree of divergence is zero, it means that there are no interactions between the particles in the diagram, resulting in no divergence.

2. How is the superficial degree of divergence calculated?

The superficial degree of divergence is calculated by counting the number of lines in a Feynman diagram and subtracting the number of external lines. The remaining number is the superficial degree of divergence, which indicates the level of divergence in the diagram.

3. What is the significance of the superficial degree of divergence in particle physics?

The superficial degree of divergence is significant in particle physics because it helps to determine the level of divergence in a Feynman diagram. This information is crucial in calculating the probability of different particle interactions and predicting the behavior of particles in experiments.

4. How does the superficial degree of divergence affect the accuracy of calculations in particle physics?

The superficial degree of divergence is directly related to the number of loops in a Feynman diagram. The higher the degree of divergence, the more loops there are, which can make calculations more complex and less accurate. Therefore, a lower superficial degree of divergence is desirable in particle physics calculations.

5. Can the superficial degree of divergence be zero for all Feynman diagrams?

No, it is not possible for the superficial degree of divergence to be zero for all Feynman diagrams. This is because interactions between particles are necessary for any physical process to occur, and these interactions will result in a non-zero superficial degree of divergence. However, in some rare cases, the superficial degree of divergence can be zero for certain diagrams due to symmetries in the system.
