Laplace's equation on a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions

In summary: Then you can separate the differential equation in y. As a hint, I got A_n(y)= 2g(H)sinh(n\pi H/L)/(n\pi sinh(n\pi))sin(n\pi x/L)In summary, to solve Laplace's equation inside a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions, one can use a combination of separation of variables and superposition to find a general solution, and then substitute the given boundary conditions to find a particular solution. By writing the given boundary conditions in terms of a Fourier sine series, one can easily separate the differential equation and solve for the coefficients.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Solve Laplace's equation inside the rectangle [itex]0 \le x \le L[/itex], [itex]0 \le y \le H[/itex] with the following boundary conditions

[tex] u(0,y) = g(y)\text{, } u(L,y) = 0\text{, } u_y(x,0) = 0\text{, and } u(x,H) = 0[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that with Dirichlet boundary conditions one can simply superpose 4 solutions to 4 other problems corresponding to one side held fixed and the others held at 0. Can the same technique be generalzed for mixed boundary conditions, like I have above? I don't think so, because when I do that the solution I get for
[tex] u(0,y) = g(y)\text{, } u(L,y) = 0\text{, } u(x,0) = 0\text{, and } u(x,H) = 0 [/tex]
does not satisfy [itex]u_y(x,0) = 0[/tex].

Does anyone have a hint for how I might find solutions which simultaneously satisfy the boundary condition at [itex]u(0,y)\text{ and for }u_y(x,0)[/itex]?
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  • #2
nathan12343 said:

Homework Statement

Solve Laplace's equation inside the rectangle [itex]0 \le x \le L[/itex], [itex]0 \le y \le H[/itex] with the following boundary conditions

[tex] u(0,y) = g(y)\text{, } u(L,y) = 0\text{, } u_y(x,0) = 0\text{, and } u(x,H) = 0[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that with Dirichlet boundary conditions one can simply superpose 4 solutions to 4 other problems corresponding to one side held fixed and the others held at 0. Can the same technique be generalzed for mixed boundary conditions, like I have above? I don't think so, because when I do that the solution I get for
[tex] u(0,y) = g(y)\text{, } u(L,y) = 0\text{, } u(x,0) = 0\text{, and } u(x,H) = 0 [/tex]
does not satisfy [itex]u_y(x,0) = 0[/tex].

Does anyone have a hint for how I might find solutions which simultaneously satisfy the boundary condition at [itex]u(0,y)\text{ and for }u_y(x,0)[/itex]?

Why not find the general 2D solution to Laplace's equation, using separation of variables (i.e. [tex]u(x,y) \equiv X(x)Y(y)[/tex])and then substitute your boundary conditions to find the particular solution?
  • #3
Let v(x,y)= u(x,y)- xg(y)/L

Then [itex]\nabla^2 v= \nabla^2 u- xg"(y)/L= -xg"(y)/L[/itex] since [itex]\nabla^2 u= 0[/itex].

The boundary conditions on v are v(0,y)= 0, v(L, y)= g(y)- g(y)= 0, vy(x, 0)= -xg'(0)/L, v(x,H)= -xg(H)/L.

Because the boundary conditions on x are both 0, you can write v as a Fourier sine series:
[tex]v(x,y)= \sum_{n=1}^\infty A_n(y)sin(n\pi x/L)[/tex]

You will need to write -xg"(y)/L as a Fourier sine series in x so you can treat g"(y) as a constant.

FAQ: Laplace's equation on a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions

1. What is Laplace's equation on a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions?

Laplace's equation is a partial differential equation used to describe the behavior of a scalar field, such as temperature or potential, in a given region. When applied to a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions, it means that the boundaries of the rectangle have a combination of both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.

2. What are Dirichlet boundary conditions?

Dirichlet boundary conditions specify the value of the scalar field on the boundaries of the region. In the case of a rectangle, this means that the temperature or potential is known at each point on the boundary.

3. What are Neumann boundary conditions?

Neumann boundary conditions specify the gradient of the scalar field on the boundaries of the region. In the case of a rectangle, this means that the rate of change of temperature or potential at each point on the boundary is known.

4. How is Laplace's equation solved on a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions?

The solution to Laplace's equation on a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions involves using a combination of Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions to find a unique solution that satisfies the equation. This can be done using various numerical or analytical methods.

5. What are some real-world applications of Laplace's equation on a rectangle with mixed boundary conditions?

Laplace's equation with mixed boundary conditions can be used to model a variety of physical phenomena, such as heat conduction in a rectangular object with different temperatures on each side, or the flow of electricity in a circuit with different potentials at different points. It can also be applied in fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and other fields.

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