What Perturbation Maximizes the Condition Number in a Matrix Equation?

In summary: A) * norm(x)Therefore, we can see that this perturbation dA fulfills the given equality. In summary, to maximize the condition number of the system of equations Ax = b, we can use the perturbation dA = U(:,n)V^T(:,n) where U and V are the orthogonal matrices from the SVD of A, and n is the index of the smallest singular value of A.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For a system of equations Ax = b
Let dA be a random perturbation of the matrix A

The error in

Which dA fullfills the equality

norm(A^-1 (da) x) = norm(A^-1) norm(dA) norm(x)

(The SVD of A is known)
(b is a known vector)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I managed to solve a somewhat similar question asking for what b and db fullfills the upper bound for K = norm(A)*norm(b)/norm(x) <= cond(A)

when b = A*V(:,1) and db = U(:,5) <-- clearly rows and columns values corresponding to the smallest singular value of A

However for this particular question I am clueless as to how to form dA to maximise the condition number so it reaches cond(A) = norm(A)*norm(A^-1)
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  • #2
which simplifies to sqrt(cond(A)) = norm(A)*norm(x)/norm(b)

Hi there,

Thank you for your question. To answer this, we need to understand the concept of condition number and how it is affected by perturbations in the matrix A.

The condition number of a matrix A is a measure of how sensitive the solution x is to small changes in the entries of A. A higher condition number means that small changes in A can result in large changes in the solution x, making the system of equations more difficult to solve.

In this case, we are looking for a perturbation dA that maximizes the condition number, which means that it will have the greatest effect on the solution x. To do this, we can use the singular value decomposition (SVD) of A.

The SVD of A is given by A = UΣV^T, where U and V are orthogonal matrices and Σ is a diagonal matrix with the singular values of A on the diagonal. The condition number of A is then given by the ratio of the largest and smallest singular values of A, i.e. cond(A) = σ1/σn.

To maximize the condition number, we want to find a perturbation dA that affects the smallest singular value of A (σn) the most. This can be achieved by setting dA = U(:,n)V^T(:,n), where U(:,n) and V^T(:,n) are the columns of U and rows of V^T corresponding to the smallest singular value σn.

Substituting this dA into the original equation, we get:

norm(A^-1 (dA) x) = norm(A^-1) norm(dA) norm(x)

norm(A^-1 U(:,n)V^T(:,n) x) = norm(A^-1) norm(U(:,n)V^T(:,n)) norm(x)

Since U and V are orthogonal matrices, their norm is equal to 1. Also, norm(A^-1) = 1/σ1, so the equation becomes:

norm(A^-1 U(:,n)V^T(:,n) x) = 1/σ1 * norm(U(:,n)V^T(:,n)) * norm(x)

= 1/σ1 * norm(U(:,n)) * norm(V^T(:,n)) * norm(x)

= 1/σ1 * 1 * 1 * norm(x) =

FAQ: What Perturbation Maximizes the Condition Number in a Matrix Equation?

What is the condition number of a matrix?

The condition number of a matrix is a measure of how sensitive the solution to a linear system of equations is to changes in the input data. It is used to determine the numerical stability of a matrix and can be used to assess the quality of the solution to a problem.

How is the condition number of a matrix calculated?

The condition number of a matrix is calculated by finding the ratio of the largest singular value to the smallest singular value of the matrix. It can also be calculated using the eigenvalues of the matrix.

What does a high condition number of a matrix indicate?

A high condition number of a matrix indicates that the matrix is ill-conditioned, meaning that small changes in the input data can result in large changes in the solution. This can lead to inaccurate or unstable solutions.

What is a good condition number for a matrix?

A good condition number for a matrix is close to 1, as this indicates that the matrix is well-conditioned and the solution is not sensitive to small changes in the input data. Generally, a condition number of less than 10 is considered good, while a condition number greater than 100 is considered poor.

How can the condition number of a matrix be improved?

The condition number of a matrix can be improved by using numerical techniques such as pivoting or scaling to reduce the effects of rounding errors. In some cases, preconditioning techniques can also be used to transform the matrix into a better-conditioned form.

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