Electric circuits/voltage/resistor

  • Thread starter Bengo
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In summary: Somebody explain it to me in simpler terms.In summary, the current in the circuit is given by emf=V=IR. This relationship is saying that as a charge moves through the circuit, the potential increase in the emf is equal to the potential drop V as that charge moves through the resistor. Resistance is just the ratio of V and I and it is best not to try to use 'descriptive' words to 'explain any more about what Resistance 'is'.
  • #1
There are a few sentences in by book that are confusing me and I was wondering if someone can clarify what they are trying to say.

"The current in the circuit is given by emf=V=IR. This relationship is saying that as a charge moves through the circuit, the potential increase in the emf is equal to the potential drop V as that charge moves through the resistor"

I thought that emf is similar to voltage, what is this "increase in the emf equal to voltage drop" they are talking about?

Thanks so much
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  • #2
Start with the Voltage (Potential Difference). It is the equivalent of the Potential Energy of a mass above the surface of the Earth (which needed to be raised at some point in the past). If one Coulomb of charge 'falls' through a Volt of Potential, then one Joule of work is done. A battery needs to provide one Joule to raise its potential in order for this to happen. The emf is the term for the 'driving' Volts that the battery provides.
So the PD makes things happen to the Charge. Rate of charge flow is called Current. A resistance of R will allow a current to flow according to the formula I = V/R.
That equation can be re-arranged to work out any of the three if you are given the other two.
Resistance is just the Ratio of V and I and it is best not to try to use 'descriptive' words to 'explain any more about what Resistance 'is'.
Kirchoff's Second law puts things this way. It says that the sum of the emfs in a circuit (the total energy supplied by batteries or generators) is equal to the energy that is dissipated by the other components in the circuit so the emf from the battery will be equal to the IR of (the voltage drop across) the resistor.
I think that is what your book is getting at.

FAQ: Electric circuits/voltage/resistor

What is an electric circuit?

An electric circuit is a closed loop through which electric current can flow. It typically consists of a power source, such as a battery, and conductors, such as wires, that are connected to the power source and create a path for the current to flow.

What is voltage and how is it measured?

Voltage, also known as electric potential difference, is the measurement of the energy difference between two points in an electric circuit. It is measured in volts (V) using a voltmeter, which is connected in parallel to the circuit.

What is the purpose of a resistor in an electric circuit?

A resistor is an electronic component that is designed to resist the flow of electric current. It is often used to control the amount of current or voltage in a circuit, and can also be used to convert electrical energy into heat.

What factors affect the resistance in a circuit?

The resistance in a circuit is affected by several factors, including the material of the conductor, the length and cross-sectional area of the conductor, and the temperature of the conductor. Generally, materials with higher resistivity, longer conductors, and smaller cross-sectional areas will have higher resistance.

How is Ohm's law used in electric circuits?

Ohm's law states that the current (I) in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage (V) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R). This means that as the voltage increases, the current will also increase, and as the resistance increases, the current will decrease. Ohm's law is used to calculate the amount of current or voltage in a circuit, and can also be rearranged to solve for resistance (R = V/I) or voltage (V = IR).
