Redox Titration - Determining the % of Iron II and Iron III

In summary, you used stoichiometry and formula weights or formula masses and basic mathematics to find that there are 1.3g of Iron III in a mixture containing both Fe2+ and Fe3+.
  • #1
determine the % of iron II and iron III in a mixture containing both, where i am given 200cm3 of a solution containing 1.3g of iron ions(Fe 2+ Fe 3+) using potassium magnanete.
I wrote down the equation already, and method, but i don't know how to work out the % from it :/
Can you please help or any ideas how to start?
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  • #2
Having the equation (which you tell us that you worked out) allows you to use stoichiometry and formula weights or formula masses and fairly simple basic mathematics arithmetic. Realize, your reaction is oxidation of the Fe+2 by Mn04-, to become Fe+3 (and whatever becomes of the permanganate).

How many moles, and how many grams of Fe+3 did you find? From this, find how many grams of Fe+3 is in the sample.

... is there more to your task than you wrote in your question to the forum? Do you want ALL of the iron using a permanganate titration? I would imagine that you could use an EDTA titration to find all of the iron, and then use a permanganate titration to get the Fe+2; maybe you could first reduce the Fe+3 with some well chosen reducing agent before titrating ALL of the iron with permanganate.
  • #3
Yes that's right, well firstly I am trying to work out how much iron is present altogether and how much of it is Iron II
on my task sheet all it says: You have to devise a volumetric procedure to determine the percentage of iron II and Iron III in a mixture containing both.

You are provided with 200cm3 of a solution containing between 1.1g - 1.3g of iron ions as a mixture of Fe2+ or Fe3+. You may assume that each of the 2 ions of is present to at least 30% by mass. But a balance is not avaliable.

I know that you use titration for this to find the concentration of Iron II first, but then i confused afterwards, are we suppose to make up the concentration for Potassium Managanate?

so we use the formulas, n= m/mr and c=nv.

(acidified) iron (III) is reduced with granulated zinc
2Fe3+(aq) + Zn(s) -> 2Fe2+(aq) + Zn2+(aq)MnO4-(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) + 8H+(aq) " Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(aq)
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  • #4
This level of electrochemistry I understood many years ago, so I'll just trust that your equations are correct:
(acidified) iron (III) is reduced with granulated zinc
2Fe3+(aq) + Zn(s) -> 2Fe2+(aq) + Zn2+(aq)

MnO4-(aq) + 5Fe2+(aq) + 8H+(aq) " Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(aq

Since it has been so long ago; are you sure that the presence of Zinc ion is not an interference with the titration with permanganate? You could use a table of electrochemical series to decide this. Any other advisers?
  • #5
symbolipoint said:
This level of electrochemistry I understood many years ago, so I'll just trust that your equations are correct:

Since it has been so long ago; are you sure that the presence of Zinc ion is not an interference with the titration with permanganate? You could use a table of electrochemical series to decide this. Any other advisers?

I think you use Zinc to reduce it to Fe2+ in order to find out the end point from that, once you titrated completely.But I am not so sure :/
My lecturer told me to look up on that reaction on how to reduce it, so i should think it is that

FAQ: Redox Titration - Determining the % of Iron II and Iron III

1. What is redox titration?

Redox titration is a laboratory technique used to determine the concentration or percentage of a substance in a sample by measuring the change in oxidation states of the elements involved in a chemical reaction. In this case, we are specifically interested in determining the percentage of Iron II and Iron III in a sample.

2. Why is it important to determine the percentage of Iron II and Iron III?

Iron II and Iron III are two common oxidation states of iron that are important in various industrial and environmental processes. By knowing the percentage of these two forms of iron in a sample, we can better understand the chemical and physical properties of the sample and its potential uses.

3. How is the percentage of Iron II and Iron III determined through redox titration?

The redox titration method involves adding a known amount of a reagent, such as potassium permanganate, to the sample. The reagent will react with one of the forms of iron, causing a color change. By measuring the amount of reagent needed to cause the color change, we can calculate the percentage of Iron II and Iron III in the sample.

4. What factors can affect the accuracy of redox titration results?

Several factors can affect the accuracy of redox titration results, including the purity of the sample, the concentration and stability of the reagent, the skill and technique of the experimenter, and the presence of interfering substances in the sample.

5. Are there any safety precautions to take when performing redox titration?

As with any laboratory technique, it is important to follow proper safety precautions when performing redox titration. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, working in a well-ventilated area, and properly disposing of any hazardous materials used in the experiment.
