About to become an armchair astronomer

  • Thread starter jhe1984
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In summary, a person shared information about a web-based astronomy site called Slooh.com, which allows users to remotely view cosmic objects from an observatory in the Canary Islands. They also mentioned another similar site offered by Harvard. The person has not used Slooh.com yet but is excited about the opportunity and hopes it lives up to their expectations. They also shared some other options for viewing the stars online.
  • #1
Hi all,

This is probably extremely old news, but I just wanted to let ya'll know about this web-based astronomy site, Slooh.com. The site is a remote viewer of some observatory in the Canary Islands. Anyway, you can tune in generally every night and check out different cosmic objects.

I have never used the site - I signed up tonite but it was cloudy so viewing was canceled - so this is hardly a plug. It may be lousy, but thus far I am pretty excited. I live in the city and am not able to check out the stars with any regularity so I am pretty pumped about this opportunity. I hope it lives up to my expectations. We are checking out Uranus tonite. (Insert joke here). -- Wow, that just got worse and worse.

Anyway, I also saw that Harvard has a free one of these which you can use if you reserve a ticket. Slooh, I think, will be better for me since (I think) it is guided observation.

Has anybody used this or anything like this before? While I'm sure it doesn't beat the real thing, it does seem like a good compromise, in theory at least. I'll let yall know what I think (if anyone cares). :cool:
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
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FAQ: About to become an armchair astronomer

1. What equipment do I need to become an armchair astronomer?

As an armchair astronomer, you will need a computer or tablet with internet access, a pair of binoculars or a small telescope, and a star chart or astronomy app to help you navigate the night sky.

2. What can I see as an armchair astronomer?

As an armchair astronomer, you can observe the Moon, planets, stars, and other celestial objects through your binoculars or telescope. You can also track the movement of constellations and observe meteor showers and other special events.

3. How do I learn about the night sky as an armchair astronomer?

There are many online resources, such as astronomy websites and forums, that can help you learn about the night sky. You can also join online communities or clubs that specialize in armchair astronomy to connect with other enthusiasts and learn from their experiences.

4. Is armchair astronomy a suitable hobby for beginners?

Yes, armchair astronomy is a great hobby for beginners as it requires minimal equipment and can be done from the comfort of your home. It is also a great way to ease into the world of astronomy and learn at your own pace.

5. Can armchair astronomy contribute to scientific research?

Yes, armchair astronomy can contribute to scientific research by participating in citizen science projects or reporting any interesting observations to professional astronomers. Your contributions can help expand our understanding of the universe.
