Generalized coordinates: Understanding Kinetic Energy

In summary, when using generalized coordinates, it is possible to add the kinetic contributions from each object to get the total kinetic energy, as long as the objects are in a single system and the kinetic energies are expressed in terms of a single reference frame. However, it is important to note that the energies should be calculated from an inertial frame and then expressed in terms of the generalized coordinates to avoid double counting.
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Homework Statement

When I use generalized coordinates how do I know that I can add the kinetic contributions from each to get the total kinetic energy? How do I know that you are not "counting the same KE twice"?

e.g. if you have a double pendulum how do you know that you can just add the KE due to one angle to the KE due to the other angle?

What if the angles are moving in opposite directions? Couldn't some KE cancel out then?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Kinetic energy is a *scalar* quantity, there is no inherent direction associated with it (i.e., it doesn't matter in what directions objects in a single system are moving with respect to each other or a static frame of reference, etc). There can only be *positive contributions* to kinetic energy fom each object; and, e.g., two masses m and M in a single system, the objects *individually contribute* to the kinetic energy, so that they simply add as
1/2 m s^2 + 1/2 M S^2,
where s and S are the speeds of the two masses m and M *with respect to a single reference frame*. This is therefore true in the special case of the double pendulum, where it's usually simpler to write the linear speeds "s" in terms of the rotational speed
  • #3
Actually I do not even think it is true that you can just add the KE due to one to the KE due to the other angle. You need to express x and y in terms of the angles and then add the squares of their derivatives.
  • #4
ehrenfest said:
Actually I do not even think it is true that you can just add the KE due to one to the KE due to the other angle. You need to express x and y in terms of the angles and then add the squares of their derivatives.

I guess that by "angles" you really mean the two *objects*! (It makes no sense to me to talk about the energy of angle! There is the energy of a mass whose position is described by an angle).

You are correct that we always start from an *inertial frame* to calculate the kinetic energies of the objects. And *then* we rexpress those energies in terms of the generalized coordinates. This way there is no double counting problems.

FAQ: Generalized coordinates: Understanding Kinetic Energy

1. What are generalized coordinates?

Generalized coordinates are a set of independent variables that are used to describe the state of a physical system. They are used in physics and engineering to simplify the mathematical representation of a complex system and make it easier to solve problems.

2. How do generalized coordinates differ from Cartesian coordinates?

Generalized coordinates are not restricted to the traditional three dimensions of Cartesian coordinates. They can include any number of variables that are necessary to fully describe the state of a system. This can include variables such as angles, distances, and velocities.

3. Why are generalized coordinates useful?

Generalized coordinates allow for a more efficient and concise representation of complex systems. They also make it easier to apply mathematical principles and solve problems in physics and engineering.

4. How are generalized coordinates related to Lagrangian mechanics?

In Lagrangian mechanics, generalized coordinates are used to describe the state of a system and its motion. They are used to derive equations of motion and determine the dynamics of a system.

5. Can generalized coordinates be used in any physical system?

Yes, generalized coordinates can be used in any physical system where there are a set of independent variables that can describe the system's state. They are commonly used in classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and electromagnetism.
