Solving for Magnetic Field Strength given Induced voltage in a coil

In summary, the conversation discusses a lab where a coil of wire was placed inside a Helmholtz pair and an AC current was passed through it. The induced voltages were recorded using an oscilloscope and the goal is now to solve for the magnetic field strength as the coil was moved along the axis of the Helmholtz pair. The relevant equations, including Faraday's Law, are mentioned and the attempt at a solution is also provided. The questioner is asking for confirmation and assistance with their approach.
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Homework Statement

This is part of a lab I did, I am working on the writeup now. We placed a coil of wire inside of a Helmholtz pair, with 20V of 60Hz AC through the Helmholtz pair. The coil inside was connected to an oscilloscope and the induced voltages were recorded. I now need to solve for the strength of the magnetic field as the coil was moved along the axis of the Helmholtz pair.

Homework Equations

Period = 1/frequency T=1/f
Faraday's Law emf = -d/dt (magnetic flux)

The Attempt at a Solution

Faraday's Law: emf = dB/dt * 2*pi*N*r^2 (area is constant, N is number of loops, B is changing)
dB = emf/(2*pi*r^2) *dt
integrate both sides
B = emf/(2*pi*r^2*f) (f is frequency of current through the Helmholtz pair)

Is this correct? Can I do this?
Physics news on
  • #2
can anyone help?
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Yes, your approach appears to be correct. You correctly applied Faraday's Law to relate the induced voltage to the changing magnetic field. By integrating both sides, you were able to solve for the magnetic field strength as a function of the induced voltage, coil radius, and frequency. This is a common method used to determine the strength of a magnetic field in experimental setups. However, it is always important to double check your calculations and make sure all units are consistent. Also, keep in mind any potential sources of error in your experimental setup that may affect your results. Good luck with your write-up!

FAQ: Solving for Magnetic Field Strength given Induced voltage in a coil

1. What is the formula for calculating magnetic field strength from induced voltage in a coil?

The formula for calculating magnetic field strength (B) from induced voltage (V) in a coil is B = V / (N x A), where N is the number of turns in the coil and A is the cross-sectional area of the coil.

2. How does the number of turns in a coil affect the magnetic field strength?

The number of turns in a coil (N) is directly proportional to the magnetic field strength (B). This means that as the number of turns increases, the magnetic field strength will also increase.

3. Can the cross-sectional area of a coil affect the magnetic field strength?

Yes, the cross-sectional area (A) of a coil can affect the magnetic field strength (B). A larger cross-sectional area will result in a stronger magnetic field, while a smaller area will result in a weaker magnetic field.

4. What other factors can affect the magnetic field strength in a coil?

In addition to the number of turns and cross-sectional area, the strength of the current passing through the coil, the material of the coil, and the presence of nearby magnetic fields can also affect the magnetic field strength in a coil.

5. How can the magnetic field strength in a coil be measured?

The magnetic field strength in a coil can be measured using a magnetometer. This device can detect and measure the strength of magnetic fields, including those produced by a coil.
