Can a standard ATV handle speeds over 100mph and still turn safely?

  • Thread starter UnteljentEnginyr
  • Start date
In summary, taking a standard to large size ATV and making it go over 100mph would bring a lot of difficulties due to its narrow wheel base and high center of gravity. While it may still be able to change directions slowly on long sweeping curves, the unbalanced tires and solid rear axle make it potentially dangerous to attempt at high speeds. Experienced riders should always use caution and proper protective gear when attempting such speeds on an ATV."
  • #1
Take your standard to large size ATV and make it go over 100mph. Will it be able to all? I would imagine that there would be a lot of difficulties just because the wheel base (dont know if that is the term or not...I mean the distance between the two front or the two rear tires) is not very wide, as compared to a car that's designed to go over 100mph.

When I think of something like this, I am imagining getting it up over 100mph, trying to turn, only to have the thing flip on its side...many many times.
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  • #2
I used to own a highly modified Yamaha Tri-Z 250cc three-wheeler. It'd do 90MPH+ but was an absolute handful at speed. Even at 60-70MPH it was quite an adreneline rush to move over on a gravel road, the short wheelbase meant things happened quickly and the nature of being a 3-wheeler made it twitchy as well. I have a cousin with a modified Banshee, it handles pretty well at 70-75MPH in comparison.

You can't turn tight corners unless you want to end up like Ozzy, but they can still change directions even if only slowly on long sweeping gradual curves. The bigger problem is the tires aren't balanced and this is a huge issue at speed.

The high center of gravity and solid rear axle doesn't help either which is why transferring your body weight is even more important than at low speeds. Don't try it at home unless you're experienced, never ride beyond your skills, and always with the right protective gear kinda thing.

  • #3

It is highly unlikely that a standard ATV would be able to handle speeds over 100mph and still turn safely. ATVs are not designed for high-speed racing and do not have the same level of stability and handling as a car or motorcycle.

The wheelbase, or distance between the two front or rear tires, is an important factor in a vehicle's stability and handling at high speeds. ATVs typically have a shorter wheelbase compared to cars, which can make it more difficult to maintain control and make sharp turns at high speeds.

Additionally, the suspension and tires on ATVs are not designed to handle such high speeds and may not be able to provide enough traction and stability for safe turning. The risk of flipping over or losing control increases significantly when attempting to turn at such high speeds on an ATV.

In short, it is not recommended to attempt to make a standard ATV go over 100mph as it is not designed for such speeds and could result in serious accidents and injuries. If you are looking for a vehicle to handle high speeds and turns, a car or motorcycle would be a more suitable option.

FAQ: Can a standard ATV handle speeds over 100mph and still turn safely?

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