Finite Intersection of Open Sets Are Always Open?

In summary: Since ##x\in A_1\cap A_2## was arbitrary, this means that every member of ##A_1\cap A_2## is an interior point. Therefore ##A_1\cap A_2## is open.In summary, the argument claims that if we have two non-empty open sets ##A_1## and ##A_2##, then their intersection ##A_1\cap A_2## is also open. This is based on the fact that for any point ##x## in the intersection, we can find neighborhoods of smaller and smaller radii that are completely contained within ##A_1## and ##A_2##. This guarantees that any point in the intersection must
  • #1
Suppose we have non-empty [itex]A_{1}[/itex] and non-empty [itex]A_{2}[/itex] which are both open. By "open" I mean all points of [itex]A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]A_{2}[/itex] are internal points. There is an argument -- which I have seen online and in textbooks -- that [itex]A_{1} \cap A_{2} = A[/itex] is open (assuming [itex]A[/itex] is non-empty) since:

1. For some [itex]x \in A, A_{1}, A_{2}[/itex] we have neighborhoods [itex]N_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2}[/itex] around [itex]x[/itex] of radii [itex]r_{1}[/itex] and [itex]r_{2}[/itex] respectively, such that [itex]N_{1} \subset A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2} \subset A_{2}[/itex]. We know this since [itex]A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]A_{2}[/itex] are stipulated to be open.

2. If we take [itex]min(r_{1},r_{2}) = r[/itex] we can then construct a neighborhood [itex]N[/itex] of radius [itex]r[/itex] around [itex]x[/itex] and (this is the part that seems false to me) we can somehow KNOW that [itex]N \subset A[/itex] and therefore conclude that [itex]A[/itex] is open.

But why (2)? How do we KNOW that [itex]N \subset A[/itex]? Why can't [itex]N_{1} \subset A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2} \subset A_{2}[/itex] but nevertheless [itex]N \not \subset A[/itex]?
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  • #2
gwsinger said:
Why can't [itex]N_{1} \subset A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2} \subset A_{2}[/itex] but nevertheless [itex]N \not \subset A[/itex]?

After we have constructed N, we no longer care about N1 and N2 separately. We only care about N. The main reason is that we chose the smallest neighborhood. Suppose N = N1. Since this is the smallest neighborhood, we have:

[itex]N \subset A_1[/itex] and [itex]N \subset A_2[/itex], so... The other case is analogous to this.


As a side note (and I think this is what you're talking about), N1 may not be a subset of A2. This is the reason why we want to choose the minimum radius from N1 and N2. If N1 is not a subset of A2, we make the new radius small enough so that it is a subset of A2. From the beginning, N2 is a subset of A2, so we'll just use N2's radius.
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  • #3
gwsinger said:
[itex]A_{1} \cap A_{2} = A[/itex]
How do we KNOW that [itex]N \subset A[/itex]? Why can't [itex]N_{1} \subset A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2} \subset A_{2}[/itex] but nevertheless [itex]N \not \subset A[/itex]?
You defined N as the smaller of N1 and N2. (Clearly one of them is a subset of the other). If ##N=N_1##, then ##N=N_1\subset A_1## and ##N=N_1\subset N_2\subset A_2##. This clearly implies that ##N\subset A_1\cap A_2##.
  • #4
I'm still not getting it! Sure, [itex]N[/itex] is defined as the smaller of [itex]N_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2}[/itex]. So what? Why does that guarantee it will fit in [itex]X[/itex]? Here is a visual aid to what I am sensing as a counter-example (see attached). In the picture we have [itex]N_{1} \subset A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2} \subset A_{2}[/itex] but clearly not [itex]N_{1} \lor N_{2} \subset A[/itex].


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  • #5
gwsinger said:
I'm still not getting it! Sure, [itex]N[/itex] is defined as the smaller of [itex]N_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2}[/itex]. So what? Why does that guarantee it will fit in [itex]X[/itex]? Here is a visual aid to what I am sensing as a counter-example (see attached). In the picture we have [itex]N_{1} \subset A_{1}[/itex] and [itex]N_{2} \subset A_{2}[/itex] but clearly not [itex]N_{1} \lor N_{2} \subset A[/itex].
But N1 and N2 have to be centered at x. In other words, N1 consists of all the points within a distance r1 of x, and N2 consists of all points within a distance r2 of x. Either r1 is less than or equal to r2 or r2 is less than or equal to r1. So either all the points within a distance r1 of x are within a distance r2 of x, or vice versa. Thus either N1 is a subset of N2, or vice versa.
  • #6
Yes, my answer is the same as lugita15's. I assumed that you (gwsinger) define "neighborhood around x"="open ball around x"="open ball with x at the center". If you define "neighborhood around x"="open ball that contains x", then you're right that the argument needs to be changed.
  • #7
I see your point -- but I thought the goal was to think outside of the R2 metric. In Principles of Mathematical Analysis 2.24, Rudin makes a proof along these lines but NOT just for R2. So the question becomes: is there something that makes the proof necessarily true even in obscure metrics? If not, I'm willing to bite the bullet on this one and accept that the intuition we gain from why this must be true in R2 somehow applies to other metrics as well.

Thanks for your help.
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  • #8
gwsinger said:
I see your point -- but I thought the goal was to think outside of the [itex]R^{2}[/itex] metric. In Principles of Mathematical Analysis 2.24, Rudin makes a proof along the lines of the one I posted outside of [itex]R^{2}[/itex]. Is there something that makes the proof necessarily true even in obscure metrics? If not, I'm willing to bite the bullet on this one.

Thanks for your help.
Nothing in my (or Fredrik's) post depends on having [itex]R^{2}[/itex] as the metric space. All I said is that if r1 is less than or equal to r2, then the points within a distance r1 of x are automatically within a distance r2 of x. In other words, if d(x,y)<r1 and r1≤r2, then d(x,y)≤r2.
  • #9
This is how I'd do the proof for an arbitrary metric space X. For all ##x\in X## and all r>0, ##B(x,r)## denotes the open ball around x with radius r.

If ##A_1\cap A_2=\emptyset##, then ##A_1\cap A_2## is obviously open. So suppose that ##A_1\cap A_2\neq\emptyset##. Let ##x\in A_1\cap A_2## be arbitrary. Since ##A_1## is open, there's an ##r_1>0## such that ##B(x,r_1)\subset A_1##. Since ##A_2## is open, there's an ##r_2>0## such that ##B(x,r_2)\subset A_2##. Define ##r=\min\{r_1,r_2\}##. Clearly, ##B(x,r)\subset B(x,r_1)\subset A_1## and ##B(x,r)\subset B(x,r_2)\subset A_2##. So every member of ##B(x,r)## is a member of both ##A_1## and ##A_2##. This means that ##B(x,r)\subset A_1\cap A_2##.

FAQ: Finite Intersection of Open Sets Are Always Open?

What is the definition of a finite intersection of open sets?

The finite intersection of open sets refers to the set of all elements that are present in all of the open sets being intersected.

Why is the finite intersection of open sets always open?

The finite intersection of open sets is always open because it follows the definition of an open set, which is a set that contains all of its boundary points. Since the finite intersection only includes elements that are present in all of the open sets, it also contains all of the boundary points, making it an open set.

Can the finite intersection of open sets be empty?

Yes, the finite intersection of open sets can be empty if there are no common elements among the open sets being intersected. In this case, the empty set is considered an open set.

Is the finite intersection of open sets always a subset of each open set being intersected?

Yes, the finite intersection of open sets is always a subset of each open set being intersected. This is because the elements in the finite intersection are present in all of the open sets, making them a subset of each individual open set.

How is the finite intersection of open sets related to the concept of a topological space?

The finite intersection of open sets is a fundamental concept in topology, which is the study of the properties of spaces that are preserved under continuous transformations. In a topological space, the finite intersection of open sets is used to define the topology, which is a collection of open sets that satisfy certain axioms. The finite intersection is also used to prove theorems and properties in topological spaces.

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