What is the technical term for this sociological/psychological phenomenon?

In summary, the conversation discusses the phenomenon of people automatically perceiving a speaker's view on a topic as opposite their own, even if no opinion was expressed. The term "mental filter" and "confirmation bias" were suggested as possible explanations for this phenomenon, but the speaker remembers reading about the "hostile media effect" or "hostile media phenomenon" in an article and believes it fits the situation best. This phenomenon is an example of disconfirmation bias or confirmation bias.
  • #1
HJ Farnsworth
Greetings everyone,

When someone discusses a given topic, people often perceive that the speaker's view on the topic is opposite theirs, even if no opinion on the topic was given. I know that there is a technical term for this (I read it in an obscure magazine, like Alaska Airlines magazine or something, years ago), but I don't know what it is.

Does anyone know the term I'm looking for?

Just to be as clear as possible, I will give the example that was given in the magazine (or at least, my distorted recollection of it).

The author was a technology reviewer, who often compared Microsoft and Apple products. He mentioned that regardless of whether he favored one or the other in his articles, he would inevitably get angry responses to his article from the opposing viewpoint. During one article he decided not to actually compare them, but simply to dedicate one half of his article to the merits of a Microsoft product, and the other half to the merits of the corresponding Apple product (I think he was just reviewing operating systems) - and he said this resulted in him getting twice as many angry responses as he usually did, and that these responses indicated that the people who were angry had barely seemed to notice the half of the article that promoted their viewpoint. He then said he discussed this experience with people he knew and eventually learned the name of this phenomenon, which he mentioned in the article I read and which I have since forgotten.

Thanks for any help you can give.

-HJ Farnsworth
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I don't know if there is a specific name for people agreeing with their preference. If there were two separate parts to his negative remarks, that might explain the increase in responses if people didn't notice he was negative/positive about both products.
  • #3
Thanks for the quick response, Evo.

Evo said:
I don't know if there is a specific name for people agreeing with their preference

People agreeing with their preference isn't quite the thing I'm looking for - it's more of a sort of automatic perception by a listener that, if a speaker mentions a topic, then the speaker's view on that topic is opposite that of the listener's, regardless to whether there was a specific opinion expressed by the speaker.

I'm sure that there is a term for this, because I can remember reading it in that article - I just can't remember what that term is.

I'll make up a silly conversation as another (crude) example of the thing I'm trying to name:

Speaker - "I like the command styles of Kirk and Picard."
Listener - "How could you possibly like Picard better than Kirk?"

Of course, this example was a hyperbole - but I'm just trying to get the idea across to try to figure out what the term I'm looking for is.

Thanks again.

-HJ Farnsworth
  • #4
The term "mental filter" from Cognitive Therapy applies to what you're talking about:


But I wouldn't call this a "technical" term.

The three types of mental filters mentioned at the link are worth a look. "All-Or-Nothing thinking" might fit best. In this case, the All-Or-Nothing proposition would be: any comment that isn't composed exclusively of unqualified praise must be regarded as damnation.

In the meantime, I'm trying to think of a formal logical fallacy that describes this (which would make it more of a proper "technical term"), but the only thing that comes to mind is that this might be considered a special case of confirmation bias.
  • #5
Rorshach effect? I don't know if that is true but it sounds good.

"Ignorantly stubborn" or "false assumption" come to mind as descriptive phrases for which you are speaking. Certain words, names and phrases can trigger the phenomenon. It relies on an association with a word like Romney=rich, Obama=elite, green=money, etc. Like a Rorshach test, or something similar, where you are given an image or word and told to say aloud the first thing that comes to your mind.
  • #6
Thanks for the responses, everyone. I was on vacation so just read them a couple days ago.

Zoobyshoe, I went to the link you sent me and read the links. They weren't quite what I was looking for, but they definitely pointed me in the right direction.

I did a bunch of Google searches for phenomena resembling all-or-nothing thinking, and eventually came across a paper (free pdf download if you google it) called, "The hostile media phenomenon: biased perception and perceptions of media bias in coverage of the Beirut massacre".

It turns out the hostile media phenomenon, also called the hostile media effect, was pretty much exactly what I was looking for, for the case of media at least. It is an example of disconfirmation bias (or confirmation bias, depending on how you look at it).



Thanks again.

-HJ Farnsworth

FAQ: What is the technical term for this sociological/psychological phenomenon?

What is the technical term for this sociological/psychological phenomenon?

The technical term for this sociological/psychological phenomenon depends on the specific phenomenon being referred to. There are countless terms used in the fields of sociology and psychology to describe various behaviors, patterns, and phenomena. It is important to specify the phenomenon in question in order to accurately identify the technical term.

How do I know if a phenomenon is sociological or psychological?

The distinction between sociological and psychological phenomena can sometimes be blurry, as both fields often overlap and influence each other. However, a general rule of thumb is that sociological phenomena refer to patterns and behaviors that are observed and influenced by society and social structures, while psychological phenomena refer to individual thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Are there any common sociological/psychological phenomena that are widely studied?

Yes, there are many common sociological/psychological phenomena that have been extensively studied by scientists and researchers. Some examples include conformity, cognitive dissonance, bystander effect, groupthink, and social identity. These are just a few of the many phenomena that have been studied in depth by sociologists and psychologists.

Can a phenomenon be both sociological and psychological?

Yes, it is possible for a phenomenon to have both sociological and psychological aspects. For example, the concept of social identity involves both individual psychological factors, such as self-perception, and societal factors, such as group membership and social norms. In many cases, sociological and psychological factors are intertwined and cannot be easily separated.

Is there a definitive list of all sociological/psychological phenomena?

No, there is no definitive list of all sociological/psychological phenomena. These fields are constantly evolving and new phenomena are being discovered and studied all the time. Additionally, different researchers may use different terminology and categorization for similar phenomena, making it difficult to create a comprehensive list. It is important to keep an open mind and stay updated on the latest research and developments in these fields.
