Polariton BEC, Polariton Laser - Applications?

In summary, the latest announcement on the development of something resembling a BEC using polaritons seems interesting. It could potentially generate laser output in a more energy-efficient way than lasers achieved through conventional population inversion of electrons, and may have many practical applications. There are limitations and constraints on the technology, but it seems like a potentially revolutionary development.
  • #1

This latest announcement on the development of something resembling a BEC using polaritons seems interesting:



So I'd like to know what the implications of this development are. Could this "polariton BEC" be used in further experiments to probe matter? Could it be used as a springboard to make more important discoveries, and if so, how?

Are there any possible practical applications of this development? The announcement says that this "polariton BEC" could generate laser output in a more energy-efficient way than lasers achieved through conventional population inversion of electrons. The "polariton BEC" can apparently also be achieved at temperatures somewhere between liquid nitrogen and room temperature, which sounds more cost-effective.

Could it perhaps then be used to generate high-energy lasers more efficiently, and thus be of assistance in applications like laser-confinement fusion, for example? Or maybe directed energy weapons?

What are the limitations and constraints on this technology?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Interesting, Sanman. I can't tell you anything, but thanks, because I followed your links and more, then printed myself some interesting bedtime reading about magnons, phonons, polaritons, excitons, and exciton-polaritons in Copper Oxide. I don't know how relevant this was in your second link:

"..Nonetheless, there may still be doubts whether Snoke's system is a BEC in the conventional sense, because polaritons have such a short lifetime that the system can only reach a quasi-equilibrium.."
  • #3
polariton lasers

Hi Voltage,

Well, this "new form of matter" seems to be matter kept in an excited state, due to a resonant cavity. We're told from classical physics and chemistry that the closer a system is to its equilibrium point in relation to a certain reaction, the more efficiently that reaction proceeds. So in this case, the reaction in question is the conversion between electron energy and photon energy. Because the "new matter" is in a quasi-equilibrium in this respect, it should facilitate a more efficient production of laser light. Supposedly 10 to 100 times more efficiently, they claim.

I'm wondering then if this great energy savings could make laser-confined fusion more energy efficient and bring it closer to the breakeven point. I'm also wondering if directed energy weapons could also similarly benefit. Furthermore, there are newer methods of rapid manufacturing such as Selective Laser Sintering and Selective Laser Melting which use high-energy lasers to melt powdered material into fully-functional parts/objects. Perhaps this too could also benefit from the energy savings of a polariton laser. But certainly, DVD players/recorders having more efficient lasers with even lower power-consumption would also be nice too.


I'm just curious to know what people think about this. To me, it sounds like a fundamental breakthrough of great technological importance, especially if it can work at or near room temperature.
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  • #4
Also, if this new Polariton BEC is in quasi-equlibrium with respect to photoelectric conversion, then does it mean it could somehow be used to harvest photoelectric energy more efficiently?

For example, could it generate an electric current from extremely low levels/wavelengths of light, which an ordinary semiconductor might not be able to use? Could a Polariton BEC become an ultra-efficient photoelectric cell?
  • #5
Nanotubes & Excitons

Here's a related news article:


Could the unique properties of the nanotubes with respect to exciton longevity make them good candidates for creating polariton BECs and ultra-efficient polariton lasers?

FAQ: Polariton BEC, Polariton Laser - Applications?

1. What is a polariton BEC?

A polariton BEC, or Bose-Einstein condensate, is a state of matter that occurs at extremely low temperatures when a large number of polaritons, which are hybrid particles made up of photons and excitons, occupy the same quantum state. This results in a macroscopic quantum state with unique properties, such as coherence and superfluidity.

2. How is a polariton BEC created?

A polariton BEC is typically created by cooling a sample of exciton-polariton gas to very low temperatures, usually below 1 Kelvin. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, such as using cryogenic cooling systems or laser cooling techniques.

3. What are the potential applications of a polariton BEC?

Polariton BECs have potential applications in fields such as quantum information processing, optoelectronics, and quantum simulation. They can also be used to study fundamental quantum phenomena and could potentially lead to the development of new technologies.

4. What is a polariton laser?

A polariton laser is a type of laser that uses polaritons as the gain medium instead of traditional materials such as atoms or semiconductors. This allows for lower threshold energies and potentially higher operating temperatures compared to traditional lasers.

5. What are some current research areas for polariton BEC and polariton laser applications?

Some current research areas for polariton BEC and polariton laser applications include developing new methods for creating and controlling polariton condensates, investigating their potential use in quantum computing and communication, and exploring their properties in different materials and systems.

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