Construction of a Hilbert space and operators on it

In summary: Extending the theory from Schwartz distributions to L^2 operators was, I think, an outstanding question of mathematical physics in the 70s, and remains an open question. Does anybody have an impression or advice on this?In summary, when quantizing a classical field theory, the Hilbert space of one-particle states is taken to be a set of equivalence classes of (Lebesgue) measurable and square integrable solutions of the classical field equation. However, to construct operators on this Hilbert space, one must use the classical theory to solve the field equation.
  • #1
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When quantizing a classical field theory, e.g. Klein-Gordon theory, the Hilbert space of one-particle states is taken to be a set of equivalence classes of (Lebesgue) measurable and square integrable solutions of the classical field equation, but how do you use the classical theory to construct operators on this Hilbert space?

I asked that question in a different way here (in the Topology & Geometry forum), but got no replies, so I'm trying again here.
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  • #2
Fredrik said:
When quantizing a classical field theory, e.g. Klein-Gordon theory, the Hilbert space of one-particle states is taken to be a set of equivalence classes of (Lebesgue) measurable and square integrable solutions of the classical field equation, but how do you use the classical theory to construct operators on this Hilbert space?

I asked that question in a different way here (in the Topology & Geometry forum), but got no replies, so I'm trying again here.

I have replied in the math thread.
  • #3
Fredrik said:
When quantizing a classical field theory, e.g. Klein-Gordon theory, the Hilbert space of one-particle states is taken to be a set of equivalence classes of (Lebesgue) measurable and square integrable solutions of the classical field equation, but how do you use the classical theory to construct operators on this Hilbert space?

I think that this is a terrific question to ask -- developing field theory in terms of L^2 functions (Lebesgue-measurable, square-integrable functions) is not just an appealing conceptual aim, but it might provide hooks into some powerful techniques of functional analysis. As far as I know, it hasn't been done. The sticking point is always whether the mathematical formulation can be made consistent with perturbative QFT and renormalization, and to date that has only been possible under the framework of distributions over the Schwartz space, in which case the literature often refers to BPHZ renormalization. Two influential books on this topic are
* Bogoliubov & Shirkov, Intro to the theory of quantized fields, Wiley 1980
* Bogolubov, Logunov, Oksak \& Todorov, General Principles of Quantum Field Theory, Kluwer Academic 1990
which discuss the complete development of field theory, from free to interacting to perturbative expansion by Feynman diagrams and renormalization, in terms of distributions over the Schwartz space. The first is more pedagogical, the second more mathematically technical. Additionally, you might look at papers by Hepp or Zimmerman from the early 70s.

Extending the theory from Schwartz distributions to L^2 operators was, I think, an outstanding question of mathematical physics in the 70s, and remains an open question. Does anybody have an impression or advice on this?


  • #4
Read "Reed & Simon: Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics" for a classic and you could look for "Arthur Jaffe" and "constructive quantum field theory" on google. He has some nice lecture notes hidden somewhere. It looks like the most modern way is to work on Sobolev spaces.

FAQ: Construction of a Hilbert space and operators on it

1. What is a Hilbert space?

A Hilbert space is a mathematical concept that represents an infinite-dimensional vector space, where the vectors can be functions, sequences, or other mathematical objects. It is a fundamental tool in many areas of mathematics and physics, particularly in the study of quantum mechanics.

2. How is a Hilbert space constructed?

A Hilbert space is constructed by defining a set of vectors and a corresponding inner product operation that satisfies certain properties, such as linearity and positivity. This set of vectors and the inner product operation must also be complete, meaning that every Cauchy sequence (a sequence that converges to a limit) in the space must also converge to a vector in the space. This construction process ensures that the Hilbert space is a complete and well-defined mathematical object.

3. What are operators on a Hilbert space?

Operators on a Hilbert space are mathematical objects that act on the vectors in the space, transforming them into other vectors. These operators can be represented as matrices or functions, and they are important tools for studying the properties and behavior of the vectors in the Hilbert space.

4. What are some examples of operators on a Hilbert space?

Some common examples of operators on a Hilbert space include the identity operator (which leaves vectors unchanged), the orthogonal projection operator (which projects a vector onto a subspace), and the Hamiltonian operator (which represents the energy of a quantum mechanical system).

5. How are operators on a Hilbert space used in physics?

In physics, operators on a Hilbert space are used to study and understand the behavior of quantum mechanical systems. They are used to calculate the probabilities of different outcomes in experiments, to describe the time evolution of a system, and to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of physical quantities such as energy and angular momentum. Hilbert spaces and operators are essential tools in the field of quantum mechanics.

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