Index notation vs Dirac notation

In summary, Dirac notation is more convenient for dealing with tensors, but is less practical than other notation options.
  • #1
A professor of mine recently remarked that dirac notation is easily the best in physics & we'd quickly realize this once we take a course in relativity. I've already taken the course & I find myself disagreeing with him, but maybe that's only because I enjoy relativity more. Curious what you guys think.
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  • #2
What is he specifically referring to?
The notions of vectors and dual-vectors?
  • #3
He didn't specify & I just assumed the tensor notation. After seeing maxwell's equations reduced to 2 compact expressions, I'm having a hard time agreeing with him.
  • #4
Thrice said:
A professor of mine recently remarked that dirac notation is easily the best in physics & we'd quickly realize this once we take a course in relativity. I've already taken the course & I find myself disagreeing with him, but maybe that's only because I enjoy relativity more. Curious what you guys think.

There's nothing particularly great about Dirac's notation outside of, say, quantum mechanics and linear algebra. For example, given some vector space [itex]V(n,\mathbb{F})[/itex] with dual [itex]V^*(n,\mathbb{F})[/itex], we could choose to use Dirac's notation to denote an inner product between [itex]|\psi\rangle\in V(n,\mathbb{F})[/itex] and [itex]\langle\phi|\in V^*(n,\mathbb{F})[/itex] by


However, in index notation you would choose a basis [itex]\{e_i\}[/itex] for [itex]V(n,\mathbb{F})[/itex] and a corresponding dual basis [itex]\{\omega^i\}[/itex] for [itex]V^*(n,\mathbb{F})[/itex]. Then the inner product of the above quantities is


Dirac's notation is fine for dealing with vectors and their duals. However, things quickly become cumbersome when you deal with tensor products. It's not uncommon for one to deal with tensors of rank four and above; in coordinate free notation this would simply be [itex]\mathbf{T}(W,X,Y,Z)[/itex], while in index notation it's just [itex]T^{ijkl}[/itex]. Contrast that with it's representation in Dirac notation:


See? It's too cumbersome to bother with. As with all of these kinds of things, notation is just a tool: you pick the one most suited to the job at hand.
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  • #5
coalquay404 said:
Now that's interesting. I remember doing tensors as operators, but I never thought of index notation in QM. I'm guessing we mostly use the dirac notation because of historical reasons?
  • #6
Thrice said:
Now that's interesting. I remember doing tensors as operators, but I never thought of index notation in QM. I'm guessing we mostly use the dirac notation because of historical reasons?

I think it's a mixture of historical reasons (particularly Dirac's early writings, which are, by any standards, monumental) and geographic location. Anybody studying at UT, Austin probably uses [itex](\phi,\psi)=(\psi,\phi)^*[/itex] to denote inner products: it seems to be Weinberg's notation of choice.

Also, it's important to note the context in which Dirac's notation is particularly useful. In quantum mechanics, states are represented by rays in a complex separable Hilbert space. The operative word here is complex. In Dirac's notation, the inner product has the special property

[tex]\langle\phi|\psi\rangle = \langle\psi|\phi\rangle^*[/itex]

where the star denotes complex conjugation. I'm not sure if (a) it's really necessary to use Dirac notation in, say, general relativity since you rarely need to deal with complexified GR and (b) if it's really practical to deal with conjugation acting on multiple indices using stars.
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  • #7
The Dirac bra ket notation is much more superior and neat in demonstating the dual space and vector space concept!

The super and sub-scripts are untidy, so much so that Penrose have to invent a string diagram where he draw strings to join all the indices.

FAQ: Index notation vs Dirac notation

1. What is the difference between index notation and Dirac notation?

Index notation is a mathematical notation used to represent vectors and tensors using indices or subscripts. It is commonly used in physics and engineering. On the other hand, Dirac notation is a notation used in quantum mechanics to represent vectors and operators using kets and bras. It is more compact and allows for easier manipulation of mathematical expressions.

2. Which notation is more commonly used in physics?

Index notation is more commonly used in physics, especially in classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and general relativity. It is also used in engineering fields such as fluid mechanics and structural mechanics. However, Dirac notation is more commonly used in quantum mechanics and is essential for understanding concepts such as quantum states, observables, and measurements.

3. Can index notation and Dirac notation be used interchangeably?

No, index notation and Dirac notation cannot be used interchangeably. They represent different mathematical concepts and have different rules for performing mathematical operations. While index notation is used to represent vectors and tensors, Dirac notation is used to represent quantum states and operators.

4. Which notation is easier to understand?

This depends on the individual and their background in mathematics. For those with a background in classical mechanics and engineering, index notation may be easier to understand. However, for those with a background in quantum mechanics, Dirac notation may be easier to understand. Ultimately, both notations have their advantages and can be learned with practice.

5. Is it necessary to learn both index notation and Dirac notation?

It is not necessary to learn both notations, but it may be beneficial for those working in fields that involve both classical and quantum mechanics. Moreover, understanding both notations can provide a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts and help in understanding the connections between different areas of physics.

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