Fictional Earthbound Asteroid Collision

In summary, the filmmaker is looking for a plausible location for an impact that wouldn't kill off the planet, and he's looking for images, film, digital, or otherwise, that look realistic enough to base his work off of. He's also looking for advice on faster-than-light propulsion.
  • #1
Hello all,

New to posting, but I've lurked the forums here for awhile. And I feel like there is some odd coincidence of me posting right after another fellow decided to ask about a fictional near Earth collision. I'm a filmmaker, writer, and artist. I'm currently working on a comic book series about an apocalypse that occurs well, a few months ago.

Let me first explain the situation I'm looking to create. I'm wanting an asteroid to collide with the Earth, simple enough, I know. I'm looking for a plausible location for impact that wouldn't kill off the planet. I don't want humans to go extinct or really any life for that matter. Just a large enough catastrophic event to cause some chaos.

I'm also looking to see what size that asteroid would have to be, the speed it'd be traveling, etc.

Now, my thoughts on the matter. (I'm nowhere near an expert on anything of the sort, hence why I'm here.) I was thinking a collision into the Pacific that would send some tidal waves crashing into the entire US West coast, destroying most of Japan (if not all of it), and really messing up some stuff in that entire hemisphere.

Since it would be colliding with the ocean, would there still be dust and such thrown up into the atmosphere? And if there is anything going into the air, would it circulate the globe? This is a scenario I would like to happen, but only if for a short time.

And what would this look like coming into the atmosphere? Are there any good sources for people who have created images, film, digital, or otherwise, that look realistic enough to base my work off of?

I'm really doing this so I have my *** covered when people start looking at the math behind the collision I'm creating. I don't want something entirely unrealistic to occur. Y'know, besides this whole scenario.

Thanks for everything. And when I get a few more sheets done, I'll definitely post some if any of you are interested.

Take it easy.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
And I feel like there is some odd coincidence of me posting right after another fellow decided to ask about a fictional near Earth collision.
Coincidentally, that very same person has an answer for you. :D I found some websites discussing this already. And links to online calculators that will calculate the effects of impacts based on the size and speed of the asteroid.

The links to the calculators are in the last paragraph on that page.
  • #3
A small link mix for our two horsemen of the apocalypse, digest it as you wish :smile:;

For your apocalyptic tastes, I recommend checking out the following:
(I actually read a pretty good article about asteroid deflection a while ago, with physics and math, but I don't remember the link ).

FAQ: Fictional Earthbound Asteroid Collision

1. What is a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision?

A fictional Earthbound asteroid collision is a catastrophic event that is imagined and described in fictional works, such as books, movies, or TV shows. It is the collision of an asteroid with Earth, causing destruction and potentially leading to the end of human civilization.

2. How likely is a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision to happen?

A fictional Earthbound asteroid collision is highly unlikely to happen in reality. While asteroid collisions have occurred in the past and can potentially happen again, scientists and researchers actively track and monitor Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) and have plans in place to prevent or mitigate any potential collisions.

3. What would be the impact of a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision?

The impact of a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision would be catastrophic. Depending on the size and speed of the asteroid, it could create a massive explosion upon impact, cause tsunamis and earthquakes, and release a large amount of dust and debris into the atmosphere, potentially leading to long-term climate change and severe damage to the environment and infrastructure.

4. How can we prevent a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision?

There are several ways to prevent a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision, including early detection and tracking of NEOs, using gravitational pull to alter the asteroid's trajectory, or attempting to destroy the asteroid with explosives. Scientists and researchers are constantly working on new technologies and methods to prevent potential asteroid collisions.

5. Are there any real-life examples of a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision?

No, there are no real-life examples of a fictional Earthbound asteroid collision. However, there have been several real-life near misses, such as the Chelyabinsk meteor in 2013, that serve as a reminder of the potential threat of asteroid collisions and the need for continued research and preparation.
