Analytical methods of calcium in milk

In summary, calcium content in milk can be determined by titrating with EDTA and calculating the concentration of calcium on this way: (mmol/dm3 Ca2+) / dm3.
  • #1
Could someone help with a way (or method) of how to determine the content of calcium in milk at a high school level.
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  • #2
I think that you can determin it in this way

In one beaker which volume is 250 cm3, put 50 cm3 of your sample. Add 5 cm3 of NaOH which has 2 mol/dm3 and on tip of a spoon indicator mureksid. You do titration with 0.025 mol/dm3 EDTA until color is changed from blue to violet-blue.

You can calculate concentration of Calcium on this way:

(mmol/dm3 Ca2+) / dm3 = (V x M x 1000) / 50

I am so sory for this formula, but I have no idea how to use that service this forum has.
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  • #3
Add NaOH, collect the Ca(OH)2 that is formed, mass the Ca(OH)2, determine the number of moles of Ca(OH)2 which corresponds to...

Ca(2+) + 2 OH(-) --> Ca(OH)2

should tell you how many moles of Ca(2+) is there...

Something like that anyway.

Ca(OH)2 is insoluble.
  • #4
No you can't do in that way, beaucouse you also have magnesium ions in milk, they will also form Mg(OH)2, which is also insoluble in milk.If you plan to heat the milk, you will get nothing beaucouse many organic supstances will fall down as insoluble substances.

As far as I know this is the only way, but if anyone knows any other, better way, plaese write.
  • #5
thanks stamba and thunderfvck and yes if some one knows of more way please write, because I am not really sure if i get it yet.
  • #6
im going to try titrating with EDTA, I think it might work
so, I am going to analyse milk for calcium content using:

EDTA-4 + Ca+2 ---> CaEDTA-2
  • #7
I concur with stamba. EDTA titration is also used to determine Ca-hardness in water.
  • #8
Ya , Mohandes, Kaifal Haal, Khair, Could you look at the Breaking Plates problem and suggest something,

  • #9
Calcium determination may be done in milk after denaturizing it with trichloroacetic acid; the proteins may interfere the process. Alternatively, milk is boiled and the powder burnt in a furnace, so that all organic matter is broken down, afterwards you can titrimetrically (as stamba wrote; the pH of the medium must be at least 12 in order not to encounter the interference of magnesium ion) or atomic absorbance (this is more reliable as it is much more sensitive).

Please look in AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists) to read a much better and reliable treatment.

There may also be spectrophotometric (colorimetric-based) and gravimetric (pyrophosphate-based) techniques. Flame photometry is another fast technique.
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  • #10
A very simple way...observe the nutrition details, which is frequently 30 percent of daily value. Find the related data; how much, exactly is the daily value? Use factor label method for the rest.

FAQ: Analytical methods of calcium in milk


What are the most common analytical methods used to determine calcium in milk?

Some of the most commonly used analytical methods for determining calcium in milk include atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, and colorimetric methods.


How does atomic absorption spectroscopy work for measuring calcium in milk?

Atomic absorption spectroscopy involves using a light source to excite the atoms in a sample, which then emit light at specific wavelengths that can be detected and measured. By comparing the amount of light absorbed by a sample with a known standard, the concentration of calcium can be determined.


What are the advantages of using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy for calcium analysis in milk?

Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) is a highly sensitive and precise method for determining calcium in milk. It can also analyze multiple elements simultaneously, making it a more efficient option for laboratories.


Are there any limitations to using colorimetric methods for analyzing calcium in milk?

Colorimetric methods involve using a color-changing reaction to determine the concentration of calcium. While they are relatively simple and inexpensive, they may not be as accurate as other analytical methods and can be affected by interfering substances in the milk sample.


Can these analytical methods be used to determine calcium in milk alternatives?

Yes, these methods can also be used to determine calcium in milk alternatives, such as plant-based milks. However, the sample preparation and analysis may differ slightly, and the results may not be directly comparable to those of cow's milk due to variations in calcium content and other factors.
