Rubber bullet / metal bullet hitting wooden block

In summary, the type of bullet that hits the block will determine whether it will tip over or cause damage. The rubber bullet, being more elastic, will recoil and transfer its kinetic energy back into the block, while the metal bullet will enter the block, causing an inelastic collision and breaking the block. The momentum and kinetic energy of the bullets will be the same if they have the same mass, shape, and velocity. However, due to the differences in elasticity, the rubber bullet is more likely to tip the block over while the metal bullet does more damage. This is because the momentum and torque of the block are affected differently by the two types of collisions.
  • #1
The bullet hits near the top of block. Which will tip the block over? Which will do most damage?

I believe the rubber will tip it over and the metal will do the most damage...but I'm not sure how to explain it. When the metal hits it enters the block. When the rubber hits there is a recoil. The rubber doesn't enter the block
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  • #2
Think about the momentum of the bullet before and after the impact...
  • #3
Tipping over is done by putting momentum(vector) into the block, and doing damage is done by putting energy(scalar) into the block. If you consider that both quantities are the same in total before and after the impact, you know which bullet does what.
  • #4
Would the momentum and KE of both rubber and metal bullet be the same if they have the same mass, shape, & velocity?

So in that case how would I distinguish the metal from the rubber? How do I explain the KE of the metal bullet enters the block and causes damage? While the rubber just tips it over?
  • #5
Kaxa2000 said:
Would the momentum and KE of both rubber and metal bullet be the same if they have the same mass, shape, & velocity?

Hi there,

The momentum is the same, even if the shape is not the same. The mass and the velocity are the momentum and kinetic energy's only parameters. Therefore, if you want to keep the same momentum, and increase the mass, the velocity has to be reduced.

  • #6
Kaxa2000 said:
I believe the rubber will tip it over and the metal will do the most damage...but I'm not sure how to explain it. When the metal hits it enters the block. When the rubber hits there is a recoil. The rubber doesn't enter the block

The difference between rubber and metal is that rubber is much more elastic than metal. When the bullet hits the wood, there is some interaction between them for a very short time. During this interaction, the rubber bullet will be deformed, but it will get back its shape after the contact with the block ceases. It is like a spring, the KE is converted to elastic energy and converted back to KE when the bullet leaves the block. This is an elastic collision, and both the total momentum and KE is conserved.

In case of metal bullet, it is solid and rigid enough to go further after hitting the block, and enters inside the block, the two of them moving together. This is an inelastic collision, momentum is conserved, but the KE does not. Part of the original KE of the bullet is used to break the block, to warm it and so on.

As the rubber bullet recoils from the block, but the metal one goes together with it, the momentum of the block after collision is bigger if the collision was elastic. Moreover, when the top is hit, the block gets not only translational KE but also a torque which can tip it over. This torque is proportional to the momentum it gained, so it would be more likely that the rubber bullet tips the block over.

  • #7
Thanks ehild...thats very similar to how my prof explained it

FAQ: Rubber bullet / metal bullet hitting wooden block

1. How does the impact of a rubber bullet differ from that of a metal bullet on a wooden block?

The impact of a rubber bullet on a wooden block is significantly different from that of a metal bullet. Rubber bullets are designed to be non-lethal and have a lower velocity and energy compared to metal bullets. This means that the impact of a rubber bullet is less likely to penetrate or cause significant damage to a wooden block.

2. Can a rubber bullet cause any damage to a wooden block?

While rubber bullets are designed to be non-lethal, they can still cause some damage to a wooden block. The impact of a rubber bullet can cause splintering or cracking of the wood, depending on the force and velocity of the bullet.

3. How do rubber bullets affect the structural integrity of a wooden block?

The structural integrity of a wooden block can be compromised by the impact of a rubber bullet. Depending on the strength and density of the wood, the impact of a rubber bullet can cause cracks or breakage, which can weaken the overall structure of the block.

4. Are there any safety precautions to take when conducting experiments with rubber or metal bullets and wooden blocks?

Yes, it is important to always follow proper safety protocols when conducting experiments with rubber or metal bullets and wooden blocks. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear, such as goggles and gloves, and ensuring that the area is clear of any obstructions or bystanders.

5. Can the angle of impact affect the outcome of the bullet hitting a wooden block?

Yes, the angle of impact can have a significant impact on the outcome of a rubber or metal bullet hitting a wooden block. A bullet hitting the block head-on will have a different effect compared to a bullet hitting the block at an angle. This is due to the distribution of force and energy being different in each scenario.
