Uranium Fuels that are denser and cheaper to manufacture than uranium dioxide

  • Thread starter bigev234
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In summary, different fuels have different properties that must be considered when choosing them, as well as the cost associated with producing them.
  • #1
The title is the question. Cheers.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
There are denser fuels - the metal form U (dens = 19.05 g/cm3), UN, UC, and U3Si. They are not necessarily less expensive to produce, and generally a more expensive, considering that they are usually converted from UF6, which is commonly used in the enrichment process.

See - http://www.rertr.anl.gov/ADVFUELS/GHHD.html

Furthermore, one has to consider the properties such as thermal conductivity (particularly as a function of exposure (burnup)), melting point, thermal expansion coefficient (and anisotropy), chemical compatibility with cladding and coolant, fission product retention (particularly with respect to Xe, Kr), swelling as a function of exposure, and how these affect the dimensional and physical stability of the fuel system.
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  • #3
I have a little experience with different forms of Uranium fuel. I did a semester of undergraduate research comparing thermal conductivity between the ones Astro mentioned above (except for U3Si). Each has their own quirks (swelling, Hydrogen pickup, dislocations that can arise if you don't form the fuel properly). I didn't look into cost but that's why academia is so great. :biggrin:
  • #4
I should mention that UN and UC have been proposed for fast reactor fuel, espeically high temperature fuel. They have higher thermal conductivity than UO2. In fast reactor designs, voids in the center of the fuel have been allowed, but in commercial LWR fuel, centerline melt (or void) is a no-no.

It appears that most applications of U3Si are as dispersed fuel, where the fuel portion is dispersed in a nonfuel metal matrix, e.g, Al.

Cermet fuels are another possibility.

It's a matter of finding the right balance of enriched U or Pu in the fuel and matrix.

Swelling and fission product migration are the significant challenges, especially at high exposure. Hydrogen pickup (or redistribution) is an issue in aqueous systems, or where the fuel is a metal hydride, e.g., U-Zr-H.
  • #5
fast reactor? Is there a free reactor?

If there are warm or mild molten/liquid uranium alloys (with alkali metals or indium maybe) then maybe there wouldn't be a problem of fissile buildup.
  • #6
alysdexia said:
fast reactor? Is there a free reactor?

If there are warm or mild molten/liquid uranium alloys (with alkali metals or indium maybe) then maybe there wouldn't be a problem of fissile buildup.
Fissile/fissionable nuclides are necessary for 'fission' reactors. There are liquid fueled systems, but one still has to address fission product accumulation - it is inherent/inevitable in the process. The presence of alkali metals or indium does not change that.
  • #7
But would they be lodged in the fuels?
  • #8
alysdexia said:
But would they be lodged in the fuels?
Not if the uranium fuel is liquid. Fission products are gaseous (Xe, Kr), volatile (Cs, I, Br), or otherwise metal with various melting points.

The point of solid fuel is to retain the fission products, which accumulate with time/exposure.

FAQ: Uranium Fuels that are denser and cheaper to manufacture than uranium dioxide

1. What makes uranium fuels denser and cheaper to manufacture than uranium dioxide?

Uranium fuels are denser and cheaper to manufacture because they use a different type of uranium, called uranium monocarbide, which has a higher uranium density and is less expensive to produce compared to uranium dioxide.

2. How does the density of uranium fuels affect their performance?

The higher density of uranium fuels allows for more uranium to be packed into a smaller volume, resulting in higher fuel efficiency and longer fuel life. This makes them a more economical and efficient choice for nuclear power plants.

3. What are the potential benefits of using denser and cheaper uranium fuels?

Using denser and cheaper uranium fuels can lead to cost savings in the production of nuclear energy, as well as potentially reducing the amount of nuclear waste generated. It can also increase the overall efficiency and safety of nuclear reactors.

4. Are there any drawbacks to using uranium fuels that are denser and cheaper to manufacture?

One potential drawback is that the production process for uranium monocarbide is still in the early stages of development and may require further research and testing before it can be used on a large scale. Additionally, there may be concerns about the long-term storage and disposal of nuclear waste from these fuels.

5. How likely is it that we will see a widespread adoption of uranium fuels that are denser and cheaper to manufacture?

It is difficult to predict the future adoption of these fuels, as there are still ongoing research and development efforts to improve their production and performance. However, with increasing demand for reliable and clean energy sources, it is possible that uranium fuels with higher density and lower cost could play a significant role in the future of nuclear power.

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