What is the frequency spectrum usage for LTE, mobile communication, and defense?

In summary, the frequency spectrum refers to the range of frequencies used for communication and transmission of signals, divided and allocated by government agencies to prevent interference. Frequency spectrum usage management involves regulating and coordinating its use, impacting everyday life by enabling communication and technology. With advancing technology, the spectrum is constantly evolving, requiring more efficient management and reallocation to accommodate new devices and services, such as 5G technology.
  • #1
Hi guys, I am eager to find out about our spectrum usage. Cause I am working on LTE and it uses either 2.7 GHz or 900 MHz, range of UHF. Do anyone have a link, paper or book referring to various applications spectrum usage, like all other mobile communication or defense spectrum usage.

Thank you.
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FAQ: What is the frequency spectrum usage for LTE, mobile communication, and defense?

1. What is the frequency spectrum?

The frequency spectrum refers to the range of frequencies that are used for communication and transmission of signals. It is typically measured in Hertz (Hz) and ranges from very low frequencies used for power transmission to extremely high frequencies used for wireless communication.

2. How is the frequency spectrum divided and allocated?

The frequency spectrum is divided and allocated by government agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States, to ensure that different types of communication devices and services do not interfere with each other. The spectrum is divided into different bands, each with a specific purpose and allocated to different users, such as radio and television broadcasters, cell phone providers, and satellite communications.

3. What is frequency spectrum usage management?

Frequency spectrum usage management is the process of regulating and coordinating the use of the frequency spectrum. This involves monitoring and enforcing spectrum allocations, assigning frequencies to users, and resolving any interference issues that may arise. It is essential for ensuring efficient and effective use of the spectrum.

4. How does frequency spectrum usage impact everyday life?

Frequency spectrum usage has a significant impact on everyday life as it enables communication and technology to function. It allows us to make phone calls, access the internet, watch TV, and use various wireless devices. Without proper management and allocation of the spectrum, these services would not be possible.

5. How is the frequency spectrum evolving with advancing technology?

The frequency spectrum is constantly evolving with advancing technology. As new devices and services emerge, the demand for spectrum increases, leading to the need for more efficient use and management. The development of 5G technology, for example, has required the reallocation of spectrum to accommodate its high-speed and high-bandwidth capabilities.
