Gauge Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics (QM I) Explained

In summary: I do not think this is a good way to describe what gauge invariance is. It is not the system that is invariant, but the predicted quantities, like probability or average values, are invariant.In summary, the system must be in the presence of an EM field in order for it to be locally gauge invariant.
  • #1
Hi all,

I'm taking graduate level QM I and trying to wrap my head around the notion of gauge symmetry. For some reason I've struggled with this concept more than others. I don't really have a specific question; I'm more looking to see if someone has a succinct explanation of the relevant details - or perhaps a good source to read.


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  • #2
OK, I've done some more reading on my own and now have a specific question. Hopefully this will get this thread moving.

It is my understanding that for a quantum system to be locally gauge invariant, it must be in the presence of an EM field. I understand mathematically why this is true (at least roughly), but I'm wondering if there is a physical explanation for it. Any input?
  • #3
Actually the gauge symmetry is classical in origin, and most of the quantum systems also admit a classical picture (especially in field theory). So that you can write down a fully classical lagrangian (density if needed) as a sum between the purely gauge field and the "matter field", i.e. the Schrödinger, Dirac fields. Then apply specific methods of quantization (i.e. converting clasical Poisson/Dirac brackets to (anti)commutators) to get a meaningful quantum theory.

Yes, the EM field in vacuum is the most proeminent example of gauge field, but the linearized (Fierz-Pauli) gravity field is also a gauge field. Likewise for a collection of covector fields (so-called Yang-Mills fields).
  • #4
the_kid said:
OK, I've done some more reading on my own and now have a specific question. Hopefully this will get this thread moving.

It is my understanding that for a quantum system to be locally gauge invariant, it must be in the presence of an EM field. I understand mathematically why this is true (at least roughly), but I'm wondering if there is a physical explanation for it. Any input?
EM field is not any necessity,however the idea of local gauge invariance came from electromagnetism which is an abelian gauge field i.e. the commutator [Aμ,Av] vanishes which is not the case with non abelian gauge fields.It is used in the work of yang and mills.
  • #5
It is my understanding that for a quantum system to be locally gauge invariant, it must be in the presence of an EM field.

I do not think this is a good way to describe what gauge invariance is. It is not the system that is invariant, but the predicted quantities, like probability or average values, are invariant. In non-relativistic theory, the situation is as follows:

-there is Schroedinger's equation for [itex]\psi[/itex], which can be formulated in the presence of external electromagnetic field; this is accomplished by use of electromagnetic potentials [itex]\varphi, \mathbf A[/itex];

-[itex]|\psi(r)|^2[/itex] is interpreted as probability density that certain configuration [itex]r[/itex] occurs; and [itex]\frac{1}{m}\mathrm{Re} (\psi^* (\mathbf p - \frac{q}{c}\mathbf A)~ \psi) [/itex] is intepreted as probability current density in space of these configurations;

- the Schroedinger equation is such that the change of electromagnetic potentials which leaves fields E,B the same (change of gauge) does not change the above kind of quantities.

Thus the gauge invariance is the invariance of probabilities calculated from Born's rule. Or it can be invariance of all other quantities calculated from these, such as average expected position or momentum.

FAQ: Gauge Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics (QM I) Explained

1. What is gauge symmetry in quantum mechanics?

Gauge symmetry is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that refers to the invariance of physical laws under certain transformations. In simple terms, it means that the laws of quantum mechanics remain the same even if we make certain changes to the system, such as shifting the phase of a wave function.

2. Why is gauge symmetry important in quantum mechanics?

Gauge symmetry plays a crucial role in quantum mechanics because it allows us to understand and describe the behavior of particles and systems in a consistent and mathematically elegant way. It also helps us to reconcile seemingly contradictory principles, such as the uncertainty principle and conservation laws.

3. How does gauge symmetry affect the behavior of particles?

Gauge symmetry affects the behavior of particles by imposing certain constraints on their interactions and properties. For example, it determines the strength and range of forces between particles and can also lead to the emergence of new particles with different properties.

4. Can gauge symmetry be broken?

Yes, gauge symmetry can be broken in certain situations. This means that the laws of quantum mechanics are no longer invariant under certain transformations, which can lead to new phenomena and behavior of particles. The breaking of gauge symmetry is an active area of research in quantum mechanics.

5. How is gauge symmetry applied in real-world applications?

Gauge symmetry is applied in many areas of physics, including particle physics, condensed matter physics, and cosmology. It is essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of subatomic particles and the properties of materials. It also has potential applications in quantum computing and other emerging technologies.

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