Extending time of energy production

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of electromagnetic generators to produce energy for a short amount of time, and explores different methods to extend the duration of energy production to 5 seconds. Suggestions include adding a time delay or using a buck DC-DC converter to regulate the output voltage. The goal is to have a compact system that only requires one type of motion to generate energy.
  • #1
I was wondering what I should do to extend the time of energy production from generators

I have several electromagnetic generators (size of about 1cm x 3cm x 6cm)
When the button of the generator is pressed with a force of about 50N downwards in about 0.3sec, the coil inside rotates for about 1second and gives off energy of about AC 9V which decreases rapidly in an exponential graph shape to 0V in 1sec.
This energy can be used to light 3LED bulbs for the duration of energy output. The LED lights up brightly, then fades rapidly.
If I have lots of these generators, is there a method to extend the time of energy output to upto 5seconds?
The entire system should still be about 10cm x 20cm x (? height)

I just want to find various ways to extend the length of energy being produced. And if possible the entire system should require only one type of motion. (e.g. The foot pressing down on a pedal which is the system)
And the voltage should still be hopefully above 2~3V output at all times of 5sec
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Energy production with electromagnetic generators

I have lots of electromagnetic generators (size of about 1cm x 3cm x 6cm)
When the button of the generator is pressed with a force of about 50N downwards in about 0.3sec, the coil inside rotates for about 1second and gives off energy of about AC 9V which decreases rapidly in an exponential graph shape to 0V in 1sec.

Is there any method or design or orientation of the system components to sustain the output energy to at least 2~3V for at least 5secs?

The entire system should still be about 10cm x 20cm x (? height)
And the force or work done upon the system to work the device should be not too complicated. (e.g. pressing down on a pedal with the foot, pulling on a cord, pressing a button)

I was thinking of making a time delay in the generators being pressed down by adding additional parts under the pedal but I'm not sure in what orientation it would be best
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  • #3
Designing a circuit to even out energy

I have several energy sources like batteries.
When activated, these produce electricity for 1second AC 9V which decreases to 0V in exponential curve.
Is there a circuit that could allow the energy output to be at least 2~3V for at least 5seconds? with as little fluctuation in voltage as possible

I was thinking of placing a bridge rectifier first to make everything DC as soon as electricity is made from each generator (which would decrease the voltage slightly due to resistance) but voltages will no longer be cancelling each other.
Would a diode be better in this case??

Then add capacitors in parallel to even out the voltage even though it would decrease the overall voltage quite considerably.

Then add lots of additional capacitors to increase the discharge time to upto 5secs, which is quite unrealistic.

Another thing I was thinking of was adding some additional components to create a delay in the energy produced by each generator being used up.

also, I thought of placing a rechargable battery in the system, but would it require AC or DC energy and would it be possible to supply energy to the battery for 1sec every time for about 20times and charge up the battery for use later? The recharging system itself seems very tricky to actually make from scratch

I am looking for improvements or even better ideas.
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  • #4
Maybe you can add some sort of flywheel to the generator shaft. This will make it 'harder' to actuate - you will have to push down with more than your current 50 Newtons to get the shaft up to speed. But the shaft will remain spinning longer once you stop pushing.
  • #5

why are you posting the same question in multiple fora?
  • #6
dk1558 said:
I was wondering what I should do to extend the time of energy production from generators

I have several electromagnetic generators (size of about 1cm x 3cm x 6cm)
When the button of the generator is pressed with a force of about 50N downwards in about 0.3sec, the coil inside rotates for about 1second and gives off energy of about AC 9V which decreases rapidly in an exponential graph shape to 0V in 1sec.
This energy can be used to light 3LED bulbs for the duration of energy output. The LED lights up brightly, then fades rapidly.
If I have lots of these generators, is there a method to extend the time of energy output to upto 5seconds?
The entire system should still be about 10cm x 20cm x (? height)

I just want to find various ways to extend the length of energy being produced. And if possible the entire system should require only one type of motion. (e.g. The foot pressing down on a pedal which is the system)
And the voltage should still be hopefully above 2~3V output at all times of 5sec

3 threads from different PF forums merged.

dk1558, please do not multiple post your question across multiple PF forums. That is against the rules here.

And to answer your question, you should use a buck DC-DC converter to most efficiently down-convert your power sources to make your regulated output voltage:



FAQ: Extending time of energy production

1. How can we extend the time of energy production?

There are several ways to extend the time of energy production. One approach is to improve the efficiency of energy production technologies, such as using more efficient solar panels or wind turbines. Another method is to store excess energy using batteries or other energy storage systems. Additionally, implementing energy conservation measures can help reduce energy consumption and prolong the time of energy production.

2. What role do renewable energy sources play in extending the time of energy production?

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, play a crucial role in extending the time of energy production. These sources are constantly replenished and can provide energy for a much longer period compared to finite fossil fuels. By investing in renewable energy, we can reduce our reliance on non-renewable sources and extend the time of energy production.

3. How does energy storage technology contribute to extending the time of energy production?

Energy storage technology, such as batteries, pumped hydro storage, and thermal storage, allows excess energy to be stored and used when needed. This means that energy can be produced at times when demand is low and stored for use during peak demand periods. By effectively managing energy storage, we can extend the time of energy production and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

4. What role do advancements in technology play in extending the time of energy production?

Advancements in technology have played a significant role in extending the time of energy production. Improved efficiency of renewable energy technologies, development of energy storage systems, and advancements in smart grid technology have all contributed to prolonging the time of energy production. As technology continues to advance, we can expect further innovations that will help extend the time of energy production.

5. What are some potential challenges in extending the time of energy production?

There are several potential challenges in extending the time of energy production. One major challenge is the high upfront cost of renewable energy and energy storage systems. Additionally, integrating renewable energy into the grid can be complex and may require significant upgrades to existing infrastructure. Furthermore, the intermittency of renewable energy sources can also present challenges in maintaining a steady supply of energy. These challenges can be overcome through continued research and investment in renewable energy technologies and infrastructure.
