Are You as Tall as Cosmina, the First Female Gnome?

  • Thread starter En_lizard
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of height and includes comments and comparisons about individuals' heights. Some people mention their own height and how it affects them in certain situations, while others comment on societal views on height. The conversation also includes some humorous exchanges and observations.

how tall are you?

  • Total voters
  • #1
how tall are you?
Physics news on
  • #2
I bet $5 you get (roughly) a Gaussian around the 5'7"-5'11" marker.
  • #3

  • #4
Curious3141 said:

See the other poll.
  • #5

I'm tall. Go me.
  • #6
All doorways should be 6 feet tall. You should have to dribble through 6 foot doorways to get to the basket on a basketball court.

If I have seen less than others, it's because some 6-foot-plus guy was standing in front of me.
  • #7
uhm, is 5'7" close to 167.5cm? (if so I am taller :biggrin: )
whats wrong with metric? i don't know all these weird sizes...
  • #8
There's another poll that's metricized.
  • #9
around 130cm
  • #10
BobG said:
All doorways should be 6 feet tall. You should have to dribble through 6 foot doorways to get to the basket on a basketball court.
If I have seen less than others, it's because some 6-foot-plus guy was standing in front of me.
Why does the 6-ft, broad-shouldered guy always feel the need to stand up in front of everyone? (At Disney, it was worse...they'd stand in front of you, then toss a kid up on their shoulders...if they just stood in the back and let the kids stand up front, everyone would be able to see.)
  • #11
Evo you're short! :eek:
  • #12
yomamma you are 13 yrs old and 6' tall (or taller)
  • #13
BobG said:
All doorways should be 6 feet tall. You should have to dribble through 6 foot doorways to get to the basket on a basketball court.
If I have seen less than others, it's because some 6-foot-plus guy was standing in front of me.
But then you'd have a lot of big guys walking around grumpy because they keep hitting their heads on door frames. And I'd Be One Of Them!:-p
  • #14
yomamma, are you sure you're 13? :rolleyes:
  • #15
To an inertial observer traveling from my feet to my head with a speed of 0.9c in flat spacetime, I am about 2'9".

That means I'm 6'3" in my rest frame. :D
  • #16
How come so many of the guys here are so tall! :bugeye: I'm forever doomed to the front row of all group photos. :shy: At Disney, they have interesting ways of giving safety instructions, like, "The smallest person should sit on the inside of this ride." That's meant to keep the children sitting away from the doors, but I was the smallest person in our group, so had to keep sitting on the inside. (Okay, I volunteered since I thought the instructions were so funny.) I'm only 5' 2" (and a quarter o:))
  • #17

Im a penguin, what do you expect?
  • #18
What happened to the values between 5'11 and 6'? That's where I am.
  • #19
Moonbear said:
How come so many of the guys here are so tall! :bugeye: I'm forever doomed to the front row of all group photos. :shy: At Disney, they have interesting ways of giving safety instructions, like, "The smallest person should sit on the inside of this ride." That's meant to keep the children sitting away from the doors, but I was the smallest person in our group, so had to keep sitting on the inside. (Okay, I volunteered since I thought the instructions were so funny.) I'm only 5' 2" (and a quarter o:))
Nothing wrong with short ladies. So much the easier to sweep you off of your feet.:wink: Really(when they don't freak out from being selfconscious) the reaction of a woman to being picked up and carried is priceless.
  • #20
TheStatutoryApe said:
Nothing wrong with short ladies. So much the easier to sweep you off of your feet.:wink: Really(when they don't freak out from being selfconscious) the reaction of a woman to being picked up and carried is priceless.
Aww...there's nothing more fun than being swept off one's feet by a handsome man. :!) I'm not self-conscious about my height at all...I get a good laugh when the taller folks bump their heads on stuff I don't even notice when I walk under it. :biggrin:
  • #21
Being tall is great. Everyone looks up to you. ;-)
  • #22
i feel short now... but i guess I'm in good company
  • #23
Tom Mattson said:
To an inertial observer traveling from my feet to my head with a speed of 0.9c in flat spacetime, I am about 2'9".

That means I'm 6'3" in my rest frame. :D

I need a worship smiley right about now.
  • #24
Moonbear said:
I'm only 5' 2" (and a quarter o:))

Oh that's tall enough for me to call you tall just to irritate even tinier people when i call them tiny.
  • #25
Tom... 6'3" ! Some how I have always envisioned you as a little guy.. Sorry...

Oh yeah, I am 6'3" also!

Polls such as this are not a random sample, you can expect to get a higher then average mean. Taller guys are more likely to respond then the shorter ones.
  • #26
Lisa! said:
yomamma, are you sure you're 13? :rolleyes:
Yes () and I'm 6' tall.

There are much taller kids the same age who go to my school
  • #27
It is odd that there are so many tall guys here on PF. I am 6'3" and always try to stand in the back of a crowd. I will not go to the movies unless there is stadium seating because my wife and I always get there late and I end up sitting in front of some poor person who is short and cannot see around me. I feel bad then and don't enjoy the movie.

And a good point made by Integral, for some reason shortness in men is not as socially acceptable, while petite women get there own adjective...
  • #28
yomamma said:
Yes () and I'm 6' tall.
There are much taller kids the same age who go to my school

Are you sure they're kids?:rolleyes: Perhaps they've strated school later than others!

You know I guess my cousin who's 14 year old is as tall as you are, but I don't know why your height was quite starnge to me! Perhaps that's because most of time cute people are short!:-p
  • #29
Norman said:
And a good point made by Integral, for some reason shortness in men is not as socially acceptable, while petite women get there own adjective...
Though I have my doubts about the usage of the term "petite" to refer to a woman who is 5' tall and wears size 18 clothing. :bugeye: I think the better term is "denial."

Though, as a "petite" woman, I rather prefer the shorter guys. My neck gets stiff trying to talk to someone over 6' tall!
  • #30
Integral said:
Polls such as this are not a random sample, you can expect to get a higher then average mean. Taller guys are more likely to respond then the shorter ones.
Well, that and we already have evidence that some people outright lie on PF polls. :rolleyes: What did we get, about 30% of respondents saying they NEVER reply to polls? :smile:
  • #31
5'10-11 ish, just above the average for UK males at 5'9.
  • #32
Moonbear said:
Well, that and we already have evidence that some people outright lie on PF polls. :rolleyes: What did we get, about 30% of respondents saying they NEVER reply to polls? :smile:
I agree completely. The site lists 4,621 active members, but it's extremely rare to get even 46 responses to polls. Even allowing for the fact that there may be some members who have responded to only one poll, clearly the majority of PF members refused to admit that they never reply to polls.
  • #33
tall smart guys = mmmmmmm
  • #34
So I'm the only 6'6" here? o_O
  • #35
Moonbear said:
How come so many of the guys here are so tall! :bugeye: I'm forever doomed to the front row of all group photos. :shy: At Disney, they have interesting ways of giving safety instructions, like, "The smallest person should sit on the inside of this ride." That's meant to keep the children sitting away from the doors, but I was the smallest person in our group, so had to keep sitting on the inside. (Okay, I volunteered since I thought the instructions were so funny.) I'm only 5' 2" (and a quarter o:))

Ya it doesn't matter if women are short because all womencan be a s tall as their shoes.