Software for calculating beta decay

In summary, there is a formula for calculating beta energy in beta decay, but it requires some real world data to 'drive' the function.
  • #1
Does anyone have a link or pointer to preferably freely available software with which I can calculate the energy spectrum of the electrons or positrons liberated in regular beta or beta+ - decay for a given isotope? My background is not in physics (chemical engineering, rather), and although I found the description of the theory of beta decay on" very useful, it doesn't tell me what C and F(Z', KE_e) are, or how to calculate them. Introductory texts on the quantummechanical theory of beta decay quickly went over my head, so these two unknowns remain a mystery to me. I'd be very grateful for any leads and/or help.

(I know the spectra have in most cases been carefully measured and tabulated in thick data books, but for that I need to go to a library which is about 100 km away from me :cry:.)
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  • #2
There's roundabout way of doing this (I'm sure there are better ways).
1) from the loss in energy as the product decays, and using conservation laws (energy and momentum), you should be able to calculate the maximum and minimum energies of the electron/anti-neutrino pair (or positron/neutrino). As for the shape of the spectrum, I haven't gotten that far yet in my studies.
  • #3
Thanks for your answer, but this doesn't help me one bit. It's precisely the exact shape I'm after.
  • #5
After hard searching, I came up with a text which writes out the equations in full. It did require a bit of Real World data to 'drive' the function, and then reminded me what a pain it is to work with density functions which must be normalised (and what an even bigger pain it is if you want to draw samples from that density function), but I got the job done.

I have to say beta decay theory is a beautiful example of lots of approximations still yielding a very workable and useful result.

FAQ: Software for calculating beta decay

1. What is beta decay?

Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which a beta particle (either an electron or a positron) is emitted from an unstable atomic nucleus, resulting in the transformation of a neutron into a proton or vice versa.

2. Why is software needed to calculate beta decay?

Calculating beta decay involves complex mathematical equations and data analysis, which can be time-consuming and error-prone when done manually. Software allows for more accurate and efficient calculations.

3. What types of software are available for calculating beta decay?

There are various types of software available, including Monte Carlo simulation programs, statistical analysis software, and nuclear physics modeling software.

4. How does software for calculating beta decay work?

Software for calculating beta decay utilizes mathematical algorithms and nuclear physics models to simulate the decay process and analyze the resulting data.

5. Can software for calculating beta decay be used for other types of radioactive decay?

Yes, some software programs can also be used for other types of radioactive decay, such as alpha decay and gamma decay, depending on their capabilities and features.
