Excitation of optical branch phonons

In summary, the optical branch of a crystal can be excited by electromagnetic fields, but it can also be stimulated by chargeless particles such as neutrons. This is because optical modes are affected by the partial charge of atoms, leading to opposite accelerations and counter-phase movements when stimulated by an electromagnetic field. It is possible to study optical phonons using neutron inelastic scattering, but the exact reason for this remains unclear. It is suggested that dipole change may play a role rather than the sign of the charge.
  • #1
As I studied, the optical branch of a crystal is called so because it can be excited with e.m. fields but I wondered whether it is possible to excite the optical branch also with chargeless particles like neutrons or the charge/action-on-charge is necessary for the process? And if so, why? I explained myself that optical modes are those in which atoms are treated differently basing on the sign of their (partial) charge so the e.m. field stimulates opposite accelerations on them and counter-phase movements can happen. I don't know if this is right, can anyone make it clearer?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
optical phonons can also be excited by charge-less particles. For example neutron inelastic scattering can be used to study optical phonons.
I don't know exactly the reason, maybe some one can explain.
PS. Maybe dipole change plays the role rather than sign.

FAQ: Excitation of optical branch phonons

1. What is the excitation of optical branch phonons?

The excitation of optical branch phonons refers to the process of creating vibrations in the crystal lattice of a material by applying energy in the form of light. This results in the generation of phonons, which are quantized units of vibrational energy.

2. How does excitation of optical branch phonons occur?

Excitation of optical branch phonons occurs when photons from light interact with the atoms in a material. The energy from these photons is absorbed by the atoms, causing them to vibrate and creating phonons in the process.

3. What is the importance of excitation of optical branch phonons in materials research?

The excitation of optical branch phonons is important in materials research because it allows scientists to study the vibrational properties of materials. This can provide valuable information about the structural and thermal properties of a material, which is crucial for understanding its behavior and potential applications.

4. Can the excitation of optical branch phonons be controlled?

Yes, the excitation of optical branch phonons can be controlled by adjusting the energy and intensity of the light used to excite them. This allows scientists to specifically target certain phonons and study their properties in more detail.

5. Are there any practical applications of excitation of optical branch phonons?

Yes, excitation of optical branch phonons has practical applications in various fields such as materials science, solid-state physics, and optoelectronics. It can be used to study and manipulate the properties of materials for the development of new technologies, such as high-speed data communication devices and advanced sensors.
