Advancing Mathematical Knowledge

In summary: I have ''Calculus'' by Spivak for example and that seems like a great book for it as all the theorems are given proper proofs etc so something of that sort. I have to say that if you want to apply the mathematics, then methods books are more than enough, math books will be overkill. But if you want to grasp the mathematical concepts and if you're ok with books not mentioning applications very much, then you should get a math book.
  • #1
Repeatedly in the past few months any attempt at learning more advanced physics has ended in hitting a brick wall: my maths knowledge is really not up to par. To put this into perspective, I am an A Level student but feel as though the current syllabus for the sciences is really not enough. I crave more knowledge. So far I have semi-studied books like ''University Physics'' by Young and Freedman but anything more in depth and maths becomes a real issue. It is as if the book becomes foreign to me.

To remedy this, I have studied ''Engineering Mathematics'' and attempted ''Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists''. While these books are good for practice and looking at the applied side to it, they are not rigorous studies and because of this I just end up in frustration having not understood the topic at its fundamental level.

So the reason I come here is to ask for any strategy for studying maths predominantly from textbooks for its own sake and to further my understanding of physics. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Also I would like to note that obtaining the textbooks is not a problem.
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  • #2
It seems like the "math methods" books aren't working out for you. If you want to understand mathematics at a fundamental level, then you have no other choice than to study from mathematics books. I have to say that if you want to apply the mathematics, then methods books are more than enough, math books will be overkill. But if you want to grasp the mathematical concepts and if you're ok with books not mentioning applications very much, then you should get a math book.

What topics do you want to get a better grasp of? I'm sure I (or others) can recommend some nice books.
  • #3
I have ''Calculus'' by Spivak for example and that seems like a great book for it as all the theorems are given proper proofs etc so something of that sort.
The topics themselves that I particularly would like to understand ( at least right now ) are statistics and statistical mechanics, numerical analysis, vectors, tensors, but really any book suggestion that actually teaches would be good in itself. I guess a better way to narrow it down is any topic which is used more in scientific fields than others i.e has more application. Maybe also a book which doesn't require too much knowledge from other fields but I know that can be difficult to find as maths topics are interdependent.

Well thanks again
  • #4
Dazed&Confused said:
I have ''Calculus'' by Spivak for example and that seems like a great book for it as all the theorems are given proper proofs etc so something of that sort.
The topics themselves that I particularly would like to understand ( at least right now ) are statistics and statistical mechanics, numerical analysis, vectors, tensors, but really any book suggestion that actually teaches would be good in itself. I guess a better way to narrow it down is any topic which is used more in scientific fields than others i.e has more application. Maybe also a book which doesn't require too much knowledge from other fields but I know that can be difficult to find as maths topics are interdependent.

Well thanks again

I see your problem now. Things like tensors are fundamental in physics, but physics texts usually don't treat them very rigorously. This is reasonably because a rigorous treatment of tensors is nontrivial. It requires quite some background knowledge.

I would suggest that you learn some linear algebra. You are probably already comfortable with matrices, their operations, eigenvalues, diagonalization, etc. A good book to read would be "Linear Algebra" by Serge Lang. It even contains some things on tensor products (which are related to but not the same as tensors in physics).

As for statistics, I recommend the probability theory textbooks of Feller. They are very good. They don't really cover statistics though, but to understand statistics, you need to know probability theory first.

As for numerical analysis, I have no idea :frown:
  • #5
Thanks.. I will check those out. And yeah that is the issue I've been having so I guess for now I will postpone studying physics and focus more on studying the maths.
  • #6
Dazed&Confused said:
Thanks.. I will check those out. And yeah that is the issue I've been having so I guess for now I will postpone studying physics and focus more on studying the maths.

Be sure to keep listening to good music like Zeppelin too :-p
  • #7
and Floyd..
  • #8
Dazed&Confused said:
So far I have semi-studied books like ''University Physics'' by Young and Freedman but anything more in depth and maths becomes a real issue. It is as if the book becomes foreign to me.
Can you give us examples of physics books for which the math was a significant barrier? Also, what does "semi-studied" mean? Did you solve a bunch of problems? If not, then regardless of the math you might not be prepared to tackle the next level of physics.

Dazed&Confused said:
I have ''Calculus'' by Spivak for example and that seems like a great book for it as all the theorems are given proper proofs etc so something of that sort.

I have heard this is a wonderful book. Has studying Spivak helped you with the math you are finding in the physics books you are trying to study?

Dazed&Confused said:
To remedy this, I have studied ''Engineering Mathematics'' and attempted ''Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists''. While these books are good for practice and looking at the applied side to it, they are not rigorous studies and because of this I just end up in frustration having not understood the topic at its fundamental level.
Would you mind giving us a link to those books? I'm not sure I know what books you are referring to...

Dazed&Confused said:
So the reason I come here is to ask for any strategy for studying maths predominantly from textbooks for its own sake and to further my understanding of physics.

You should just realize that these two goals will lead you down different, but overlapping, paths. Linear algebra is important for both. Real analysis will likely not help for understanding the next level of physics you are trying to learn but is crucial for math. In any case, I think your interest in math will serve you well - keep it up!

  • #9
micromass said:
I see your problem now. Things like tensors are fundamental in physics, but physics texts usually don't treat them very rigorously.
This. I cannot tell you how many times I've been confused out of my naive little mind because of the way a physics text explains a mathematical concept or phrases a mathematical statement and had to go to micromass to have all the confusion untangled :frown: (just yesterday this happened again lol).
  • #10
'Semi-studied' means I did some of the problems but not all. I have not studied Spivak though.

The maths books I was referring to are:

although this is still quite basic level I think and only really just gives a lot of practice

and sorry I got the title of this wrong.

As to giving examples I would say one was ''General Relativity'' by Hobson. The other physics book had a chapter on special relativity but really that was just arithmetic. I guess the problem was my limited understanding of vector calculus. I know the second book I gave links to has a chapter on that topic but I have not reached that far into it and in any case it is still more of an applied book than anything which was my original issue.

I guess the reason I want to have a fuller understanding of the maths is that first in itself is very interesting and useful but also then I can immediately learn to apply it when studying physics. Learning the maths solely to apply it in a subject will obviously see some understanding lacking... well at least that is what I think anyway.
  • #11
  • #12
That book is a perfect example of the kind of books the OP DOESN'T want i.e. informal, hand wavy definitions of things and overly, overly computational exercises. When it comes to a subject as important and delicate as tensors, it is probably best to acquire the necessary pre reqs and learn it from a proper math book.
  • #13
Dazed&Confused said:
'Semi-studied' means I did some of the problems but not all. I have not studied Spivak though.

The maths books I was referring to are:

although this is still quite basic level I think and only really just gives a lot of practice

and sorry I got the title of this wrong.

As to giving examples I would say one was ''General Relativity'' by Hobson. The other physics book had a chapter on special relativity but really that was just arithmetic. I guess the problem was my limited understanding of vector calculus. I know the second book I gave links to has a chapter on that topic but I have not reached that far into it and in any case it is still more of an applied book than anything which was my original issue.

I guess the reason I want to have a fuller understanding of the maths is that first in itself is very interesting and useful but also then I can immediately learn to apply it when studying physics. Learning the maths solely to apply it in a subject will obviously see some understanding lacking... well at least that is what I think anyway.

I just looked at the General Relativity book. It is written for advanced undergrads and graduate students. It assumes that you know the material in something like the second math reference you listed. A quick google search shows that schools that use this (eg u. iowa, john's Hopkins) indeed use it for advanced undergrad courses (ones taken by students who know EM at level of Griffiths and mechanics at level of Taylor) or for true graduate courses and all that entails. You certainly must know vector calculus and be comfortable using it to solve problems, and you should probably know special relativity at least at the level of basic books (French "special relativity", or Resnick and Halliday's "relativity and early quantum theory" or perhaps some better book). Knowing relativity at the level of Griffiths EM book would likely be good - most students learning from Hobson probably already have done that.

Your background of simple intro physics and not even any vector calculus are clearly inadequate, whether or not you know everything in Spivak's "Calculus." I am not saying you shouldn't pursue pure math as well, but I do think that skipping the standard intermediate level physics isn't the best path for most of us. Indeed, I recently picked up a grad mechanics book (I only learned upper division undergrad mechanics) and found that I need to refresh my memory on the undergrad version before I can really learn the graduate. If I only knew intro physics level mechanics it would be waaay out of the question!

best of luck,

  • #14
Thank's for your advice I will also check those books out. Tbh I didn't attempt to study the relativity book as I knew it was way out of my league. It was just an example I could think of where the mathematics involved was one potential barrier for further study. Spivak's ''Calculus'' was also just an example of a textbook style I found helpful.
I will definitely look at the books mentioned here and thank you again for you advice.

FAQ: Advancing Mathematical Knowledge

1. What is the importance of advancing mathematical knowledge?

The advancement of mathematical knowledge is crucial in many fields such as science, technology, engineering, and finance. It helps us better understand the world around us and find solutions to complex problems. Additionally, it allows for the creation of new technologies and innovations that improve our daily lives.

2. How is mathematical knowledge advanced?

Mathematical knowledge is advanced through research and experimentation. Scientists and mathematicians use various methods and techniques to explore new concepts and theories, test hypotheses, and develop new mathematical models. Collaboration and communication among experts in the field also play a crucial role in advancing mathematical knowledge.

3. What are some current areas of research in advancing mathematical knowledge?

Some current areas of research in advancing mathematical knowledge include artificial intelligence and machine learning, cryptography and data security, climate modeling and environmental sustainability, and quantum computing. These fields require advanced mathematical concepts and techniques to continue making progress and breakthroughs.

4. How does advancing mathematical knowledge benefit society?

Advancing mathematical knowledge benefits society in many ways. It allows for the development of new technologies and innovations that improve our daily lives, such as faster and more efficient computers, secure communication systems, and advanced medical treatments. It also helps us better understand the world around us, leading to improvements in areas such as climate change, economics, and social sciences.

5. How can individuals contribute to advancing mathematical knowledge?

Individuals can contribute to advancing mathematical knowledge by pursuing a career in mathematics or related fields, staying updated on current research and developments, and participating in mathematical conferences and workshops. They can also support and encourage young students to develop an interest in mathematics and pursue it as a career. Additionally, individuals can contribute through financial support by donating to research institutions and organizations that focus on advancing mathematical knowledge.

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