Physics or Electrical Engineering

In summary: My hope is that I can transition into a research career in this area, eventually.In summary, the person has narrowed their career options to either physics or electrical engineering and is not sure which they want to pursue. They are currently studying physics and are interested in control systems. They hope to become a research scientist in this field.
  • #1
I hope the people here can help me in deciding between these two subjects. Here is a bit of background information about me.
I am currently a high school senior, and will be going to college in Fall 2007. I am very interested in Physics, especially Cosmology and Astrophysics (the string theory is catching my attention now), and I would like to see myself probably as a research scientist 10 or 15 years from now.
Now, the problem is, my father is not very happy with this decision. He still thinks I am joking about seriously considering Physics as a career. He, for some reason, automatically assumes that I should be going into some type of Engineering. Its not that I don't like engineering. I have loved that subject (been making gadgets and models since I was in diapers), but I have a different deeper emotion to Physics. His argument is that engineers will definitely make much more money than physicists. I know that is correct, but I want to devote my life to something I consider worthwhile and respectable.

My question is, should I pursue something that I undoubtfully appreciate (a "passion for" I may add), or should I take my finances extra seriously and end up doing something that I may not enjoy doing a lot (I will also have the feeling that I could have studying Physics at the back of my head)

In the end its going to be me who will actually be studying one of those two subjects for the next four years (and after those also). I am aware that most universities in the US ask for a major declaration only by the end of the first year. I am also aware that two majors are also possible and many universities (at least in the ones I have applied to). Is it a good option to maybe make a final decision once I have had a flavour of both the sides (though I am sure I will end up enjoying physics even more). Is it also feasible to take both the subjects as two majors?

And how about after graduation? What type of jobs can physicists get besides research?

Please point me to some previous threads if these topics have been discussed in detail.

Thank you

Physics news on
  • #2
well, I'm not a physicist or even desire to be one, but I would like to point out something. You said you do enjoy making gadgets and such, which is a good sign of an engineer. I would advise you to not make up your mind now and in your freshman year, take engineering and physics courses. Perhaps once you get into the course work you'll be able to decide what you should do better.

I used think I wanted to do mathematics, but once I started to take do programming courses, my interest and passion changed. Play it be ear and keep an open mind.
  • #3
I faced the same issue when I was about to choose what to study. My parents were saying that I should become an engineer, and beeing a physicist wouldn't get me a job and ect. I also liked electronics when I had the subject in secondary school, so I also wanted to read electro-engineering. However I had, like you, a stronger interest in just studying physics rather than engineering, and therefor choose to study physics.
You shouldn't choose an education depending on the consideration wether it would get you a job where you will earn a lot of money. If you choose something that doesn't interest you, you'll find it really hard to get through the studies.

But if you also like electronics and "engineering-stuff", then you should know, that in studying for electro-engineering you would also study subjects of physics. This could be considered as a combination of your interests?
  • #4
I will be graduating form high school in 2008, I myself have also narrowed my carrer options to physics or electrical enginering. I love the Electrical engineering that i have been exposed to through my Computer engineering course, it is challanging and i am good at it. I find the Physics i am taking interesting but basic and too general. I cannot decide between the two not because i don't know which i like better however because i do not know what a provessional in either subject actuly does... i understand the theroy but how do real people make it into a carrer?
  • #5
I finished off a degree in EE, and am taking a masters in EE (control systems), and decided I'm going to teach physics. I think this seems a natural decision for me, since my alternate in undergrad was physics and high technology.

My interest is mostly in control systems, especially of electromechanical devices (which someone else already mentioned, is mostly physics.)

Engineering probably makes the most money most of the time; but do what you want to do, is what I would suggest :)
  • #6
I am almost halfway through an engineering(electrical)/science (physics & maths) undergraduate double degree (Australian system if you're wondering). There are a few things I'd like to point out for ajsingh:

1> Many scientifically-inclined students find that the physics and mathematics in undergraduate engineering (and the engineering profession as a whole) are not articulate and rigorous enough. At the moment we're more interested in getting answers using formulae than deriving formulae and proofs from first principles. If this irks you, then you're likely to be very frustrated with engineering at least for a while.

2> Engineering can involve research too, definitely. However, if you're really really interested in the theoretical side of physics (as in, you want to sit down and examine the maths, not just look at a poster and say wow), then perhaps doing engineering for your parents' sake wouldn't arouse your interest and motivation.

3> If you work hard and do well in either field, you're not going to starve. Sure, research isn't going to earn you millions, but there are so many things that a professional career cannot offer you. I think your parents would want you to enjoy your life and work too.

Please excuse the rant. Hope it helped.

Edit: As for myself, I'm most likely going down the engineering path. In the end it's a choice that you have to make for yourself. I agree with Bitter that you try to keep your options open as much as possible. Some work experience might also help.
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  • #7
To me this is no contest. Go with your heart and do physics. Also, majoring in physics doesn't close the door on engineering jobs after you graduate.
  • #8
I did BEng (elec.) and BSc (mathematical physics) as an ugrad, and is now doing graduate studies in theoretical physics.

Ayman, I have to say when I was at your age, I was under the same kind of dilemma... ie. parents/money vs interest/ideals (in fact, I am STILL asking that question right now...) :redface:

But it is perhaps difficult to believe that one's attitude towards something can change dramatically once you have found out what something really like. When I look back now, I realized that, as a high school student, I did not know how things really work at uni or research level (things can be and will be different from what you may imagine)

So my advice to you is do not just look at the big picture, (as eccefeles said, don't look at a poster and wow), you have to think of all little things that goes into making a successful career in physics research or and Eng job. Usually there is more than meets the eye, and occasionally, one may be put off by these little things and made one thinks whether one has made the right choice.

eg. if your research is not going well... ie. stuck... you may suddenly feel that Eng job is much better, although it is repetitive (sometimes), but at least you feel fulfilled as you always get some results (and perhaps $$$). On the other hand, doing repetitive work you may feel unchallenged ...etc...

There is no such thing as a perfect job, all jobs have ups and down... and you really need to think hard about whether you can take it when things don't go smoothly.

The best way to find these things out are to talk to real people in the field, people you can trust and those who will tell you the everyday routines of being an Engineer or researcher. by the way, you don't want to hear just about their glories and successes, you want to know about all their problems!

If you want to find out more about Physics research (be it astro, particle...etc.) , the best way for finding out the truth is to talk graduate students in your area...visit your prospective university and really knock on their doors and talk to them... ask them about what they feel about what they are doing. (I wish I did that when I was at High school)

An important note: :cool:
In the end, it doesn't matter what are your majors, if you are willing to put in an extra yard, an EE graduate can go on doing physics research, while there is no reason why a physicists can't solve problems in signal processing. Common sense tells you that you won't be "locked down" in choosing one or the other (same cannot be said of course for say visual arts vs zoology, for example) by the way, physics research is usually very different from undergraduate physics, so watch it!
  • #9
You might want to consiter seeing if their is a joint/dual major program for physics and EE at the college you plan on attending. Granted it is a lot of hard work; however, if you find as you are going along that you don't want to be a dual major anymore, many of the credits that you will have been getting will go to either of the majors you choose.

I don't know, just seems like the best of both worlds?
  • #10
ajsingh said:
I hope the people here can help me in deciding between these two subjects. Here is a bit of background information about me.
I am currently a high school senior, and will be going to college in Fall 2007. I am very interested in Physics, especially Cosmology and Astrophysics (the string theory is catching my attention now), and I would like to see myself probably as a research scientist 10 or 15 years from now.
Now, the problem is, my father is not very happy with this decision. He still thinks I am joking about seriously considering Physics as a career. He, for some reason, automatically assumes that I should be going into some type of Engineering. Its not that I don't like engineering. I have loved that subject (been making gadgets and models since I was in diapers), but I have a different deeper emotion to Physics. His argument is that engineers will definitely make much more money than physicists. I know that is correct, but I want to devote my life to something I consider worthwhile and respectable.

My question is, should I pursue something that I undoubtfully appreciate (a "passion for" I may add), or should I take my finances extra seriously and end up doing something that I may not enjoy doing a lot (I will also have the feeling that I could have studying Physics at the back of my head)

In the end its going to be me who will actually be studying one of those two subjects for the next four years (and after those also). I am aware that most universities in the US ask for a major declaration only by the end of the first year. I am also aware that two majors are also possible and many universities (at least in the ones I have applied to). Is it a good option to maybe make a final decision once I have had a flavour of both the sides (though I am sure I will end up enjoying physics even more). Is it also feasible to take both the subjects as two majors?

And how about after graduation? What type of jobs can physicists get besides research?

Please point me to some previous threads if these topics have been discussed in detail.

Thank you


Ayman, your post shows how intelligent and articulate you are, and it's apparent that you will do well whichever path you choose. However, in my experience, you are misinformed that you need to choose your path after the first year. At least in the UC system (Uniiv. of CA), the undergraduate curriculum was very similar between the various Engineering and Physics majors, and I didn't have to formally choose until my Junior year. So I'd modify Kurdt's advice just slightly and say, "Let your heart choose after two years."

I went into the UC system aimed at engineering, mostly ME with a potential EE double major. Then in my first year I found out how much I enjoyed EE versus ME, and started more leaning that way. But with every Physics class that I took, I found that Physics was really my first love, and what I did best at. And in the end (at the 2-year boundary), the decision was really hard, but I decided to pursue my BS/MSEE for financial security reasons. But Physics will always be my first and main love, and I hope to use my EE financial security position to get back to my first love at some point...

So I'd recommend that you be sure to go to a good school that has a common undergraduate technical curriculum between Engineering and Physics, and take those first two years to explore lots of options to see what you enjoy the most. I'm pretty sure that your Dad will be fine with that academic course, at least for the first two years. And you sound like a smart kid -- use those two years to help you figure out the next 5-10 years or what you want to do. Nothing is permanent at your age, but smart decisions will make things go better in the near term. -Mike-
  • #11
i am suffering from the same indecisiveness ..

thanks a bunch guys for your help..

And I have heard that if one choses to major in Physics / EE, he has to forsake his social life.. I mean they allready have so much to do, they don't get any chance to go out there and do stuff..

Is that true?
  • #12
I won't lie, you do invest a lot of time into doing all your coursework, but you should be able to find the free time to go have some fun. Just remember, college is a lot of work, but at the same time, it is important to remain human.
  • #13
If you want to do really well (by really well I mean: say better than 80% for all subjects, or make it to, say, the Dean's Honours list), you will probably have very little life while at undergrad. It is a trade off thing,.. what is well enough by your standard?

but the same cannot always be said for graduate studies, being talented is as important as working hard...
  • #14
mjsd said:
If you want to do really well (by really well I mean: say better than 80% for all subjects, or make it to, say, the Dean's Honours list), you will probably have very little life while at undergrad. It is a trade off thing,.. what is well enough by your standard?

but the same cannot always be said for graduate studies, being talented is as important as working hard...

This is not the case! If you manage your time effectively you will have plenty of time for social engagement as well as study.

The problem with most students is effective time management and not leaving work till the last minute. Yes it is hard work but it is mde worse by not doing assignments when they are assigned rather than waiting till the last minute.
  • #15
Kurdt said:
This is not the case! If you manage your time effectively you will have plenty of time for social engagement as well as study.

The problem with most students is effective time management and not leaving work till the last minute. Yes it is hard work but it is mde worse by not doing assignments when they are assigned rather than waiting till the last minute.

Of course, you also have to take into account which school/uni you go to... whether they are the top class or just average... workload can be very different! Time management is one thing, but there is only 24 hours per day and there is only so much you can do in one day... I remember when i was in high school, the top students in our year were those who actually study till 3am! mind you they ended up making to the top 20 in the state, out of more than 30,000 students in that year level. :cool:
  • #16
where i come from ( bangladesh, a country beside india) .. there it is a trend to study till 3 AM everyday.. students get that habit as they get into eighth grade and continue it till they graduate.

but there the system is very different.. I thought in USA it would be different..

apparently not.. the only difference is.. there most of the students do it, and still end up jobless.. and here some do it, and others who don't still get jobs..

anyways.. I think I REALLY want to do it.. and I once considered myself to me smart enough to study physics and EE... but the thing is , now i am having doubts because since I am kind of still trying to get into this new system.. for some reason, I think I am did not do good enough in the standerdized ACT test even though I KNOW that i know better than that.. may be because my mother tongue is not english..

but i am willing to work hard.. but working hard is something.. and having no social life and turning into a vegetable is something else ( what i was before i came here.. 6 hours everyday of schooling.. 2 hours of lab... 3-4 hours of private tutoring ( it is like a must in those third world countries.. as the classes are not enough) and then 4/5 hours of study myself... then get a 8 hour sleep and you are done..

that has been my routine since so long... I REALLY want to major in physics.. but i don't want that life again... I believe being sincere and responsible is one thing, and spending the time in books the whole time is something else... may be this is not the right place to say this, but I think that there is more to life other than just books..

so do you guys think that this will be a wise choice for me to take physics / EE as my major?
  • #17
it doesn't matter which field you are in, if you want to do well you got to put in the hard yard (ie. not just a physics/EE thing). I am a grad student in physics, that doesn't automatically means that I passed all my undergrad work in flying colors. If you are still talking about getting results at undergrad or high school level, then hard work CAN get you quite far. But once you've got to the "ultimate" ie. Research level... talent also enters. I mean that's what separate us from Einstein... now it is very difficult to judge what one's level of talent is. So, you really need to think about things that you can judge or ask others (with experience) to give you some opinions.

Indeed, life is more than just books. But if you are passionate about something you will stay up all night to do anyway (whether it is playing your Xbox or PS3)... so it is not about someone forcing you to do your homework as such, it is more of the fact that you want to stay up for a given task such that you can make it better when I was talking about some who don't have "a life" in order to do *really* well. Therefore, at the end of the day, as i mentioned before, you just have to work out WHAT IS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? Getting 75%, 80% 90%? Top of the class? of the school? of the state? of the country? of the world? :smile:
  • #18
I just wanted to expound upon what Kurdt was alluding to, regarding effective time-management and studying; I believe he means that if one schedules a daily study routine and during that routine, actually stays focused and learns a great deal of material, then you have effectively and efficently managed your time.

If you do your homework the moment it is assigned and study after you go over a chapter or section in class, it will remain fresh and your work habits will be sharp. If you constantly organize and compartmentalize information and get in the habit of going over everything in your head, studying becomes more consolidated.

Granted, everyone is different but I agree with Kurdt in saying that if you plan a course of attack and organize yourself so that you have really crisp study skills, then you should have plenty of time for other things.
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  • #19
thanks a lot..

it helped.
  • #20
I am currently doing my 2nd year A levels in chemistry, phys and F.Math. Finshd normal math in yer 1. I am undecided as to whether I should study EE or Mathematical physics.

The thing Is I have a great interest for math and applications of math but greatly dislike qualitative stuff. I hear that 1 would have to do chemistry in EE and I don't like chem because it is to qualitative, very little math i describing concepts and ideas.

So my question is How much chem would 1 have to take in EE.
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  • #21
ajsingh said:
I am very interested in Physics, especially Cosmology and Astrophysics (the string theory is catching my attention now), and I would like to see myself probably as a research scientist 10 or 15 years from now.

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm a EE and not a physics major. But, this statement of yours seems to imply that you will eventually be a University Professor in Physics. Isn't this the most likely endpoint, since it's harder to find the private sector industry doing research in this area?

If I'm correct about this, doesn't this mean that your father's argument about making less money is maybe not right. I think Physics professors do quite well compared to engineers, and I'm pretty sure your Dad will be proud of a son who's a University Professor with a PhD in physics. If this is your goal, explain it to him in detail and convince him that you are committed to this path and will succeed.
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  • #22
I think as far as research is concerned, physics is much better than Electrical Engineering. I was a student of physics but after one year i left and joined electrical engineering. Now when i compare both subjects, former had very interesting courses such as quantum mechanics, nuclear physics particle physics etc. The problem with us (people of sub continent) specially that of our country (Pakistan) is that we prefer those degrees which benefits us financially. From childhood, we are asked to become either doctor or engineer but no one has interest to study pure sciences. My advice is that if you really have interest in physics, go for it but then in future do not think about the financial advantages of studying engineering.
  • #23
When one asks a question such as in this thread, one must indicate where one intends to seek employment! This is a crucial piece of information because, let's face it, the employment opportunity for a physicist is significantly different in Bangladesh than in, say, the US! So answering a question such as this without finding out where the OP is from, or where anyone is from, is utterly pointless and may not even be relevant to the situation!

Secondly, we get question such as this very often. My response has always been, why not do BOTH! Why do you have to choose between one or the other? Besides the fact that in many schools (and this is where knowing where the person is is crucial), especially in the US, one CAN enroll in an engineering physics program. Not only that, I've even highlighted a field of study in which engineering and physics smoothly merge together:

I can point out even more fields (Detector Physics, etc.) that has the same merging between physics and engineering.

The one thing that I seriously caution anyone THIS early in one's education is to already make a decision on what one wishes to do. I will put it to you that you haven't seen much of anything yet! You still have not been fully exposed to the available fields in physics, and you still haven't realize all the fascinating topics in physics that are out there. Chances are, you are seduced by the romanticized version of what you THINK physics is (or even engineering for that matter).


FAQ: Physics or Electrical Engineering

What is the difference between Physics and Electrical Engineering?

Physics is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. It focuses on understanding the fundamental laws and principles of the physical world. On the other hand, Electrical Engineering is a specialized field of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It involves designing, developing, testing, and maintaining electrical systems, devices, and technologies.

What are the career opportunities for Physics and Electrical Engineering graduates?

Graduates with a degree in Physics or Electrical Engineering have a wide range of career opportunities. They can work in various industries, including research and development, telecommunications, power generation, electronics, and more. They can also pursue careers in academia, government agencies, and consulting firms.

Is a strong background in Mathematics necessary for studying Physics or Electrical Engineering?

Yes, a strong foundation in Mathematics is essential for studying Physics or Electrical Engineering. These fields involve complex mathematical calculations and concepts, and a good understanding of Mathematics is necessary for solving problems and developing theories.

What are the key skills needed to excel in Physics or Electrical Engineering?

To excel in Physics or Electrical Engineering, one needs to have a strong analytical mind, problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and a passion for learning. Additionally, good communication and teamwork skills are also crucial for working on complex projects and collaborating with others.

What are some current advancements in the fields of Physics and Electrical Engineering?

There are many exciting advancements happening in the fields of Physics and Electrical Engineering. Some notable ones include the development of renewable energy technologies, advancements in quantum computing, and the use of artificial intelligence in designing and optimizing electrical systems. In Physics, there have been breakthroughs in understanding dark matter and dark energy, as well as advancements in the field of nanotechnology.

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