Searching for "Perihelium Precession Problem" Derivation in General Relativity

In summary, the "perihelium precession problem" in General Relativity can be solved using elliptic functions.
  • #1
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Well, I'm searching for a rigorous derivation of the famous "perihelium precession problem in General Relativity".

Did anyone do it...?

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  • #2
What do you mean rigorous. Lillian Lieber did it in her little book "Einstein's Theory of Relativity" by deriving the Schwartzschild metric with the usual conditions of isotropy and zero fields at infinity, and then getting the approximate potential for Mercury from that and doing the math. Is that rigorous enough for you?
  • #3
Try Weinberg "Gravitation and Cosmology" pages 188 - 194.

  • #4
Goldstein works this out in the section on time independent pertubation theory in "Classical Mechanics", though he doesn't give the details of how to get the Hamiltonian (which is presented without proof). See pg 510-511.

MTW's "Gravitation" doesn't give a complete derivation, it leaves it as an exercise (suggesting a few tricks and giving the correct answer) so you'll be better off with one of the other recommendations.
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  • #5
I don't have Weinberg's text. The question i have for you is: does this derivation use elliptic functions ? If not, it's not what I'm looking for...

  • #7
It's fairly easy and straightforwards to work out that the full relativistic treatment of the Schwarzschild orbit involves only replacing coordinate time with proper time, the r coordinate with the Schwarzschild coordinate by the same name (r), and adding an extra term to the Hamiltonian, proportional to 1/r^3.

I.e. letting L be angular momentum, and E be energy, and setting G=c=1 for simplicity (geometric units), we get

Newtonian theory

(\frac{dr}{dt} )^2 = E + \frac{2M}{r} - \frac{L^2}{r^2}
\frac{d\phi}{dt} = \frac{L}{r^2}

Relativistic theory
( \frac{dr}{d\tau} )^2 = (E^2 -1) + \frac{2M}{r} - \frac{L^2}{r^2} + \frac{2ML^2}{r^3}
\frac{d\phi}{d\tau} = \frac{L}{r^2}

The defintion of energy differs between the two, but in both cases E represents the constant energy energy of an orbiting body, and L represents its constant angular momentum.

Assuming that the 1/r^3 potential term is small allows one to use pertubation methods to find the perihelion shift - this is the part of the job that Goldstein does (pg 511).

There's no real need for elliptic functions with this approach.
  • #8
Surely there is (need for elliptic functions), as long as this problem does have an exact solution. There's no need for perturbation theory when the problem does have an exact solution. I've done some research and found it. There's no reserve upon the validity of the results presented in the attached document.



  • Perihelion.pdf
    135.9 KB · Views: 254
  • #9
pervect said:
It's fairly easy and straightforwards to work out that the full relativistic treatment of the Schwarzschild orbit involves only replacing coordinate time with proper time, the r coordinate with the Schwarzschild coordinate by the same name (r), and adding an extra term to the Hamiltonian, proportional to 1/r^3

There's no real need for elliptic functions with this approach.
dextercioby asked for a rigorous approach, pervect I think you'll find that to justify the procedure you outlined rigorously you do need elliptic functions.

And yes dextercioby, Weinberg does use elliptic functions.

  • #10
Does "rigorous" mean "no approximations"? If so, Goldstein's approach won't be suitable, it assumes the pertubation Hamitonian is small.

But if you're willing to accept approximations (which is certainly apropriate for the specific case of Mercury), the intergals become simpler.
  • #11
Sometimes, we have to accept perturbations (approximations) as the only viable solution, but in this case rigurous= exact solution.


FAQ: Searching for "Perihelium Precession Problem" Derivation in General Relativity

1. What is the Perihelium Precession Problem?

The Perihelium Precession Problem is a phenomenon observed in the orbit of Mercury around the Sun. It refers to the slight shift in the point at which Mercury is closest to the Sun (perihelion) every time it completes an orbit. This shift cannot be fully explained by classical mechanics and was one of the first pieces of evidence that led to the development of the theory of General Relativity.

2. How is General Relativity related to the Perihelium Precession Problem?

General Relativity is a theory of gravity that was developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. It is used to explain the behavior of objects in the presence of strong gravitational fields, such as the Sun. General Relativity predicts that the curvature of space-time around massive objects, like the Sun, can cause the orbit of a smaller object, like Mercury, to deviate from what is expected in classical mechanics. This deviation is what causes the Perihelium Precession Problem.

3. What is the derivation of the Perihelium Precession Problem in General Relativity?

The derivation of the Perihelium Precession Problem in General Relativity is a complex mathematical process that involves the use of Einstein's field equations and the Schwarzschild metric. The equations are used to calculate the curvature of space-time around the Sun, and the resulting effects on the orbit of Mercury are then calculated. The final result is an equation that predicts the amount of precession that should occur in Mercury's orbit due to the curvature of space-time.

4. Has the Perihelium Precession Problem been observed in other planetary orbits?

Yes, the Perihelium Precession Problem has been observed in the orbit of other planets, such as Venus and Earth. However, the magnitude of the precession is much smaller for these planets compared to Mercury, making it more difficult to detect. This further supports the validity of General Relativity as a theory of gravity.

5. Is the Perihelium Precession Problem still considered a mystery?

No, the Perihelium Precession Problem is no longer considered a mystery. The predictions made by General Relativity have been confirmed by numerous experiments and observations, including the Perihelium Precession Problem. This problem was one of the first pieces of evidence that led to the acceptance of General Relativity as the most accurate theory of gravity we have today.
