Proof: Group Action GxX -> X |X|=|X^G|modp

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of |X|≡|X^G|modp, where G is a finite group of order p^n and X is a finite set on which G acts. It is proven by asserting that the set of orbit representatives can be arranged in a way where fixed points precede non-fixed points. The class equation, which states that X is the disjoint union of its orbits, is used to show that the order of a stability subgroup must be a power of a prime, which leads to the conclusion that |X|≡|X^G|modp.
  • #1
G is a finite group, |G| =p^n, p prime
*:GxX -> X is group action. X is a finite set,

I am required to prove the following [tex] |X|\equiv |X^G|modp [/tex]

Now we start by asserting that [tex] x_1, x_2, ...,x_m [/tex]
is the set of m orbit representatives. That orbit x [tex] <x_i> = {x_i} \\
iff x_i [/tex] is a fixed point.

we arrange the x_i's so that fixed points precede the non-fixed points.

[tex] {x_1,x_2,...x_a}, |X^G|=a, x_a+1,...x_m [/tex] are the remaining orbit reps.

numerical form of class eqn says
|X| = \sum_{i=1}^a \frac{|G|}{|G_x_i|} + \sum_{i=a+1}^m \frac{|G|}{|G_X_i}

since [tex] x_1, x_2,...,x_a fixed G_x_i = G [/tex] for 1<=i<=a

|G|/|G_x_i| =1 for 1<=i<=a
|X| = a+ \sum_{i=a+1}^m \frac{|G|}{|G_X_i}
for i=a+1,...,m

[tex] x_i not fixed, G_x_i not equal G [/tex]

but [tex] |G| = p^n so |G_x_i| = p^e_i [/tex]

where e_i < n :confused: but where does this fact come from?? I don't see how it follows that order of the stability subgroup must be a power of a prime??
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you know what the class equation is?

It follows directly from that.

To be honest, I can't be bothered to work through your post's latex. The pricinple is easy: X is the disjoint union of the orbits. Orbits have size dividing p^n, i.e. 1,p,p^2,..,p^n. X^G is precisely the set of orbits of size 1.

As to your last question. A stab subgroup is a subgroup of G, and G has order p^n. And the order of a subgroup divides the order of the group.
  • #3
ta, the last bit was what I was looking for

FAQ: Proof: Group Action GxX -> X |X|=|X^G|modp

1. What is group action in the context of this proof?

Group action is a mathematical concept where a group acts on a set, resulting in a transformation of the set. In this proof, the group G acts on the set X, resulting in a transformation of X.

2. What does the notation |X| represent in this proof?

The notation |X| represents the cardinality or the number of elements in the set X.

3. What is the significance of |X^G|modp in this proof?

|X^G|modp represents the number of fixed points in the set X under the group action of G. It is significant because it helps to establish the relationship between the number of elements in the set X and the number of fixed points under group action.

4. How does this proof relate to group theory?

This proof uses concepts from group theory, such as group action and fixed points, to show a relationship between the elements of a set and the number of fixed points under group action. It also uses modular arithmetic, which is commonly used in group theory.

5. Can you provide an example of a group action and how it would apply to this proof?

One example of a group action in this context could be a group of rotations acting on a set of points in a plane. Each rotation would result in a different transformation of the set, and the number of fixed points under these rotations would be represented by |X^G|modp.

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