What Causes the Attraction and Repulsion of Current-Carrying Wires?

In summary, the speed of electrons in a wire, along with the Coulomb attraction, explain why two wires carrying current in the same direction attract each other and two wires carrying current in the opposite direction repel each other. However, this explanation does not hold true in the laboratory frame of reference, where the electrons appear to shrink in size and create a net negative charge per unit length in the wire. This leads to both wires having a net negative charge and repelling each other, regardless of the direction of the current. This explanation is incorrect, as there is no Coulomb force for currents in wires.
  • #1
Hi All,

I understand that the the speed of electrons in a wire along with the coulomb attraction accounts for the attraction of two wires carrying current in the same direction and the repulsion of two wires carrying current in the opposite direction; however, I'm having trouble visualizing this.

If I am in the laboratory frame of reference, the electrons are moving with respect to me and the atoms with their positive charges are still. Now the electrons will shrink in size and be compressed into a smaller length giving the wire a net negative charge per unit length. Since both wires are carrying the same current and behave the same relative to me, both wires will have a net negative charge and both will repel each other. This is obviously independent of which direction the currents are going.

Now this is obviously wrong but I don't know why! Please tell me.

Thank you,
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
For two beams of equal-charge particles (electrons) moving in the same direction, the Coulomb forces between the two beams repels the particles in the other beam. The Lorentz v x B force between the two beams attract. These two opposing forces are equal at very relativistic velocities. For currents in wires, there is no Coulomb force.

Bob S
  • #4
I understand that the the speed of electrons

You're aware the "drift velocity" of electrons pretty slow, right?? nothing like an electromagnetic wave in free space...

try "electron mobility" and/or "electron drift velocity" in wikipedia for some understandable discussion.

FAQ: What Causes the Attraction and Repulsion of Current-Carrying Wires?

1. What is the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, is a fundamental concept in physics that explains the relationship between space and time. It states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. There are two main theories of relativity: special relativity and general relativity.

2. How does relativity affect our understanding of time and space?

According to the theory of relativity, time and space are not absolute, but rather are relative and dependent on the observer's frame of reference. This means that time and space can appear different to different observers depending on their relative motion. The theory also predicts that time can slow down or speed up depending on the strength of gravity, which has been confirmed by experiments.

3. What is the connection between relativity and magnetism?

Einstein's theory of special relativity and Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism are closely related. Special relativity predicts that moving electric charges will produce a magnetic field, and moving magnets will produce an electric field. This led to the unification of electricity and magnetism into the theory of electromagnetism.

4. How does relativity explain the phenomenon of time dilation?

Time dilation is a consequence of special relativity, which states that time appears to pass slower for objects moving at high speeds. This is because as an object's speed approaches the speed of light, time for that object appears to slow down in relation to an observer at rest. This has been confirmed by experiments, such as the famous Hafele-Keating experiment.

5. How has relativity influenced modern technology?

The theory of relativity has had a major impact on many modern technologies, including GPS navigation, nuclear power, and particle accelerators. GPS satellites, for example, have to account for time dilation effects in order to accurately determine the position of an object on Earth's surface. Nuclear power plants also use the principles of relativity to produce energy, and particle accelerators rely on special relativity to accelerate particles to high speeds for scientific research.
