Proving Psychic Powers: My Specific Prediction

In summary, Cosmo16 claims that she has psychic powers, and has seen the future in her dreams. She has also predicted the deaths of people around her. However, her claims are unsubstantiated and her claims do not have any scientific evidence to support them. The thread may be closed in the future due to these unproven claims.
  • #1
:smile: I will prove that I have pyshic powers. :smile:
What do you think it would take to prove that such a thing exists?
scientific proof. Post some specific predictions and we'll see if they pan out.

My Specific prediction:Any thread in which someone claims that they are pyschic and posts their un specific prediction(which exempts me) will be closed by 20 posts :-p :-p
Physics news on
  • #2
It would be worth it to me to hold out to post #21 before I shut this circus down. :biggrin:
  • #3
even if true controllable pisonics existed- post nano-technology will make such notions obsolete by mid-century- which should have the utility to virtually be "digitally controlled psi" if you want to look at it that way- the same sort of obsolecence will obtain for Nirvakalpa Samadhi
  • #4
And yet... weird things happen that are totally unexplained! I don't claim to have any paranormal powers or anything, but you actually expect humans to be able to fully explain everything within the forseeably future? I personally believe their will always be something we don't understand etc. and thus will give rise to people claiming they have special powers. (which they *might* because we will never explain *everything*)
  • #5
OK, You guys I am going to post somthing that seems weird. I'm not going to try to sway you either way, I'm just going to state the facts.

The facts are is I am just about 100% sure that I have seen the future in dreams. It never was anything big, just simple stuff that eventually came to pass. I didn't know when I woke up that this was going to happen, so I'm not going to call myself psysic or anything.

Also, since I do not just accept things very eaisly, I will admit that these dreams might just be close enough to the truth for me to believe I saw the future.

So, what do you guys think.
  • #6
Cosmo16 said:
It never was anything big, just simple stuff that eventually came to pass.

Note the "eventually"

Dreams are about the past, and the futur is also about the past...
  • #7
Isnt that called moulin rouge, sometin like that, but how can the future about the past, I don't undertstand that statement.
  • #8
Lol okay my turn :)

Cosmo16... Your dreams about the future, sadly I'm there with you.

Call me crazy do whatever but it's what I know.

I have death dreams about people around me. If it's a close family member it will be 2 years before they die. If it's some one at school 2 days before. It depends on the person and I have verbally told a very close friend to watch and see how many days my dreams and the actual events happened and sadly they happen. One hasn't happened which is my own death but I was in a car accident with a semi truck and the wall on 75 the car was basically in half and 2 years from my dream. My sister survived with little damage and I got a bloody mouth. that is it. I also see shadows and hear voices but most people think that it is crazy and I have no proof of that unless some how you can be me for a day which isn't possible.

So yeah that's what I got that's "scientific" and can be proven over and over again. I wish I could contribute more for you all.
  • #9
I predict that this thread will be locked in the future.

FAQ: Proving Psychic Powers: My Specific Prediction

1. Can psychic powers be scientifically proven?

While there is no concrete scientific evidence that proves the existence of psychic powers, there have been numerous studies and experiments conducted in an attempt to understand and validate psychic abilities. The results of these studies have been inconclusive, and the topic remains highly debated in the scientific community.

2. What is the best method for proving psychic powers?

There is no one definitive method for proving the existence of psychic powers. Each individual psychic may have their own unique abilities and methods for demonstrating them. Some common methods used to test psychic powers include telepathy experiments, remote viewing, and predicting future events.

3. Are there any famous examples of psychics accurately predicting specific events?

There have been numerous claims of psychics accurately predicting specific events, but most of these have not been scientifically verified. One famous example is the psychic Edgar Cayce, who is said to have accurately predicted the stock market crash of 1929.

4. How can we determine if a specific prediction made by a psychic is genuine?

There is no foolproof way to determine the authenticity of a specific prediction made by a psychic. However, some factors that may contribute to the credibility of a prediction include the psychic's track record of accuracy, the specific details and specificity of the prediction, and any corroborating evidence.

5. Is there a difference between psychic powers and intuition?

The terms "psychic powers" and "intuition" are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. Psychic powers refer to the ability to gather information through non-physical means, while intuition is a natural instinct or feeling that allows one to understand or perceive something without conscious reasoning.

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