OOoLatex: Installing LaTeX in Open Office

  • LaTeX
  • Thread starter Briggs
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In summary, the OOoLatex Extension for Open Office allows for the installation of LaTeX in Open Office through the Extension Manager. Dependencies such as MikText, Ghostscript, and MinSYS are needed for the extension to work. Once installed, a new toolbar will appear in the Open Office window, allowing for the input of LaTeX equations which can then be exported to PDF. Despite some potential errors and the option to simply write and compile a separate LaTeX document, this extension can be useful for those working with uninformed collaborators who may not be familiar with LaTeX.
  • #1
OOoLatex Extension for Open Office

The extension can be installed in Open Office by way of Tools -> Extension Manager -> Add. You will also need the following dependencies to carry out the behind the scenes LaTeX makery.


It is probably best to install all the programs to one directory and set up the paths in the extension as follows


Once installed and configured there will be a new toolbar in the top left of the Open Office window. Press equation and input your LaTeX - there are a few options you can play about with if desired - when you're done hit Latex and some magic stuff will happen



Don't worry: it will look nice and smooth when exported to pdf.
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  • #2
But, why? It's a lot easier, and looks a lot better, if you just write and compile a latex document?!
  • #3
This was something I found helpful and thought others might want to know. I'm new to the whole LaTeX thing so I apologise if the topic is redundant.
  • #4
I tried it but got an error that said BASIC runtime errroe. Any suggestion?

I had a problem configuring ghostscript
  • #5
I am getting the same problem too.

"Basic runtime error. File not found"

The code "Shell(sShellCommand, 4, sShellArg, true)" is highlighted.

Any solution to this problem? I already have configured the 3 programs mentioned above.
  • #6
It's a nice extension --- occasionally have to work with OO (or those other office suite) documents and now at least the equations look decent. No redundancy there. A typical case when have to collaborate with uninformed people :wink: .

FAQ: OOoLatex: Installing LaTeX in Open Office

1. What is OOoLatex?

OOoLatex is a free and open-source extension for Open Office that allows users to insert equations and mathematical symbols written in LaTeX into their documents.

2. How do I install LaTeX in Open Office using OOoLatex?

To install LaTeX in Open Office using OOoLatex, first download the OOoLatex extension from the Open Office extensions website. Then, open Open Office and go to Tools > Extension Manager. Click on "Add" and select the OOoLatex extension file. After installation, restart Open Office and the extension should be available for use.

3. Do I need to have LaTeX already installed on my computer to use OOoLatex?

Yes, you will need to have LaTeX installed on your computer in order to use OOoLatex. OOoLatex acts as a bridge between Open Office and LaTeX, but it does not include the LaTeX software itself.

4. Can I use OOoLatex with any version of Open Office?

No, OOoLatex is currently only compatible with the Windows version of Open Office. It is not compatible with the Mac or Linux versions.

5. Are there any limitations to using OOoLatex?

OOoLatex has some limitations, such as not being able to display some advanced formatting options, and not being able to convert equations into images for use in non-LaTeX documents. However, it is a useful tool for basic LaTeX equations and symbols in Open Office documents.
